Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Photo property of exclusivefilms.com
Robert Hendrickson


  1. This pic's hard to caption (likely why no one's tried to date, but it cries out in it's solemnity for an cap; alrighty then - let's get it started again.)

    Davis - eyes enfeebled time spent in the sewers 'neath the City of the Angels. Alvin Lee/10 Years After? Imagine the toll on Bruce nigh on 40 years aft... we're talkin' Dirty Harry squinty.

    Meanwhile back at 'Dirty Looks and Veiled Threats Central' i.e., call Sandy for a Good time: looking bit nonplus, i.e., impatient waiting for Los Angeles to "burn to the ground."

  2. this picture looks like it was taken while hendrickson was making his film i recognize davis' shirt and haircut from that time.

  3. The only difference twixt Paul Watkins and Sandra was Watkin's mustache. I swaer I thought that was Sandra Good.

  4. I have seen this video with them riding in the truck may have been from INSIDE the MANSON GANG and it is Sandy :)

  5. it is bruce and sandy. this i know because Robert Hendrickson got pissed at me for not crediting where i got the pic. i found it online somewhere but not on his site.
