Friday, January 14, 2011

Aerial shot of the La Bianca home post murders. Notice Leno's speed boat still parked in the road.


  1. Leslie Van Houten has got to be thinking, if I had never walked down that driveway I wouldn't have had to spend 41 years in this goddamnned prison. ( a what was I thinking moment )

  2. Tom I get the feeling from watching interviews and videos from that time that Leslie lacked the ability to reason and think on her own at all until several years after the murders. Charlie didn't go to her she went to Charlie asking to be a part of the murders in order to support and satiate her fanatical desire to subjugate herself, fit in and please others. Her participation was the most senseless of all the ones who were there that night at the Labiana's. She needlessly sought out her fate. I think you're right about her regrets because she seems to be the one most affected by incarceration at her parole hearings of all the ones convicted.

  3. The most revealing insight into her psyche is the short story she wrote entititled Ima Fibbon. There she expresses amusement about the rigors of prison life and the folly of the legal system, as well as solidarity with her fellow inmates. She is not a dangerous person and really never was. But she is missing a few screws, falls in with bad people and is eager to please. Not a good case to make parole for, unfortunately.

  4. I too used to think she was the naive one who got lured in ...

    But LULU was into trouble and some wild, kinky stuff way before she met Manson- and she was young when she met Manson lol

    Her remorse does seem the most genuine- but she always gloated in the early going- like in ima fibbon- she thought the whole thing was a joke... She used to use Matrix's to predict when she was getting out. Until the last 5 years or so- I really don't believe she ever thought she wouldn't get out someday....

    And although she comes across as a totally different person in prison- she got romantically involved with def one person, and from what I am hearing lately - maybe a second person while inside- who are totally nuts...

    Hard one to figure out- LULU

  5. St. Circumstance said...Her remorse does seem the most genuine

    Actually I think her remorse is all about her not about anyone else. Susan and Tex seem(ed) very much the same.

    It's actually Pat Krenwinkle who seems the most remorseful to me. JMHO

  6. I used to think that too until Pat said the one she hurt the most was herself...

    Of course- the case with all of them is that they are mostly sorry for wasting there own lives...

    But LULU/Pat/Bobby are the only ones who didnt basically say- " well it is o.k. god forgives us"

    Bobby mostly sounds like he feels like he is being screwed...

    Pat said she mostly hurt herself..

    That laves LULU- winner by default lol

    But your right- they all pity themselves most of all...

  7. Didn't they sit in those bushes behind the house after the murders and waited for daybreak? I wondered what they talked about. Then they hitchhiked back to Spahn Ranch, even stopping for breakfast. Who is the dude that picked them up hitchhiking, and his story ever been told?

  8. Leslie also tells parole boards that she wasn't under the influence of drugs the night of the murders. This puzzles me, because I've read where Manson said that they were all tripping that night. BLAME THE DRUGS! Nobody does this sort of thing with a sober mind. Why would she say things like this?

  9. Tom- just like Tex and Sadie with the speed.. yes we were on it, no we were not.

  10. Tom- i do recall something like that. as far as that person who gave them a ride, didn't Leslie say she got dropped off close to the ranch but not right there. and the guy they got the ride from came back looking for her, so she hid under some blankets until he left? then counted the change she stole from Leno and burned her clothes and RoseMary's dress she was wearing as well as the left over rope?

  11. you know what burns my ass? how Leslie, Pat, Susan and Tex have continued educating themselves, earning degrees and such, for what?
    to school their cell mates??
    how handy is that in prison, especially when there is a slim to none chance you may get out?

    i would love a FREE ride to continue my education to better myself. to be able to get a much better paying job to support myself and my family.

    but no, lets give it to the prisoners that will most likely never leave prison outside of a pine box. waste of taxpayers money. waste of a teacher. waste of f*cking time i say.

    whats the best deal i could get?
    i have shit credit.
    thousands of dollars in school loans? if someone will actually give me a loan? give me the free degree, i promise i will use it!!!
    and pay back the loans. im sure they dont have student loans to pay back for their useless education.

    i know they want them to better themselves in prison but wtf???
