Friday, June 8, 2012

Manson Family Remixes

The Manson Family epitomises everything dark and dangerous about psychedelia, the potentially disastrous consequences of drug abuse and misled ideals. When they weren’t hacking up pregnant women or trying to incite race wars they had some pretty adorable jamming sessions. That’s assuming  you find chanting and cackling adorable. That’s perhaps a reckless assumption to make. On second thoughts we didn’t mean it, we take it back. Assumption revoked.

Point being that despite all the creepiness there’s a genuine warmth in their demo tapes. Everything is totally untouched production wise and reeks of ominous euphoria. We sent these tapes to a handful of our favourite up and coming producers, DJs and bands and asked them to have a fiddle around to see what they could come up with. Here’s the results in all their messianic, homicidal glory.

1 comment:

  1. The third track “I Run the Underworld” has a certain Depeche Mode “Behind the Wheel” meets the Pet Shop Boys “Always on my Mind” feel to it.

    I found the next tune doubly titled “Cell” and “C Powers Remix” mentally taking me directly to the opus magnum of disinterested, break dancing – “Days Go By” recorded by Dirty Vegas.

    Without a globally recognizable intro akin to “Ring of Fire”, “Help Yourself” or “Disco Inferno” (good luck getting those out of your head) they may have some difficulty finding traction outside the market represented by students of the Manson cult. What do I know?
