Monday, May 2, 2011

most likely to carry Bobby's child.

Kitty's High School Year Book Photo
1969 (?)


  1. Was Kitty the only one Liz? Matt, I tend to agree with you on that one. Sorry Liz.

  2. I'm struck by the haircuts - 1969, California, yet all the boys have relatively shorter hair - not even an single Beatles mop top!

    Moreso, 'Sears back to school look for fall' (not to be confused that 'ragpicker deluxe' fashion statement fall '69 some embraced.)

    It's usually the case when looking at photos (more so b&w) from years ago that the people appear 'older' than their actual age... not here.

    I remember my HS graduation pic back in **** (at 18, I actually looked about 13, thanks to mom for that jagged bangs home hair cut look courtesy the Oster shears - didn't cost a dime - and looked it.)

    And the girls: two middle parts the classic 'hippie girl' look, the others more mid 60's coiffe.

    Oh what'd I'd give to go back there, stay forever...


  3. catherine kitty tipped off the fuzz she left and snitched on sadie involvement to save bobby so why kitty sat there in temnple and broadway when she was the true snitch who knows kitty sat on temple and 5th shaved her head mother mary said in court bobby did it and boobby said charlie done in hinman kitty really eve left bobby she marry a goucher

  4. Ken619 said...
    Was Kitty the only one Liz?

    nope. at least 2 more.
    i have accepted it. lol

  5. Liz,
    Could you get me the phone number for J. Lynch #1.

  6. Bobby knocked up several of them. No question...

  7. Yep 1900, those Sears back to school clothes were murder. During puberty I had to put my foot down on the toughskins. That was too much to take if you wanted to be cool.

  8. candy, you are almost un-understandable...

  9. Candy,

    If I understand correctly, you're asking why Kitty ran away from the family in fear of her life and gave evidence to the prosecution but, returned to sit with the girls on the street corner.

    I thought she was sitting there to show that she wanted to get Bobby out of jail as did all the other girls. I guess the ones she was afraid of were locked up at the time.

  10. orwhut said...
    Could you get me the phone number for J. Lynch #1.

    lol next time i talk to kitty i will ask her if she knows the #.
    ; )

  11. Thanks Liz. It's OK if you can't, though. If she tanned that much very often she probably looks like an alligator now.
