Friday, February 10, 2012



  1. damn, it seems we are in a real "off-season lull" in the Manson blog world. The Col has been MIA for three months now. The vocal and oft combative Saint has taken to the hills. I can't recall Dickhead or many of the other strong-minded posters coming around in awhile.
    Lynyrd's site and Liz's seem to get allot of visitors but nobody seems to have much to say anymore. Could it be that TLB is all talked out? Has everything been said already?
    Thank you Liz for all that you do to keep things lively here. It wouldn't be a party without you.

  2. Sometimes you gotta take a break from it for a reality check. I've never seen such heated discussions in my life as this case seems to bring about.

    But yes, it has gotten strangely quiet lately.

  3. Im sure LIz has alot to share she is just making us wait...haha

  4. It's a little strange. Our stats show more traffic than ever but comments are down.

    That's ok, as long as people are enjoying the reading and the pics.

  5. b.t.w-
    i just loved the coincidence in the pics. i have seen the charlie one a million times but never the sharon one.

  6. If patty contributed to the silence with her crazy outburst last month she's sorry. But yes, lots of other things going on in life. Today: infectious diseases conference. Patty got a beautiful scarf with tuberculosis printed all over it. One day she will figure out what that plague was that broke out on the whole family at the same time...remember the squeaky mugshot where her face was so bad?

  7. thanks Matt, that was the dynamic I was trying to speak to - visitor stats up and comments down.
    Could be just caus the Saint aint around anymore.
    Just kidding.
    but as I said, things will always be lively here as long as Liz is the DJ.

  8. silly thought Patty. You are one of the true joys of this place, and outbursts are the spice of a blog. It's why I miss Saint and Frank and Dickhead etc.
    I haven't been irritated in a month and that is not healthy for an Irishman.

  9. ah, a lake, some mountains and some Patty love. Doesn't get better than that. Though I am still trying to figure out the box in the middle.

  10. Its a "moving rock" on The Racetrack in Death Valley, very near to the MICHIGAN LOADER site!

  11. holy crap, i thought it was water. damn, my eyes are old. Or is it my mind.

  12. Of course there are the idiots who have lost commenting privileges and get deleted on site. LOL.

  13. Thank you for keeping out the riff-raff, Liz, Patty & Matt!

  14. The Racetrack aka The Devil's Racetrack has been featured on some mystery programs. Unsolved Mysteries, may have shown it. It seems a natural for Charley to have incorporated into his Helter Skelter rap along with the under ground city.

  15. as usual, I am slow on the uptake, Matt. I should have realized some of the missing might have been etiquitte casualties. Kind of ironic when you think about it though - 'keeping the riff-raff', as Suze says, off of a Manson blog. It's gotta be a thankless job, to say the least. But certainly appreciated.

  16. Yeh, kinda funny isn't it, Leary? Nothing wrong with spirited debate. We just don't tolerate inflammatory BS that inevitably leads to brawls involving simpletons.

    As Einstein once said, "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction.".

  17. I was surprised that the new Clem material only garnered 12 comments! I went to the "other" forums expecting to see some rants about how Eviliz and her minions are again up to their nefarious ways, but NOT A PEEP!

  18. RF, that post garnered more traffic than we've seen in ... well since the last post of a recent pic.

    It was my favorite in quite some time. Kudos to the reader who found & contributed it!

  19. but it does, Matt, raise a sort of Shakesperean question....should a Manson blog, by its very nature, be a garden party or a bar room brawl?
    I'm kidding of course, obviously in between. But I admit I miss the Col's condensation and the acerbicness of others. I guess I could insult the Flyers and get Tom mad at me.

  20. oh crap, another brain fart - condensation is water build-up. Not sure the Col has that. should have written condenscension. I gotta lay off the chocolate milk.

  21. So do we know what happened to Saint? Was he banned or is he just taking a break from us? I kinda miss him and Col too.

  22. ps the Col is sharing space with Tex

  23. Snoop, Saint has left the building. I spoke with him on the phone in December. He's tired of the foolishness.

    I'm with him on that. If the crazies would just go away...

  24. Thanks Matt, I hope he's doing well. Crazies, crazies go away come again another day... NOT!

  25. Louis, why do you hate Col so much. Sure, he's a dick but he at least keeps things lively and interesting. Don't you think?

  26. I don't know Matt. When I first started coming to the Manson blogs it wasn't with the expectation of interacting with Richie and Potsie. I expected crazies. I agree that there is no excuse for rudeness, but having put myself through college working the graveyard shift on the ward for the criminally insane at Austin State Hospital, I have a strong sense that bit of rudeness comes with the crazy package. Both the Col and the Saint could be rude, but they were both provocative as well. Maybe we need to write some software that filters out rudeness.

  27. Blogger leary7 said...

    I have a strong sense that bit of rudeness comes with the crazy package.

    LOL. That's good. I need to commit that one to memory.

  28. That's why I love this blog. You guys always produce good material. You also don't tollerate the crap that the other forums do. No mindless all night drunken discussions either.

    Thank you, Liz!

  29. Well, some news... Charles is sentenced to a year in Security Housing Unit (solitary confinement) for having a scary, dangerous, life-threatening weapon... a piece of wire from inside a pair of eyeglasses. Yes, really.

    A 77 year old guy with emphasema might be able to pin-poke another inmate while standing in the chow line. Frightening yeah?

    So same 77 year old is thrown into solitary, no contact visits, no phone, no guitar, only outside for one hour per day. For a year. BTW Amnesty International has declared SHU to be cruel and unusual punishment.

  30. What is Sharon holding between her fingers?

  31. Hi AC, thanks for dropping in. Patty can't imagine what it must be like inside a jail and she hopes she never finds out.

    Seems though that he will be okay: if anyone can live inside his own head for a year, it's Charlie. Dude is freaking indestructable.

  32. thanks for the real life news, AC. That does seem unfathomable, a whole year of solitary for a piece of wire. Was it a 'third strike' thing or something?
    Does "no contact" visits mean what it sounds like, he can have visitors but only talk to them through glass? Would you be willing, AC, to say who are Charlie's regular visitors these days? I suspect he is selective as to who he lets visit him.

  33. Suze, I don't hate the Col at all. Actually, I find him quite amusing with the theories he comes up with, since it seems he's willing to believe any crazy theory except Helter Skelter.

    Yes Suze, he does keep things lively and interesting. I enjoy his blog and I (Very severe coughing) miss him too.

  34. Now that Charlie is in "the hole" do you think he will read the new book out about Sharon? After all Manson made the cover...

  35. Yes, Snoop. Right after he finishes Thomas Wolfe and James Joyce. Haha.

    I doubt he's read anything longer than a toothpaste label.

  36. You are right Matt what was I thinking?

    By the look of his teeth, or lack there of, I don't think he read the tooth paste tube either

  37. Unlikely Charles will read the book on Sharon. Other inmates read to him.

    Not gonna talk about regular visitors as it's up to them, whether or not they wish to talk about it. Yes, they'd have to visit "under glass" and Charles would have to be shackled.

    It's not a "three strikes" think, it's extreme and unreasonable prejudice. This isn't even a high level rules violation.
