Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sandy Good

 Circa 1970

2011-2012 - Photo Courtesy The Backporch Tapes


  1. Sandra good always looked nice to me...dont know what it is......
    You can say Shes a ,FruitCackeNutcase, but She had some charisma in a way. Her eyes....I think.
    This recent one isnt too Bad either.Although older ofcause....
    Personly , my this one

  2. Sorry the First URL didnt work... I think this does...
    Owh and her EYES are not so....lets say Catchy on this one

  3. Look at the tablecloth - Sandy shops at Target!

  4. @ Patty... Target is a USA Shopping Mall ?? Like WallMart ??

  5. We now have eye candy! The girl is cute and so is the old lady.

  6. Yes Hellzbellz, Target is a slightly classier Wallmart (if that's not an oxymoron in and of itself). The Pattys' wedding registry was at Target and they have the same tablecloth as Blue does, apparently.

  7. Blue looks more like Gray these days. She reminds me of an old Bag Lady, or a crazy cat lady

  8. Bing said...

    "Blue looks more like Gray these days. She reminds me of an old Bag Lady, or a crazy cat lady"

    How about, just a crazy, old lady?

  9. to me, she looks like a crazy old lady, who screams obsenities to strangers on the street. She used to have something cute though...

  10. C'mon folks, she's nearly 70 and clearly didn't expect to be photographed at that exact moment.

    I'd love to hear what she has to say these days.

  11. I agree you Suze, I would love to hear what she's been up to. I love me some crazy!

  12. In the book Squeaky the author reported that a judge once said that the didn't know whether she was a menace to society or just a nuisance. To me the latter was true. Her preposterous threats and proclamations were nothing like those made by Bernadine Dohrn. The irony is that Bernadine did not any prison time and Sandy did.

  13. Man, I hadn't thought about Bernadine Dohrn in years. Just looked her up:

    Dohrn was criticized for comments she made about the murders of actress Sharon Tate and retail store owners Leno and Rosemary LaBianca by the Charles Manson clan. In a speech during the December 1969 "War Council" meeting organized by the Weathermen, attended by about 400 people in Flint, Michigan, Dohrn said, "First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, then they even shoved a fork into the victim's stomach! Wild!" In greeting each other, delegates to the war council often spread their fingers to signify the fork.

    In 2008, Dohrn's husband Bill Ayers wrote that Dohrn was being ironic when she made the statement about the Manson murders. Ayers wrote that he always thought Dohrn's statement was intended to make a political point, "agitated and inflamed and full of rhetorical overkill, and partly as a joke, stupid perhaps, tasteless, but a joke nonetheless", and similar (he said) to jokes about Charles Manson that were being made by Hunter S Thompson and Richard Pryor. Ayers said he had been present at interviews with reporters in which Dohrn had tried to put her statement in context but the reporters had dismissed her explanation. However, in a 2001 Salon article, David Horowitz wrote: "In 1980, I taped interviews with 30 members of the Weather Underground who were present at the Flint War Council, including most of its leadership. Not one of them thought Dohrn was anything but deadly serious. Outrageous nihilism was the Weatherman political style."

    I too would like to hear Sandy reflect on the past & give her honest feelings about everything. I agree it would be fascinating.

  14. I think she looks great for her age. She wasn't prepared for the picture & still looks fine. I've seen alot worse.

  15. I'd sure like to see a picture of Sandy's mom and dad. Does anyone know if either is still alive?

  16. LoLo said...
    I think she looks great for her age.

    When I was a kid, women Sandy's age had blue hair and orthopedic shoes.

  17. I've never understood the compulsion on these threads to judge and condemn a person's looks. We all age differently, and attractiveness IS subjective. For example, the movie actress that made me hottest was the woman who played Scarlett in Four Weddings and A Funeral. I doubt three other guys in the world would say that, but hey, that's my taste.
    Sandy looks fine, still a bit batty maybe, but lovin life apparently.
    Matt...I always wondered in Hunter S. Thompson had written or commented on the Manson story. Any idea if he did or where it would be?

  18. Leary, I just googled "hunter s. thompson charles manson" and a bunch of stuff came up.

    I don't have time to read it all - I'm on a very boring conference call. LOL!

