Saturday, January 8, 2011

Those were the days


  1. looks like the far end of spahn

  2. Ya know-

    I went and checked the ATWA Manson Direct site, as I do from time to time, and There was a book review of the New Marlin book by " Star" -

    Now I know almost nothing about this girl- and understand her life choices even less...

    But it was a very dead on review in my opinion. She sounds very grounded, and really made sense of the book for me in a way I had not thought of before reading her review....

    This picture looks like the type of place that she might live in with the old dude....

    I feel like someone should kidnap her and clean her up- force her to eat some real food, and watch a marathon on bravo of the Kardashians :) lol

    OK - maybe not the Kardashians- she really would run to the desert...

    On second thought- if that is what you have to look forward to in this country if you are a young woman and have money and fame ...

    Maybe Star is on to something???

    Or maybe she could find a happy medium....

    Some would tell me she is happy the way she is- and maybe. But I wonder if she knows any other way???

  3. I read that review too. She's a little defensive about CM. That's ok. I viewed the book from the beginning pages as Marynick's "experience" of becoming acquainted with Charlie, not as an attempt to portray "the real Charlie" per se. In the process he did indeed offer insights into his personality, which is something you don't get in the media for sure.

    The characters he wrote about had loose ties to CM, I didn't view them as being experts on the topic. They were there just to add insight. I didn't necessarily believe what they said.

    Star is a bright, articulate person. If she writes a book, I'll read that one too.

  4. I think she comes across better than I was giving her credit for....

  5. She does come across as such- so help me out with something...

    Why would a bright articulate girl live in the woods with a guy who could be her grandpa?

    Why is her role model a 70 year old convicted felon?

    Why would she defend a man who she knows raped and took advantage of girls who look ALOT like her??

    Why would she dedicate her life to serving a master she has never met outside of a confined space??

    Has no one in her life ever sat her down and explained to her what she is doing, and who she is doing it with???

    Does she understand her best friend took girls just like her and used them up and spit them out ? That he forced sex on them? that he put them up to stealing and worse???? That he lied to them, and physically hurt them??

    But that is O.K. because he loves Trees?????

    Star may have some serious issues with her personality, and she will never get any help where she is now. In ten years when Charlie and Greywolf are gone the aura around this case will eventually start to fade. What you will be left with is a middle aged woman who wanders around quoting a dead ex con from the 60's. She will look beyond pathetic, and as bright and articulate as she might be- nobody will ever take her seriously. There might be some small niche to be Charlies close confidant while he is alive- but how much will it matter when he is not?

    Star is going to wake up one day and ,just like a few pretty brunettes before her, realize she wasted her best years on an older conniving user. She is going to mature into a person who will want to have a life, and will have to scramble to make up for lost time wasted on this over-hyped looser.

    There should have been at least one person in her life who could have - at least- tried to make her understand this.... Don't know what her parents story is- but shame on anyone who cares so little that they could let something like this happen...

    My heart breaks for her in many ways....

  6. Home sweet home! This should be made into a retirement community.

  7. Well- just read something someone sent me about Star- and maybe I spoke too soon...

    Sometimes I think I would have made a pretty shitty hippie:)
