Monday, November 22, 2010

Manson Family member, Catherine “Gypsy” Share in Los Angeles. Share today muses how she might have been a lawyer or journalist had she never met Manson.                                              This undated image provided by Catherine Share shows former Manson Family member, Catherine Share at Spahn Ranch, Calif. Share muses how she might have been a lawyer or journalist had she never met Manson.

Do you think we will ever get to read "She Was A Gypsy Woman"?  As far back as 2000 the book was complete.
This girl could tell us quite a tale or two.  In the small amount of interviews she has done, she does offer us some new insight, but not much.  Does she know Nelson is dead and it is safe to come out of hiding, again? 


  1. No. I think she married a rich guy and doesn't need money. Smart lady. What is a Jew to do?

  2. It would be interesting to read alot of these Gypsy hAters think she makes a ton of money of her interviews I mean really I doubt she gets much for some tv interview nor does B hoyt

  3. Great Pictures!

    Gypsy would have a few very interesting things to say, and is usually interesting to listen to, although you have to consider sometimes if it is the truth...

  4. Her book will be nothing about blaming everything on Manson-- blaming her days with Como on Manson (she does say HE ordered them to be married, yeah OK) and what about ripping off people for 200 grand with credit cards in the late 70's and early 80's? She's no more credible than Bugliosi as far as I am concerned.

  5. when i was younger i was very criminal minded, and let me say that credit card scam was genius. until you get caught.

  6. Gypsy had all the brains. Obvious. Everyone paled in comparison to her intellect. Why she wasted it on being with those people, who knows? Very smart woman. Interesting background.

  7. Anonymous- I agree with everything you are saying- she did have somewhat of a head on her shoulders, and a very interesting background as well- but not sure what to believe and that is why listening to her is so frustrating.

    I grew up in Princeton New Jersey, and it would surprise a lot of people to know how many very serious scumbags come from good backgrounds, and have above average intelligence. Also how many very smart and well to do girls get involved with so many guys from " the wrong side of the tracks"... Who knows what drwas them into groups and people like that? The rebellion? the excitement? the curiosity?

    Its been going on as long as there have been teenagers....

  8. I agree with what you're saying St. Circumstance in regards to people coming from good backgrounds who end up doing bad. We have to remember the time period (1960's) too when it came to people getting drawn to a certain type of environment. Like Leslie said in an interview once on her initially meeting the family, "They lived that type of acid reality that everyone was looking for."

  9. Absolutely- timing had everything to do with it. It was a perfect storm of the coming of age feelings teenagers naturally have- meshing with a unique point in time where decades old boundaries were lifted. Young people were free to start doing things that were considered to far over the line before- so it was the right time for normally conservative people to come out of there shells, and the perfect time for people who were already a little whacked out - to go completely berserk...

    I think the dynamic of the M family was an eventual settling in together of both types of people- all with the similar interests in drugs, music, and sex.

    I am just not completely sure which group I would put Gypsy in with lol...

  10. I found that interesting, although the middle initial is different. Especially the French part.

  11. I found this:
    If you scroll down a little there's a picture. It doesn't look like her.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I wonder what Manson thought of "Charity Shayne" having a record out.
