Thursday, July 26, 2012

Doris Tate and Ed Sanders

Patty has never seen this photo before. 
Did Doris write a book? 
Can't find it on


  1. It was my belief that Restless Souls was partly based on a book Doris had planned on writing one day.Still say it was a good read
    PJ's part of the book would of seemed worthy of a seperate and perhaps better book.
    He actually cleaned up the Cielo drive aftermath think that's horrible the man had incredible strength

  2. That is the VHS Sharon Tate, The Victim.

  3. While Bill Nelson and Doris Tate were still close and working together the two did a video (the one in her hand).

    It's a horrible video and I haven't watched it in years, but there is a particular funny moment when she's talking to Nelson about Watson's conjugal visits and her solution if the state is willing to stop the visits. At a loss for words and in her infinite humor she says (as though he's a dog) "I want him fixed! I want him fixed."

    At the time, Nelson introduced her to Sanders and recorded an interview between the two--Doris asking Sanders the questions. What is interesting in this interview is that we see that Doris Tate never believed in the Helter Skelter motive and is looking for answers as to what really happened the night Sharon was murdered.

  4. IM a novice still so perhaps I'd be best just observing then Making any further comments
    Cielo can you or someone inform me on what exactly KTS is.? IM following advice received and reading another website as well Was told to start at beginning IM still in 05 Heated discussions at this time about KTS and gut instinct is telling me don't drop the Name that gos along with. KTS
    IM trying to learn seems those in the know here and the other site thanx

  5. The video is produced by confessed child molester Bill Nelson. This was before Doris repudiated Nelson.

    Sanders really was a piece of shit writer.

  6. KTS is a yahoo group called Killed The Sixties. It's still around, but I don't think it's very active anymore. I could be wrong though.

    Also, you can watch that movie on YouTube under the title Doris Tate In Her Own Words.

  7. Wow Col Scott himself IM totally addicted to your page. Surprised you didn't reply since you were the obvious subject. Just recently discovered both sites this one 1st then yours was highly recommended. IM still reading 05 enjoy it only issue I've seen is so much on Roman and the incident in NYC 69.
    Why so much on this.
    Please innocent question IM not looking to debate you.
    Seen you deliver to many TKO'S

  8. Cielo thank you for filling in the blanks are you one in the same with your own website again please everyone sorry for the questions
    I've only been around these sites 6 wks or so
    Appreciate being excepted by everyone.
    Actually just finished Col. Scotts blog about the above mentioned what a dirtbag child molester using the Bible I believe he should be among those incarcerated
    around these parts it's always nice to see it end in street justice

  9. I'm feeling much better today. Let's get back to it, people!

    PS: I'm no longer going to talk in third person. I need to own my words, that is important to me.

  10. Panamint Patty said...
    I'm feeling much better today. Let's get back to it, people!

    PS: I'm no longer going to talk in third person. I need to own my words, that is important to me.

    Noooooo Eviliz thinks you should continue to talk in the third person. It irritates someone.

  11. He reminds me of Ronald Hughes

  12. No problem William. Yes I do have a website

  13. cielodrivecom said...
    No problem William. Yes I do have a website

    And his website kicks ass. is the address.

  14. Cielo actually saved a pic from your page from Spahn the day of the auto theft raid of the two choppers Guessing maybe one may be Decarlos bike can't recall his 1% club
    Something related
    Memories of the Railsback Helter Skelter playing in my head
