Saturday, February 25, 2012

Restless Souls

Just ran out to B&N and and picked-up my copy.

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  1. Man this is good. Guess I'll be reading all weekend...

  2. Finished readin this yesterday. Great book!

  3. Finished readin this yesterday. Great book!

  4. still waiting on damned Amazon. Soooooo jealous right now...

  5. Up to pg 80. PJ Tate was a bad ass. I really like him.

  6. Just got my too. PJ,agreed, is a bad ass.

  7. PJ in Billy Doyle's Face!
    PJ in Mama Cass' Face!
    PJ could have snapped Watson's neck in a second but Sharon's ghostly voice stops him.

    PJ is the best.
    Book rules. PJ vanishes halfway through.

    Vote for best scene!
    Patti races to save her daughter from the clutches of Suzan LaBerge gets my vote.

  8. PJ's confrontations with Doyle was priceless. But, my fav scene so far is his first meeting Roman. I laughed out loud several times through his commentary.

    BUT, the best lines so far are his description of what he saw at the crack of dawn when he followed the SS's back to Spahn:

    "A melange of people - from toddlers to the elderly - began emerging from the buildings and tents. Apparently, communication wasn't part of the morning ritual, as they dispersed around the ranch without so much as a nod to one another. Some of them looked the part of the ranch hand, while others seemed wayward in hippie garb. Contrasting to a greater degree were the ones who didn't bother with clothing. There was, however, one commonality among the residents. The toilet was an ignored contraption.

    What the hell is this place?"

  9. Ten deputies surrounded Manson; three were in the lead, two on either side of him, and three behind. In the center, Manson's head barely reached the shoulder height of the men escorting him. In spite of his cuffed hands, he walked with casual confidence, nodding and smiling at the reporters.

    Camera flashes bounded off the walls and ceiling; their strobes caused a low-motion effect. Over the past few months, my picture had appeared in the news. Given the chance, I was sure Manson would recognize me. When he was at arm's reach, I pulled down my sunglasses, making eye contact with the man who plotted and then ordered Sharon's murder. Manson's smile faltered as we locked eyes. It was a slow study of the enemy on both our parts.

    Three feet beyond me, Manson twisted around, walking backward in order to continue the staring match. Pointing my finger first at Manson, then at my chest, I mouthed the words, "You're mine."

  10. Good to to see ya back Col. I have missed your input...

  11. How ironic that Colonel Tate was so close yet so far after his tailing of the bikers back to Spahn.

    If only he had been given 5 minutes alone with Tex and then with Charlie...

  12. Doris Tate: Though I'm grateful for Vincent Bugliosi's helter-skelter motive and the convictions it brought, I don't buy into it for a second. There's something more, some deeper motive for the killings. Even though Manson talks in riddles, he seldom lies. So I watch and wait for that morsel of truth that might slip from his lips, revealing the true motive...

  13. Have been to all the major book stores in Dublin trying to get my mitts on this. Usual reply : Never heard of it ! Can you order it ? Lets see ! Hmmm ... Not on our system ????????

  14. charlie higgins--try ordering it through amazon u.k. and if that does not work order it through amazon u.s., you'll pay for shipping but you'll get it. i order from amazon u.k. periodically and i am in the u.s.

  15. Same here....but I knew that before... Cannot order at Amazon either, they dont take Bank/wire payments, only Credit-Card, I dont have one.... Must be another way for me. Patience....

  16. Oh to be Warren Beatty. And for you folks having trouble with delivery I have one word to say. Kindle.

  17. Patty is one of those hold outs who prefer paper to pixels. She will have to continue to suffer. Loudly.

  18. I'm with Patty on this one ... Has to be paper

  19. Me too...all about paper...the feel of it...the smell of a new book...browsing a book store...nothing beats any of those..Sorry Kindle.

  20. Matt mail it to me when your done please.

  21. Going by Matt's comments et all, I'm going to have to look this up.

  22. Excellent book. I highly recommend it.

  23. Forget Matts comments, Im waiting till he leaves his house. Then I will sneak in and photo copy the book, so I can read it!!hasha
