Monday, December 12, 2011

Catherine Gillies

Cappy continues to speak with Charlie frequently on the phone. We know this 100% to be true.

We don't know for certain if she speaks with any of the other former Family members.


  1. there is at least one Family member who still talks with Manson. Btw Eviliz,that info on a supposed former university residence of Tex's that I sent you, were you able to get it confirmed?

  2. this is a tastey morsal, Matt. Was Cappy ever convicted of anything? What would prohibit her from visiting Manson as Star and others do?
    It still is beyond disturbing that she professes regret that she wasn't chosen to go out on the nights of 8/8 and 8/9.
    A conversation today between Cappy and Pat would be interesting.

  3. So, what exactly do they talk about?

  4. Leary,

    In California, if you have been convicted of a felony, regardless of the type, you are precluded from visiting anyone in prison.

  5. I would love to be a fly on the wall during that conversation! I wonder how her family feels about her still talking to Manson?

  6. I agree with you Leary, that conversion would be good too. I don't think Pat would go for it, but ya never know. It does get pretty lonely in the clink after 40+ years!

  7. candy and nuts said...
    does she visit him also?

  8. She did not age as well as the others.
    Sorry Cappy.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. She has the look of every mother who has just disappointed the kids by saying, "we have ice cream at home."

  11. starship...what do any old friends talk about...the changes, the memories, the regrets, their divirging perspectives etc etc.

    thnaks Dilligaf, I suspected that, but was uncertain if Cappy had in fact been convicted of a felony.

    And now I see the fabulous Liz verifies that Cappy does visit. Interesting. I've always wondered why Charlie didn't marry one of the girls so he could have conjugal visits as Tex and Bobby have done. Musn't have been that important to him.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. leary I read in Taming of the Beast charlie said he married Red in a dark cell I think ( Im guessing) Charlie maybefelt he married Red however as we know she was never allowed to visit him and Charlie seems quite true to his convictions maybe he never married anyone just for that purpose because he stood with his own truth and didnt do some fake marriage if so good for him seems like alot of prisoners from what Ive read/ seen marry just for that purpose

  14. Cappy seemed to be loyal always so its not a suprise she still talks visits Charlie I dont think she ever left the desert area and Ive read her and Red and BLue still connected and met up after Charlie went to prison-at least Cappy stood by her convictions and didnt sway and leave her friends like many of the other family members seems to have done

  15. leary7 said...
    I've always wondered why Charlie didn't marry one of the girls so he could have conjugal visits as Tex and Bobby have done. Musn't have been that important to him.

    Mrs. Tate made sure conjugal visits are not allowed any more.
    Can't blame the woman. Tex slaughtered her child and grand child but he can reproduce?

  16. wellthat rule wont really apply To Charlie he already had children...

  17. Great post! I'm assuming she's the only original Family member still in contact with Charlie?

  18. When you think of that pretty frolicking girl shown in Hendrickson's IMG and then this, it's enough to make you sick. They should have dropped the bastard down the vertical mine shaft.

  19. Good example of why you should "Just say No".

    Or wait till retirement before you move to the desert.

    She was cute.

  20. louis365 said... there is at least one Family member who still talks with Manson. Btw Eviliz,that info on a supposed former university residence of Tex's that I sent you, were you able to get it confirmed?

    Yes I did get them, I checked. Right now I am over whelmed with stuff to post but I will get to it. Thanks again!

  21. >>> Knievel said...
    She has the look of every mother who has just disappointed the kids by saying, "we have ice cream at home." <<<

    Too funny. That's exactly the look on her face.

    I also find it interesting that she is still friends with CM and is unwavering apparently in her support of the ideas they embraced in 1969.

    If she reads this blog I hope she'll send you an email and clarify.

    There would of course be a feeding frenzy of haters but it still would be worth hearing in my opinion.

  22. Re: conjugal visits...

    Charlie has already said, "There's plenty of sex in prison."

  23. I agree Suze, it would be a fascinating interview. And yes, haters would abound but I wish she'd do it for those of us who just want to learn and not judge so much.

    Our sources tell us that she visits him. It isn't every weekend, but more like once a year - that kind of thing. I also heard that she had an "incident" with a corrections officer that hampered visitation for a time but I'm very sketchy on detail so I won't elaborate.

  24. She was a very cute young lady...

    the more Pics I see of the rest of them after all these years...

    The more impressed I am with Ruth...

  25. To the point of Cappy talking with Pat..

    The only interesting part of the LuLu book ( Long Strange prison journey of LULU) was the part where Gypsie and a few others joined Sadie/LULU/Katie in the clink after the girls had already been in awhile and were starting to wean off Charlie...

    what it said it for the most part-

    Pat was the last of the three to keep Charlies pictures around and sing his wonderful tunes...

    and when the others came in and were still harping on it- they more or less just went along...

    I am not sure Pat would much more than that today.. she is a tired old woman who seems to be over the whole thing ....

    would she spend the energy to try and persuade Cappy???

    I think not....

    maybe she still has a few speeches for young people who dont know better...

    But the energy to go back and forth with someone who still keeps the faith after all these years...

    She is better off communicating with the German Sheppards...

  26. What they really ought to do is try and get as many of the ones behind bars as possible, and let them have a round table discussion about the errors of there ways...

    I think a couple of them mgiht jump at the chance to do something like this as a televised way to show there remorse and let us see how old and harmless they are...

    but I bet some true colors show through when they start to forget us and get engaged with each other...

    and then MAYBE we would learn something new...

    If Cappy still visits Charlie- what else new or revealing will we get from her????

    It would probably be similar to what we can hear already from Star, or AC... with all due respect of course AC :)

    Same old song and dance....