  19. I assume she has mellowed... like we all... would love to see an interview with her someday.

  20. as always, gracias Matt. I am such a dolt when it comes to internet research it never crossed my mind to google em together. I will commence reading. thanks

  21. Reminding sexists and ageists that YOU TOO will get old some day... and that you will not look half as good as Sandra.

  22. @ Schalke 07....Sorry dat ik je nog geen Mailtje heb verstuurd, wat ik overigens wel had beloofd, heb zeker de weken in het nieuwe jaar weinig tijd gehad, (toch nog achterstanden opt werk van oude jaar) Van het weekend komt er een mailtje naar je toe...nogmaals sorry Schalke

  23. @Maxfrost says; Her preposterous threats and proclamations were nothing like those made by Bernadine Dohrn. The irony is that Bernadine did not any prison time and Sandy did.
    I dont know so much about Weather Underground except for reading some old articels on the W.W.W. Seemed to be pretty Hardcore. Makes me wonder if its Sandy's envolvement with Manson brought her the Jail-Time ?? And Bernadine Dohrn did not ?? Or are there other (political)matters causing that ??

  24. In a nutshell the FBI under tremendous pressure coming from the highest possible levels chased them for five years plus. They even had a dedicated Weatherman squad. In short they were not able to obtain any indictments because they would not reveal how they got their evidence and all charges were dropped. Two FBI agents did prison time for civil rights violations and Ragan eventually pardoned then. With the VN war there was no reason to go on and one by one they surfaced. The queen bee Dohrn was one of the last come above ground. It seems to me that Gypsy would have been a good Weather person. Physically she resembled Bernadine.

  25. Schalke 07 said...
    to me, she looks like a crazy old lady, who screams obsenities to strangers on the street. She used to have something cute though..

    LMAO- I pictured Sandy in my head 30 or so years back spewing hatred into the cameras.

  26. PS - The civil rights violations were for harassment of family and friends; not Weather members.

  27. Dohrn did serve time in jail (less than a year) for refusing to supergrass a fellow weather underground comrade on trial.

    Outside of blowing themselves up in 1970, the WUG only conduct bombings with notice and were probably the most 'polite' terrorist group in history. There biggest hit was blowing up a restroom in the Pentagon after hours.

  28. orwhut said...
    LoLo said...
    I think she looks great for her age.

    When I was a kid, women Sandy's age had blue hair and orthopedic shoes.

    Sandy is 68. And yes when I hear "68 years old" I also think blue coiffed hair in the universal old lady style. Yes the ortho shoes with a matching pocketbook in which the old ladies carry stale hard candies and used looking klenex.
    The purse also serves as a weapon.

    We can't see Sandy's feet so she might be wearing some orthopedic black clunky old lady shoes with velcro straps in place of laces.

    But I picture Blue barefoot in that photo. She has aged beautifully.
    She in no way look almost 70.
    From looking at all the recent pictures of the girls, I personally think only a few of them aged well.
    I think we did a post about who aged best awhile back.

  29. Matt--
    thanks for the HST/Manson stuff. I love Hunter S. Thompson and had no idea he ever said anything about him...I was gonna name one of my twins after him, had she been a boy.

  30. as Suze said obviously this picture was taken when she didnt expect it Sandra stood for alot and still gardens ( according to the last pic shown here) seems she is still standing with her convictions taking care and contributing to the Earth thru gardening great to see her-hopefully someone isnt pretending to be her friend-take her pic-then giving it away Micheal said she took this and gave it out herself however like suze said it looks like it was taken unexpectedly and seems strange suddenly Blue is giving out her pics after so many years sounds fishy to me

  31. leary7 said...
    We all age differently, and attractiveness IS subjective.

    Good point. When we did the "Who's was the cutest?" survey, I was surprised that some picked Gypsy but, her recent pix look pretty good to me. There's no accounting for taste, even mine.

