Saturday, January 12, 2013

Available...Bobby Beausoleil's 1985 Parole Hearing Report with mention of Sassy Bottoms

I was able to acquire the 1985 parole hearing of Bobby Beausoleil in hard copy. It is 161 pages. I scanned it over the course of two days. Matt stitched it and reduced the file to a manageable size (around 20mb).

The Sassy Bottoms material starts on page 30 and appears again throughout the document.

We've changed the link from the PDF to a web copy of the transcript at TOTL:


  1. What on earth? What is it with Bobby? He really is the most manipulative and untruthful person in the whole cae. Why does he keep changing the Hinman story? how can he ever think he'll get parole if he does that?
    He comes across as extremely arrogant. As if his musci and his talent somehow make him special. The comments on Hinman's death ring so hollow: don't hear any remorse.

    Compare Pat Krenwinkel totally breaking down in the most genuine way: it's hard not to be emotionally struck by it, it's so spontaneous and so real. Even Patti Tate basically said she believed it, what she actually said was she didnt want to hear it because then she'd be forced to see Pat as a suffering person and have to move towards forgiveness and she wanted to maintain not-forgiveness. Poor Pat trying to say that she can't ever do anything to make it up except to kill herself, which she doesn't want to do, and she knows what she suffers is nothing to the suffering she's caused but nontheless, it's still agony, it's a literal hell to live with every day, every moment, to know she's a killer.

    now that's the real thing. Bobby hardly even mentions Gary, and puts it all in terms of his own life, as if that's the real tragedy, the waste of his creativity.

    And what the fuck is all that vile spanking stuff? Seems there's no doubt it's Bobby's illustrations. Why on earth nt respond to it? what kind of advice did the lawyer give? Doesn't look good to let all that be read out and say nothing. Should have at least tried to explain. Looks very very bad.
    Killer and child pornographer, with an arrogant fixation on his wonderful dram machine and all the big companies that are interested.

    Why does the Colonel 'adore' this guy and 'think he should be free' while calling Pat and Leslie, truly remorseful people, deep in the whole madness, no minds left at the time and who've spent their whole prison time doing useful stuff to try and atone, calling them 'murdering harlots'? (Why also does he keep saying they danced in Sharon's blood?)

    What useful stuff has Bobby done? It's all about Bobby and his music. Where are his guide dogs?

  2. Here is an idea-

    because the Col is a no good scumbag that wants to help Bobby get out and give him a job. so they can stroke each other for the rest of their time on Earth?

    Because a guy with all the advantages and resources any of us could dream of - decided the best way to use them for greater good was to focus on a selfish , lying manipulative, self absorbed fellow-scumbag..

    Maybe that's an idea??

    Poor Pat- she has to live with it every day.

    Well - at least she is living

  3. I have to agree. Actions begin with ideas and child molestation begins with access to this kind of garbage. This is clearly geared toward perverts who 'get off' on children. Both husband and wife knew to whom they were catering.

    The Col strikes me as one who has become the person he claims to hate: JimNY. No wonder he attacks and defends as he does. He has the same thing going for Bobby that JimNY had for Leslie. Leslie had the sense to tell JimNY to take a hike. Probably because she knew he wasn't helping her prospects for parole. Apparently Bobby has no such objectivity.

  4. Wow! Thank you DebS for posting this. I guess all of you read how I was totally reamed the other day for posting the original story about good ol Bobby "Sassy Bottom" Beausoleil. By the way, thanks for taking up for me. I was told off pretty good by an apparent "groupie."

  5. Your welcome Ann! I have since been told that this parole hearing was typed up and posted at Cats about five years ago, something I did not realize. I had never heard of the accusations before and I'm glad you brought it to our attention.

  6. Oh St you said in a previous comment that you were going to relax, take a Xanax and maybe live a life. All the inner hatred go the better of you, huh? Your inability to be a secure, functional human being is astonishing.

  7. I can't decide if it slays me or just monumentally depresses me that there are people out there who deem Bobby the most suitable for parole of the Manson murderers currently incarcerated, and somehow more redeemable than, say, Leslie Van Houten. (Not taking up for Leslie by the way. Merely making a point.) How very, very wrong they are.

  8. Brian
    You apparently cannot read and just conclude what you want to conclude. No doubt a huge fan of Fox News.

    If Bobby were guilty of child perversion I would be leading his lynching.

    DRAWINGS are not reality and someone as lost as you does not get to evaluate what some (not I) might consider "art."

  9. AustinAnn
    You posted an article accusing two people of heinous crimes. It was your intention to lead the reader to conclude that Barbara and Bobby sold kiddie porn.

    It is clear by all the research done by Matt and by Deb that the prison themselves determined this was false.

    You were attacked because you knew what you were doing and you did it anyway.