    Charlie doesn't tell the chics anything important....

    He just gives them the love and ATWA mumbo jumob...

    and that is what they give to us

  27. I'm with ya on the round table thing Saint. I have always wondered when Charlie kicks the bucket if one of the thousand cable news networks would offer up some money to ex-Family members to do a round table. Hell, Oprah's network is tanking and could use the ratings. It really would be mind blowing to have Cappy and Gypsy in the same room, or Mary and Sandy and so on.

  28. for me, her look is more of ...
    "you snorted the whole thing"

  29. last thought- then ill leave you guys alone- its been awhile since I sounded off over here :)

    Thinking about it further- I found myself having this conversation among them in my head...

    I think a couple of them might just look around the table and say " we got fooled- we were so stupid"

    I think they would mean that too

    I do think at the end of the day Charlie did have a huge influence over them...

    I am sure one or two of them feel duped.

    and although I dont think for one second Helter Skelter was ultimately why TLB happened-

    when I think about it this way it is more complicated, because when I feel that they were duped- I am admitting he had some control over them am I not???

    It is much like the current Tim Tebow phenomena in a way... winning all those games in the last seconds-

    When you know for sure something has happened but you cant say for sure how/why...

    can you be sure about why/how not?

  30. Its funny, Charlie mentioned her a lot when we spoke. This is why I made him some Cappy "Angel of Death Valley" postcards. I had always wondered if they still spoke... I definitely believe they still do.

  31. Folks make no mistake about it...

    We will NEVER get anything of any importance from the current group of people who are in communication with Charlie...

    ST. Circumstance will be driving right past that prison come this May...

    All of you who claim to be inside with Charlie take this challenge-

    Get me in for a visit with Charlie

    I dont want to write a book- or cash in- I have plenty of dough already- not my style to make my name off others-

    But I bet I could talk to Charlie on a level he would understand, and he isn't going to get over on me with any of that ATWA nonsense either...

    I think at his core Charlie is a intellectually challenged redneck punk from the sticks with low self esteem....

    There ways to talk to people like that

    The couple of men who challenged Charlie in his life- had no problems from him- and much like Tom Cruise did to Jack Nicholson in a few good men-

    I think he could be mentally dominated to a point where you could get the answers you want out of him.... when he gets angry- he lashes out and gets loud- he does not THINK- and he LOVES to TALK- another weakness ( just ask me)

    Bugs could have done this, but
    I dont think Bugs needed to go that far-

    Charlie asked to make his statement in front of the courtroom and the world- he didn't need to be tricked.. and then he buried himself- he isn't really bright enough to be sneaky. He is more in love of the sound of his own voice.

    And since then- he hasn't spoken to anyone who really gave it a true shot....

    Believe it or not- as useless as he is- Gerlado would have been the one guy who I thought had a crack at this....

    Because he is trained in law- and he is a nosey bastid, and he understood and would have wanted to take advantage of the financial value of breaking something new...

    But he just tried to tough guy it...

    no thought whatsoever- just a verbal hard guy contest with someone who proved he is willing to go much further to be hard....

    So much for that nitwit

    But St. Circumstance is a different type of guy

    I am one of a kind

    He wont feel threatened by me lol
    he wont have any idea what to make of me...

    But Ill get us some answers

    I promise

    Then I can write my first official thread and it would be worthy of my name lol

    I can put this subject to rest for once and all and go find out who the Zodiac killer is..

    and help people escape from Scientology...

    But dont worry Liz/Matt/Patty/Ken/Stacey

    Ill always come back and say HI

  32. Matt is speechless (and speaking in third pattyperson).

  33. St. Are you serious? If you are you have my vote. We need someone with some intelligence and drive to get some answers any answers from mr. Manson. I hope they will take you up on your offer and then we need to get Charlie out of "the hole". For what will be a ground breaking interview, I hope! Lol

  34. I would never let you down


  35. St C-
    after you find out who the zodiac killer is and you rescue people from scientology maybe you could find out who killed the Black Dahlia? :-)

  36. Stace..

    I will add that to my list just for you :)

  37. St cir add me as well Ill speak with yu any topic

  38. Candy and nuts- I would consider it an honor...

  39. more power to ya Saint.
    but for me, wanting to play mind games with Charlie is like wanting to play strip poker with Jackie Chan.

  40. Watkins refers to it as Summit dr. I found it in Box Canyon (GPS) last time i was in LA. Said private way, and I chickened out. Creepy area..cults in the air..
    Is Summit Dr. and Summit Trail the same place?
    Great post

  41. What on earth do Ken and Maxfrost mean?

    The woman must be well up in her 60s. she looks fine. So what if she was 'cute'. She is now in her third age.
    The longer I live in Asia, the more appalled I am at Western attitudes towards age. The total disrespect, the tone of China, you are venerated for your age. "An old person is a treasure in the house" they really mean this. Westerners treat old people as disposable and worse, as a burden, not deserving of medical treatment. All their years of experience, ignored, all they could give, disrespected. And yet, we all get old! why do we want to store this up for ourselves? I saw a woman of 80 having laser treatment on the web yesterday: Why did she feel her lines of life were hideous?

    sorry to rant on. But I thought those comments were really disrespectful. She has aged fine. If you think 'aging well' means the same as 'looking young' then that is a bad attitude.

  42. Saint, you're not gonna be able to visit until Charles is out of SHU / the Security Housing Unit / the Hole.

  43. Hooray, Fiona.

    Saint, there is no way you're gonna get in to visit Charles until he is out of the Security Housing Unit, also known as "The Hole".

    Why not send a letter with your phone number? When he gets out of SHU, he might call.