  32. I've been reading about Paul Krassner's acid trip with Squeaky and Sandy. He mentions a defense attorney having told him about participating in a three way with the two. Does anybody know which attorney?
    Krassner also mentions the scar on Sandy's back. She told him it was from a lung operation and I've read before that she'd had a lung removed but can't find anything else on it. Can anyone give any detail on Sandy's lung aliment?

  33. Orwhut, being as young as she was I'd guess that attorney has likely gone to his reward by now. I never heard that one anyway. I'd be interested in hearing it. Lol!

  34. @ Hellzbellz

    Ik zie het mailtje wel verschijnen. is het adres.

  35. You critics be damned. I like Sandy and she's okay in my book. And, so is George Stimson. And, so is Lynette. I like Charlie, too.

  36. From The Manson Women...

    "By the time she was one year old she had been pronounced dead twice and she had two tracheotomies before she was nine months old. She continued to have bronchial and pulmonary problems for years. Between the ages of six and eight (I don't know for sure when) she had a lung lobectomy (removal of a portion of the lung) which at that time was a very serious operation."

  37. cielodrivecom,
    Thank you very much. I've been trying to find that I for information for some time.

  38. Blogger cielodrivecom said...

    From The Manson Women...

    "By the time she was one year old she had been pronounced dead twice and she had two tracheotomies before she was nine months old.

    I wonder if she suffered lack of oxygen to the brain and this in part contributed to her fucked up manner of thinking?

  39. adam said...
    I wonder if she suffered lack of oxygen to the brain and this in part contributed to her fucked up manner of thinking?

    I don't think the fucked-up thinking has completely gone away. Her S.O., George Stimson is really into the Nazi thing and looks like he may be one of those "holocaust deniers". Yikes...

  40. @ Suze Wow...thats realy..lets say fucked up yes. If you Google that guys name on GooGle Images you see LOADS of Swastikas, Third Reich stuff and so on. He also has a Blogg where he Talks about ,,Radical Nature,, its about Gardening & Self providing, incase soceity as we know WILL colapse.....Makes me think of something else...comming down FAST !! I wonder if there is a Bottomless Pitt envolved there too ??
    I think its all Sick, the Nazi-Stuff

  41. The book Ginny Good talks a good deal about the mother who raised the girls in a very negative way. There's a newspaper article somewhere in the public domain where the mother is asked her reaction to Sandy's statement that she had reached the point where she thought she could kill her parents. Her mother's reaction: I wish she had not pulled through the childhood respiratory illness.

  42. It looks like the Monfort boys are back in business.

    I guess Eviliz isn't the only blog interested in Nancy Pitman's boys.


  43. Suze said, "George Stimson is really into the Nazi thing and looks like he may be one of those "holocaust deniers"."

    George is into collecting military memorabilia; uniforms, patches, medals, weapons, etc. His specialty is German war items, but is not limited to the Third Reich. He collects American items as well as war items from other countries.

    I've not read anything from him, or about him, that leads me to believe that he's a Holocaust denier.

  44. Suze I have also collected and read books of Nazis as many collectors do to say something about George Stimpon unless yu know him yu shont make accusations

  45. Candy, if you re-read what I wrote you will see that I said it "looks like he may be"...

    I didn't "accuse" him of anything.

    BTW, a little punctuation goes a long way.

  46. Wow! They have changed to the better! God is still out there!

  47. Sandy was mean. I knew her from 70 through 75, when she went to jail. She was an angry zealot, with a phony, soft, actressy voice. We used to call her Moon Maid, because she spouted such gibberishy cosmic blather.


    PS, if you have anything else you'd like to share, please email Matt, Liz, Patty and/or Deb. We are always looking for authenticatable stories, photos, etc. Cheers!

  49. From her interviews she seems like an awful human being to me. Constantly dodging questions regarding how the deaths of innocent people equated to bettering the quality of air, trees, water, and animals. She needed treatment for mental illness badly, and clearly wasn't receiving it.

  50. Sandy has always had this weird charisma. She took absolutely no bullshit from anyone, was totally crazy, but you can't help but listen when she talks. Plus she had a very nice speaking voice.

    But the woman was crazy. Almost 50 years of railing against the "man" but never lifted a finger to ever help anyone.

    I wonder if she has finally mellowed out?
