Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Thank you to Jay for the photo.


  1. A far cry from that skinny kid with the neck beard. And to think, he was kinda cute back then!

  2. The "normal" looking middle aged man in these photos seems really incongruous to Patty with everything he's been through. He looks like he could be Patty's neighbor. Hmmmm....maybe he is?

    PS: G'morning, Suze. xx

  3. once again I haven't a clue. who is it that we are looking at?

  4. Clem enjoying some Ouzo. That's one lucky SOB. He and Yana both, for that matter.

  5. This may not be a popular opinion, but I say good for Steve/Adam/ whatever he calls himself! He was 17(?) when he crossed paths with the family, a 3 year journey of sex, massive amounts of drugs, and eventually the murder of Shea. He went to prison, grew a soul, told the cops where to find Shorty. After release he's actually made something of his life as a talented musician. So cheers indeed, Steve!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Yes, people are indeed capable of change. It's great that he's made the most of his second chance.

  8. leary7 said...
    once again I haven't a clue. who is it that we are looking at?

    You have disappointed me Leary.
    But I will still enjoy your company.

  9. So even though it says I posted the pic, I didn't so I need to comment that I still love a man in a coon skin cap!!!

  10. Here is an example of how my daughter was raised- I just showed her the recent pic of Clem and said "See Clem?" She said "yes I see him." Then I showed here the older pic and she said annoyed "Yes Mom I know what he looks like."
    That puzzled me so I asked her how she knew what he looked like back then. She replied " I have seen him before when I was younger in that movie. He was the one french kissing the horse."

  11. eviliz said...

    Here is an example of how my daughter was raised

    About 10 years ago I was having a disagreement with my then teenage son. I don't remember what I said, but to this day I remember what he said, "You can't judge me, you can only judge yourself"!

  12. We moved this past October. Let's just say our downstairs neighbors are never far from the long arm of the law.

    About the first weekend we were here, one of the teenage sons downstairs starts freaking out screaming, yelling and crying all on MY doorstep. Someone in the building called the police. When the police came the kid was still on my porch. My daughter and I were listening at the closed door.
    The police kept asking him "did you take anything,any drugs son?"
    They asked him about 5 times and he wouldn't reply.
    Again one cop asked him what did you take, tell us. Then the other cop added- "Now's the time."

    My daughter and I looked at each other and said at the same time
    "For Helter Skelter?". We giggled and ran away from the door.

  13. sorry to disappoint Liz, but fact is I am the most clueless (in terms of TLB) person that frequents these blogs. I still have only read HS, none of the other books, and HS I read forty years ago. That's why Saint and the Col and others have gotten pissed at me, they seem to have the attitude that the uninformed should not post on these blogs. Hell, tryth is I just come here for the girls - just like all the male hosers who hung around Spahn.

    I say, I say, that's a joke son.

  14. Leary, you have never been anything but a gentleman as far as Patty is concerned. UROK in her book (not that she is writing one).

  15. Liz, do you know if Clem and Gypsy communicate, given that they have a child? I would think that would be a top grade interview, someone with balls and intelligence getting Clem and Gypsy to reminisce.

  16. muchos gracias Patty. you're the tops, you're the Mona my book too.

  17. And Liz, the big bopper. The boss of us. The wind beneath my wings (oops bile starting to come up but Patty still happy). Have I told you lately how freaking priceless you are? Patty's hero, swear to Gaaaaah.

    Damn. Patty is all full of love tonight. The milk of human kindness. Kum-ba-yah anyone? Anyone?

  18. Steve is proof that rehabilitation can work. This is good for us as well as him. One less taxpayer burden on the system and one more productive member of society. BB and LVH could make it on the outside if given the chance. The big difference is that no way could they slip into anonyminity the way Steve/Adam was able to.