  10. What AustinAnn did was dutifully read a parole hearing transcript and report what she read. Seems to me she gave Beausoleil the benefit of the doubt:

    "Was Deputy District Attorney Patrick Sequeira being a naughty boy by grasping at straws, or was Beausoleil truly caught being a perv-creep?"

  11. What's the story with JimNy away? I have a vague idea that he was obsessed with Leslie at one point but that is all. Anyone know the details and are willing to dish the dirt?

  12. St nice to see your not being so sychophantic to Private Scott about time

  13. Col I am going to take a sec and adress your insult for the last time...

    I am done with you. you can post my name and your insults if you wish. you can come into this or any other room and call me names and question my anger , personality. blogging skills- whatever you want. I have no more time to give you or think about you. I wasted 6 years on that. You said my comments on your site were
    " unsolicited"- You wont have that problem again. I am staying away from you and your negativity. Your behavior is unacceptable and your attitude sucks...

    You have a lot of information about this case, and are a terrific writer. you are in possession of great wit and a sarcastic personality I enjoy very much.

    You almost never have a nice thing to say about anyone. You act like judge and jury towards every commenter who doesn't agree with you. You talk down to people, make judgements and have anointed yourself the final opinion on any discussion your involved with...

    All of that is good and well- because everyone has an inflated opinion of him/herself lol

    But you do it with a certain condescending zeal which comes across as very rude and off putting....

    I have been getting emails for some time telling me what a piece of shit you are. As well- telling me I am foolish for praising you and that eventually you would do exactly what you have done.

    I considered doing a post with all the emails and then adding some from last few days filled with support and re-instating that your not worth the effort or embarrassment.

    Then I remembered something I sometimes forget.

    I am better than you. Better person. Better friend. Better period. I am just a small time citizen of South Florida. I work full time, and have a mortgage and bills and responsibilities. I still find time to volunteer with underprivileged kids and coach sports. I still get over to the Elks every month and do my thing for Crippled Children. I do what I can to help others and never hurt anyone who didn't come after me first. Not one time in my life. Never started a fight even one time.

    I do what I can when I can to help.

    You have chosen to spend your time and resources on a man who killed someone that considered him a friend. going to Galleries and shows and writing letters to the board and promising employment to a killer...

    Is it any wonder you and I would never get along??

    Despite our differences- I still supported you unequivocally - and for questioning two looney birds whom you have chosen to champion- I became fair game for your nonsense...

    It took me a few weeks- but I am over it now. Over you too.

    I was wrong for calling you a scumbag. I take it back. you get no more of my anger- no more of my energy, and no more of my time.

    do what you need to do to be a big man and big shot. If you want to pick on me go for it. I wont fight back,..

    your a waste of time. You dont have the inner strength to be kind, sincere or a friend. You keep kissing those few asses so you stay relevant. I have many many emails in front of me that say besides your occasionally entertaining big mouth- you are not.

    My name is James Koch and Matt will give you my number if you have anything else to say to me I suggest you do it like a man. I am not a rich Hollywood asshole but I have some resources of my own, and will be out there in a few months. If you care to take this up man to man I will be happy to meet you anywhere you like and we can handle this any way you like...

    otherwise fuck of and leave me alone...

  14. Florida.

    Explains everything.

    And you are not rich or from Hollywood Florida but you remain an ignorant numbnuts.

    It's still YOU'RE!

  15. whatever happened to you in life- I am sorry. someone must have done a real number on you at some point...

    good luck Col.

    I said on another post the other day money cant buy class. It apparently cant buy happiness either. Making movies and supermodel wives and you still turned out to be a miserable bastid with no heart at all....

    that is YOU'RE cross to bear lol

    :) lol I gotta go now and watch football and hang out with people who do like me and think I am a real swell guy...

    Maybe I will hit one of them over the head and then stab them a few times and listen to him beg for a day or so until they get annoying. Then I will kill them.

    Then you will like me more?

  16. Actually, think that's Pat's point bout remorse: the only way out is to kill yourself, but if you want to try to make up a bit for what you've done, you have to endure it.
    No, it isn't really living.
    I just think she is really and truly remorseful. None of us (I hope) can know what it's like to feel that way, every day, to have done what you can't undo. Yeah, I feel really sorry for her.

  17. Hello Fiona...

    I agree with you that Pat feels remorse and I also agree she feels more than the others. I would add she has more to carry than the others- aside from Tex...

    I think you show great compassion and heart.

    I just think she should serve a life sentence for the life's she took. But I get no joy out seeing an older woman suffer and go through her changes in such a sad way. I think all the parole hearings are terrible. The victims families have to relive it. The convicts and their families have to rehear it. Then they all have to go through disappointment when they get denied. It is all the way around sad and nobody ever wins...

    Just like fighting on the blogs lol

    very sad and nobody ever wins at the end of the day....

