Friday, April 15, 2011

nancy davis??

Could this be the same Nancy Davis we had posted about some time ago?   She was a sketch artist at the trials.

i forgot who gave me this info


  1. I think that Nancy Davis sat on the corner with the girls. She was very visable back then but I don't think it helped or hurt her art biz. Other than Bug and Curt Gentry I don't think anyone made money off the trials.

  2. It says she came to CA in 1975. That would mean she came to CA a few years after the trials.

  3. Theres a youtube of nancy davis on the streetcorner sitting with squeaky and sandra which dates her as being in LA prior to 75. She was also fotoed at manson's trials of either the hinman or tate murder. Both these were both prior to 75. If that woman in todays thread wasnt in LA until 75 then there are two nancy davis'.

  4. she could have visited earlier or just covering up her past involvements like Larry Giddenings did.

  5. I know of two Nancy Davis' myself.
