Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother Mary with Pooh Bear

Some more great photos courtesy of our friends at Helter Skelter Forum of Mother Mary and family that Patty has never seen before. Patty must say that this appears to be one, big, close knit, happy family. Good for them!

And it would also appear that Charlie's grandkids are alive and well and possibly also repopulating the earth by now, though it will take quite some time until there are 144,000 of them, so no worries, yeah? It ain't coming down that fast, y'all...


  1. In the bottom photo, is that Pooh Bear? Looks like he had a little accident.

  2. If a Purple People Eater pays a visit, those folks are going to have a problem.

  3. I didn’t realize they offered so many wonderful shades of slacks at Woolworths. Looks like a life sentence of midwest mediocrity for ‘ol Mary.

  4. Thanks so much to HS Forum.
    You rock and we love you!!!!!

  5. hippiekiller said...
    I didn’t realize they offered so many wonderful shades of slacks at Woolworths. Looks like a life sentence of midwest mediocrity for ‘ol Mary.

    You said "slacks" LMAO
    Are there still Woolworths places?
    I personally think they came from the "Blair" catalog.

  6. In hur day....Mother Mary was a gangster, folk. The real deal. If she wasn't in jail that day in August.....maybe she is Susan Atkins.

    Instead we see her scrawney crew cut ass handcuffed to Catherine Share. And they end up in which they almost break free......

    We were all crazy when we were young. These girls a little bit more so.

  7. What year do you guess these photos are from? Early 80s? I know MB's father died a long time ago, and the mother a little more recently. It sounds like they were really nice folks, from what I've read. That must be Michael's firstborn they are holding.

  8. toocrowdedinthishouse said... What year do you guess these photos are from?

    Last photo, extreme right: My nephew had a belt like that in the eighties. I think they fell out of fashion.

  9. Good for those Manson girls....if people in this generation had the same courage to stand up for their brothers and sisters, we wouldn't have all these veteran suicides and endless stalemate wars.

    Has democracy flowered in the mid-east? Are terrorists in retreat now that our soldiers kill themselves before they can do it for them?

  10. Mary's father died in 2004.
    Her mother 2009.

  11. Patty was just informed that the top photo is from 1991 and the bottom was taken in 2000.

  12. Maybe the over long belts are still in style. I might check if I ever see another Woolworths.

  13. love the top photo, unlike the other photos of Mary in which she has passed into AARP status, this one shows her face retaining her California image, before, as hippiekiller inferred, the midwest sensibilities turned her into a Norman Rockwell painting.
    She was definately a gangsta, Tom, but the debate remains as to wether she was a clueless gangsta. Sure would be a treat to hear her reflections on the subject.

  14. 1991 &, I guess bad fashion never goes outta style.

    Ok, that was a bit catty...I honestly would have guessed mid to late 80s judging by the clothes.

  15. Two things are either happening here, one, you have never suffered the loss of a friend or family member to an unneccesary American military action.

    Or two, you have, but in middle age, you have excepted that it was either Jesus's plan or some other religous or nationalistic reason.

    That isn't my style. My style is to stay bitter. Of which I still am, if you will forgive me...

  16. Quite honestly,it continues to mystify me re: Charlie's charisma as discussed in another thread.

    Mary, by all accounts seemed a "normal" intelligent and educated young lady when she hooked up with Charlie...and she had a child by him...

    Kind of gives me the same "ick" I get when I have the misfortune of watching Maury Povich's "Are You the Father of my Baby?" know the ones where some nasty looking think can't figure out which of the 6 guys she boinked in a 7 day period fathered her 6 week old Kaneesha.

  17. Tom G., whenever I feel bitter about being the caregiver to military veterans who were injured during our overseas military actions, those loved ones gently remind me how awful America would be if the "bad guys" they'd been fighting had invaded this country, and fascism / communism / Muslim theocracy had taken root HERE. I'm still grouchy with the slow-ass V.A. yet less inclined toward hostility. It's a rough job, but somebody gotta do it.

  18. woolworths hmmm Im still trying to figure out that joke...

  19. Candy and Nuts,
    I took it to mean they wore inexpensive mass produced clothes, like I do.

  20. A.C. Fisher,

    Respectfully, since I believe you to be a good soul, Viet Nam was not going to invade us and neither was Iraq.

    Part of my fascination with the Manson Cult was because they saw thru all the bullshit, and took a stand, while the rest of you send your kids, your money, whatever they ask to protect you, when they really have no idea what they are doing and just want to stay a Super Power a little bit Jackson Browne use to say.
