Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Q&A Tuesday

After all the talk on Stephanie Rowe possibly being a Jane Doe, I was forwarded this tidbit from a very reliable source. Believe us or not.

A~ "Tell Eviliz that Stephanie Rowe is alive. I recently located Stephanie but -she refused to talk to me. I even received a threatening call from her sister, also a lawyer."


  1. Bing man, where you been? Glad to see you.

    Yeah, she looks fairly ug in these photos but no makeup & unkempt hair will do that.

    This one was around a long time but managed to avoid the big trouble. Paul mentions her some in his book.

  2. I did not think she was the Jane Doe. The Jane Doe had a bad overbite. I am really surprised that Jane Doe has never been ID'd. One thought I often have when I read people's comments regarding the girls' physical appearance: so many of the photos we see are mug shots. Almost nobody looks OK in a mug shot. Most of these people were fine, normal-looking individuals, but were dirty and ratty looking due to their lifestyles and the circumstances of the moment (being under arrest). I think the guys look much grosser and scarier than most of the girls look.

  3. Patty thinks she's kinda cute. Her lopsided little face is very refreshing compared to the perfectly symmetrical faces of today. Patty'd rather look like this girl than, say, Kim Kardashian or Megan Fox or (fill in the blank).

  4. Panamint Patty said...

    Patty thinks she's kinda cute.

    Me too! She was with the group for a long time. I bet she has some stories to tell.

  5. I think she's cuter than a speckled puppy.

  6. Even in their unwashed state many of them are still attractive, at least in the photos. But think of the smell, especially after a day in the desert. To the skuz that they recruited it may not have mattered, but one has to believe that the show girls had to adhere to some minimum standard of hygiene. Think of it, a hairy smelly girl up close and personal with a hairy smelly guy at the dirty smelly ranch. Like PJ said, who are these people?

  7. If this is Stephanie Gail Rowe, she would be over 60 now and look quite different that this pic. Being associated with Manson back in the day might have been "with it" during the Vietnam era, today it probably carries a different connotation.

    Fringe members of that group may have had no idea what was being planned a few yards from them. There are many dead bodies, people still in prison, lives shattered, and probably still people to this day trying to pin crimes on family members.

    This woman may have children and grandchildren and doesn't want to relive the nastiness that took place over 40 years ago for the benefit of curious people.

    So far as her mugshot is concerned, it looks a hell'uva lot better than mine.

  8. The only one I find attractive is Ouish...Although sometimes Gypsy,Sandy and even Sadie and Squeaky could look good. Though No one was uglier than Mary. She was Hands down the ugliest by far

    And for anyone who says I am being a chauvanist, sorry for offending you.

  9. I guess it was inevitable. LOL.

    My list:

    Simi Sherry

  10. Does she have interesting tales? Most likely. Her seemingly ferocious reluctance to tell or share? Highly understandable. Still, she is one of the ones, like Ella Jo, that I personally would love to get talking.
    Allot of the girls were beautiful/ugly. When the light hit em right the seemed impish and delightful. I am thinking of Cappy and Brenda, even Mary in that video of her talking to the reporter after court.
    But when the light was not flatering the mustaches and dirtiness were a turn off.

  11. The Men - Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, Bobby

    The Girls - Kitty, Leslie, Ruth Ann and BOBBY!

  12. Ouisch
    Lulu (could suck start DDD's Harley)
    Semi Sherry (why did she take up with DDD?)
    Brenda (might be a fatal attraction)
    Sandy (her eyes and her spunk)

  13. American men don't think women are attractive unless they're fake: full of botox, silicone, hair bleach, animal-tested makeup, fake eyelashes, shaved body hair, anorexic / buliemic, hair extensions, wearing synthetic clothing and plastic high-heeled shoes that are worse for the feet than Chinese binding. If men see a natural woman, they think she's ugly. That's what comes of reading porn magazines and watching television.

  14. Suze said...

    The Girls - Kitty, Leslie, Ruth Ann and BOBBY!


  15. Stephanie looks about as good as one could expect given she'd been sitting in dust for awhile and having to pose for a police mug shot. She looks fine to me AC as an American man. I'd assume she had the good sense to leave once the commune got in trouble with the law? She was not around during the trials?

  16. @maxfrost See page 270 of Death To Pigs for Paul Watkins reminiscing on Charlie's 'minimum standard of hygiene'. I'm too much of a prude to transcribe it but perhaps someone else will.

  17. Thanks SJ, I have the book and will look it up. For some clean beauties from the Sunset Strip and that era who don't fit AC's description.


  18. thank you Maxx, Gazzari Dancers was an interesting read just now.

  19. I never expected all this info from my Q&A Tues question. Thanks to all!

  20. I think these girls were beautiful. All of them. Charlie knew how to bring out the beauty in any girl, by making her feel special and loved and individual. And when you add in the close loving atmosphere of the Family, they must have glowed. And above all, no cookie-cutter. No identical bodies, trained with the same routines, identical flowing hair and above all, so important, they didn't all have their teeth fixed the same. Girls today all have teeth the same size, same position against gum. So have same smile!

  21. Bing, you are so wrong. Mary can be so lovely. She has a perfect little figure, like a dainty doll and by far, she was the most graceful. In still pics, she's not pretty, but on film, her looks are unusual, and she moves all the time with unconscious unstudied grace. Its lovely to watch.

  22. I agree with AC, the American style is scarily fake. Eery trace of grown woman removed. Every hair, every scent. Spray tan. Plastic breasts. Extensions. Lipo.
    Bags of salt water in the chest!
    It is just like foot-binding and tight-lacing. Why do women do this to themselves? Nearly every man seems to prefer a woman to be well turned out and well-groomed, but with a natural fresh look, not too much make-up. And who acts like a lady, not a foul-mouthed tramp. That's what they say, anyway.

  23. And check out a documentary "The Perfect Vagina". Girls are having their bits snipped off to make them look like a pubescent girl.

  24. I think these girls were beautiful. All of them. Charlie knew how to bring out the beauty in any girl, by making her feel special and loved and individual. And when you add in the close loving atmosphere of the Family, they must have glowed. And above all, no cookie-cutter. No identical bodies, trained with the same routines, identical flowing hair and above all, so important, they didn't all have their teeth fixed the same. Girls today all have teeth the same size, same position against gum. So have same smile!