  19. Looks like this was taken at Pascal's Manale, in New Orleans:

  20. lurch said...
    This may not be a popular opinion, but I say good for Steve/Adam/ whatever he calls himself! He was 17(?) when he crossed paths with the family, a 3 year journey of sex, massive amounts of drugs, and eventually the murder of Shea. He went to prison, grew a soul, told the cops where to find Shorty. After release he's actually made something of his life as a talented musician. So cheers indeed, Steve!

    Hi Lurch, I agree with you totally on Clem. Well said.

  21. Leary7 said...
    Liz, do you know if Clem and Gypsy communicate, given that they have a child? I would think that would be a top grade interview, someone with balls and intelligence getting Clem and Gypsy to reminisce.

    No clue. I have spoken to their son but he never mentioned his father and I never asked.

  22. He looks like someone you wouldn't mind having a drink with. As far as I know he never used new found religion as a means of trying to con his way out of the joint. From what I read recently Davis would probably spill his guts if given the chance, so I say cut a deal with him and let him go. As for the TLB killers, if any of them held any hope of getting out I think Restless Souls drove the final nail in that coffin.

  23. You can never say that Scramblehead hasn't had an interesting enough life.

  24. According to Sadie, the best she ever had. And that's at the top of a very long list.

  25. According to Sadie, the best she ever had. And that's at the top of a very long list.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Sadie was promiscuous. Is that the point you were trying to make. Twice. The third time failed.

  28. Leary7,

    I am probably the 2nd most clueless person here. I don't post very often as I'm still absorbing the info. So, don't feel bad. I have many of the books, but I can't seem to find time to read them.

    Anyway, I would love to hang out and jam with Clem given the chance. I got interested in Manson mostly from a music standpoint. He's a failed musician. I'm a failed musician.

  29. Let us not fool ourselves, He DID NOT lead the police to poor Shorty because of guilt or remorse. He did it to up his chances for parole. Without meeting the Family, Clem might have been a productive member of the public. BUT, he let himself get taken down the wrong path. I do not beleive ANY of Shorty's family members would be as forgiving as some others. And the answer they all give which is "the boogeyman (Charlie) made me do it" is a crock of you no what. Everyone with or without guidance make their own choices in life.
    Oh and by the way, dont forget , Clem is a kiddie toucher, and should NEVER be forgiven for that.
    Anyone else agree? or am I way off base

  30. Janson 2112, your way off base.Clem has definatly expressed remorse. ( read his interviews) and his explanation of the indecent exposure incedent is totally believable. His pants were ripped in the crotch from hoarse riding, and as always, a woman made the charge. As a mens rghts activist, i'm all to well aware of the fact that women falsely accuse men of child molesting, over 60 percent of charges are lies according to the censous buero.

  31. I'm happy for him. My step father was an MD at the prison in Vacaville and knew Charlie and Grogan (and a lot of other infamous people). Adam/Steve is also a great artist. I remember seeing in the Vacaville Reporter back in the 70s pictures of some of his drawings. One thing that bothers me is the scene in the movie 'Manson' where he seems to be fondling the chest of girl that can't be more than 7 or 8 years old. I hope to god that he's not doing that now.

  32. Clem was a young sh*&-head. He actually did the right thing and got himself together.

    Thirty plus years of playing music and trying to have a life is a good track record.

    The day I read a news report about him committing more crimes, I'll admit I was wrong.

  33. The guy was a dumbass kid.

    He did wrong, then right and is trying to have a life and I've read nothing about him being a criminal since.

    The "How can we let a boogey-man play in a band and have friends?" crap is just that.

  34. daniel,There's also a scene where, i believe clem is french kissing a Hoarse! I really don't think he would conciously fondel a child on CAMERA! I think it was a nutty time when people where touchy feely, you know, love and hugs for every one. As a mens rights activist, i have to let you know, statistically WOMEN abuse 2TWICE as many children as men! I'll tell you, not to get off the subject, but i feel that WOMAN breastfeeding the 4FOUR year old on the cover of a magazine,Thats child pornograpy!
