Friday, April 15, 2011

"Death To Pigs"

Death To Pigs by Robert Hendrickson
The first shipment of Robert Hendrickson's new Manson book titled "Death To Pigs" has arrived from the printer.  Watch his site for purchasing information.

photo/book property of exclusive films network.  borrowed for marketing purposes only.


  1. Who will be giving us a review of this book? Stacey, and Matt have proven track records at this...

    Cant wait to hear, and I will read this myself next week...

  2. does anyone know how many pages are in the book? How is it different from all the others, not a very good description on Robert's site.

  3. Tony said...
    does anyone know how many pages are in the book? How is it different from all the others, not a very good description on Robert's site

    from another post here under "books/hendrickson"
    it says hendrickson's book is over 570 pages with over 100 photos.

  4. St said:

    Who will be giving us a review of this book? Stacey, and Matt have proven track records at this...

    Ummm...I've got 4 kids....the last book I read(besides Helter Skelter) was written by Dr. Suess...I'm better with pics, they don't usually take so long for me to get. :-)

  5. whatever Hendrickson's commentary he did capture footage of the Spahn scene and the girls vigil...and barker and beyond

  6. Stacey didn't you do that great review of Laurel Canyon?

  7. ...Patty did it. It was her very first contribution here. :)

  8. Sorry Patty for the mistake- it was EXCELLENT

  9. 99 bucks 'each"????? No way!!!
