Thursday, June 14, 2012

Trona, armpit of America

As you may recall the Eviliz tour did stop in Trona. We only stopped long enough to photograph what was left of TJ's house and that was long enough for me. This town is a DUMP. It smells bad and nearly everything is either abandoned or boarded-up. It was however a long-term home to more than one Family member...


  1. I could never figure out why Charlie wanted to take over that town.

  2. Interesting tid bit is Trona high school is the only school in the USA that plays there football home games on a dirt field as the soil is so infertile that no grass will grow. Its is literally a waste land

  3. Liz made Mr. Patty stop in the trailer park to take a photo because it was the nicest looking thing there.

  4. Trona High School, home of the "Trona Tornadoes"

  5. ABC News video about Trona:

    The Pit

    They do it in the dirt.

  6. Well, we drove right past that HS. I think I recall us remarking that it was a shithole too :)

  7. Oddly enough, I kinda think Trona was where Joe Dorgan (Suzan’s boyfriend who entered the La Bianca house) lived for a period of time, adding to the ‘one degree of separation’ mystique.

    You’re a brave man Matt to have entered such a post apocalyptic abyss and live to talk about it. You may want to consider adding Bombay Beach and Salton City for an itinerary of total writhing hopeless despair. A vacation guaranteed to make you feel like Warren Buffet when you get home.

  8. Farf, was Dorgan there at the same time as the Wallemans and Cappy's brood?

  9. Patty,

    I don’t know the time frame Dorgan resided in the bucolic hamlet of Trona. Just that there was an odd clustering of Manson associated people in such a tiny community. I know, big help.

    Here is another ‘breadcrumb’ left by Cappy:

    It’s nice to see some community pride (2:19-2:21) that’s a rare thing today.

  10. Here's another link to some photos and captions about Trona.

  11. Farf,
    Thanks for the link. That's about the most I ever heard Cappy say.

  12. Yeah thanks Farf, Patty had not watched that footage in a while.

    Matt, Liz an Grump: if you watch till the end, you'll notice that the Helter Skelter truck is in its former location, not the present one that we photographed last April.

  13. Bill Nelson shot that after telling Cappy he wouldn't, hence the way she was acting.

  14. Right after the Helter Skelter truck scene, you will see window frames and sheet metal from the bus too.

    That is where it was dragged and blown up. Believe it or not!

    Patty, Matt, Liz - on you can buy Trona shirts and stuff.

  15. Matt,
    My apologies, I didn't see that you'd included the link in your story.
