Sunday, July 29, 2012

Leslie's look a like.

This may just be my own weird freaky hang –up, but I used to find it difficult to distinguish between Leslie Van Houten and Louise Lasser. I’m way over that now though.

From our new BFF Farf.


  1. Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman was Peyton Place on acid.

  2. Woody Allen was married to Louise Lasser who resembles
    Lesley Van Houten, then he hooked up with Mia Farrow, who was in Rosemary's Baby. Rosemary's Baby was directed by Roman Polanski who was married to Sharon Tate. There's bound to be at least one conspiracy theory in there somewhere.

  3. Let's play, "Six degrees of Leslie Van Houten"!

    I'll start: Barack Obama

    1. Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii.

    2. Ruth Ann Moorehouse was in Honolulu when she attempted to poison Barbara Hoyt with an LSD-laced hamburger.

    3. Both Ruth Ann and Barbara were Manson family members along with Leslie Van Houten.

    Thus... only three degrees of separation between Barack Obama and Leslie Van Houten. But don't tell Mitt Romney!

  4. another degree...I think Louise Lasser hosted an episode of Saturday Night Live season 1 (?) where Jane Curtain and Lariane Newman played RED and BLUE selling "handmade potholders made of human hair" havent seen this skit in a while but its pretty hilarious ( if anyone has it send me!) Laraine also did Squeaky alone in one skit...

  5. I'd love to see that clip from SNL!
