Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Follow-up to Handwriting Analysis: The Chandler Blvd. House

The Grump from Pahrump has graciously filled us in on what the Chandler Boulevard address on Charlie's application for a gasoline credit card was (see http://www.eviliz.com/2012/06/ready-manson-handwriting-analysis.html ). He writes:

"Here is some info on the Chandler Street House in Question.  It comes from Phil's book, Road Mangler Deluxe.  Good book, lots of info on Manson, A Joint Venture, and the Lie Album. It has a picture of Harold True in it, as well as info on the house next to the LaBiancas.
If you buy it from his website, he autographs the book to you, and you get the autographed card.

Phil was arrested twice for smuggling marijuana. He produced the Manson Family's album, "Lie" under the business name of "A Joint Venture." Notice in the top photo he was at Terminal Island, which is where Charlie also was before being released in 1967. Harold True is confirmed by Phil as having been a resident of the Chandler Blvd. house.  All of these people thought that they were starting a revolution. Does anyone else find this significant besides Patty?


  1. This is a great post, thanx!! If for no other reason than because when I clicked one of the links there were 2 pics of Triumph Bonneville's.

    My dad has a 2005 Triumph T110 Bonneville sitting in the garage. I rode it last night.

  2. I think the address has been changed, but yep, that's the same street I was looking for the house on.

  3. Hey, I appreciate for your efforts of writing blog. Handwriting is not just a way to present your thoughts writing. Infect person handwriting reveals lot about you. There is science called graphology that includes
    handwriting analysis , that is something which attracts me lot. It can determine our weakness, strength and help us to grow individually through graphotherapy . Keep posting

  4. wow, book looks great! Would you scan a page or two concerning Manson? I'd like to get it but on strict budget right now.