  18. St
    You don't know much and you don't know me!

    But YOU'RE welcome to YOUR opinions while you attack the reputation of perfectly nice dead people.

    YOU'RE more than welcome to call me "scumbag" simply because I pointed out YOUR deficient education, self esteem and case knowledge.

    I'm reminded of an old MASH episode where Hawkeye had to deal with the hero worship of Radar. Radar had to get over it.

    I am NOT someone to look up to St. I don't pretend to be nor do I ask you to. Just because I have more first hand knowledge of the case than anyone else on the 'net doesn't mean I am the most expert- I can barely keep things in order sometimes.

    I started blogging because I wanted to learn the motives- that's it. I didn't want to build a database like Cats or Bret. I didn't want to be THE voice of TLB. I didn't want a radio show. I didn't really care what Mendocino looks like. These are ALL valid things and I like all those sites, even the inbreds at LS.

    I just want to know the motives. Because the BUG lied. And if someone can get away with a lie in a case like this, then all of us are screwed.

    And despite all of my knowledge and success, many many years and many blog entries later, I still don't know the motives. So I am not a big success at all.

    This started because you questioned somebody's marriage and I told you that was pathetic. It still is. This worsened because AustinAnn printed implications that people were involved in child perversions without doing the research to find out that it apparently is untrue. Look up Woods v NBC. You can be in jail for life and still sue for slander. Matt, a true asset to the case researched and found out what she did not along with Deb.

    You are not a man James. You need years of therapy and maybe electroshock if you get butthurt over the internet.

    Good luck to you you will need it.

  19. At the beginning of AustinAnn's previous thread I (not being on the cutting edge of street slang) had to look up butthurt on Urban Dictionary. Who says you don't learn something every day.


    An inappropriately strong negative emotional response from a perceived personal insult. Characterized by strong feelings of shame. Frequently associated with a cessation of communication and overt hostility towards the "aggressor."

  20. I was thinking it had something to do with Sassy Bottoms.

    I'd never heard the expression before coming here and assumed it was indicative of some young kid using slang.

  21. Because as we all know there are many Cols. The will of the Col is strong and wise, and his reach is massive. There is a 12 year old Col, a disbarred Col, a Hollywood Col and on and on.

    Or maybe there is just me and I've had enough of St's fawning and mewling.

  22. Ann was simply reporting on something that none of us knew much about, and then Deb of the mad skills filled kn the details. Nobody lied, nobody made anything up. This is how we learn. Its a process.

    St. Are you still up for the tour? If not Patty is ready to reassume travel agent status. And to meet the Colonel and peek under the paper bag. He has likely forgottn more than Patty will ever know...

  23. Butthurt makes me think of the show Workaholics, which is always good for a laugh

  24. Col I am sorry I am not enough of a true researcher or Man for you.

    I promise the letters COL will never come from my computer again if you just leave me alone...

    just go on to something else- please.

    I have loved your site for a long time. I am not going any further down this road.

    I hope all works out with your wife, and that you find the TLB motive and that you have a great 2013. Your a great writer and a loyal advocate for your friends...

    I agree with everything you wrote. I really do. I make mistakes and I guess questioning Barbara on your site to you was a big one. I cant take it back now and have paid I feel a pretty fair price for it...

    I accept that and everything you say. time to move on now-

    please :)

  25. Patty it is your tour and this is your site- you can take over whatever you want. I was just helping until you were ready to reengage...

    Please feel free..

  26. St why do you act like a victim to some over the hill cyber bully I mean really and as for those "drawings" WE ARE ALL ADULTS HERE everyone realizes this is a kind of fetish porn-drawings are used because its ILLEGAL to use REAL CHILDREN in this type of thing we all know it tif this private pile or scott or whatever his name is in denial of it thats part of his madness no need to apologize to some bumbag who uses his own illnesses of family to gain sympathy online or as a crutch to why hes got such a big log up his arse-

  27. 'There is a 12 year old Col, a disbarred Col, a Hollywood Col and on and on.'

    No. Just a VERY angry individual who cannot seem to help but post invective and over-the-top bile.

    Unless one is family, either of the victims or the killers, none of us have a dog in this fight. Certainly not to the extent of such uninterrupted rage. Bugliosi is not the first, nor will he be the last to manipulate the systems rules to secure a conviction. But he had nothing to do with Bobby's prosecution and Charlie did nothing to help his own case.

    I agree Linda and Carlie were both equally guilty of conspiracy to commit. Bugliosi offered Linda her life in exchange for testimony to jail the other defendants. He made her an offer she couldn't resist. You are right. It stinks and it happens every day. I note that not to excuse but I don't see this case as unique in that practice.

  28. Being an LS Inbred, I must admit to having to look up mewling. Never heard it before. Good one.
    And the right call to punt, Saint. The Col has never seen the opposite side of a coin and clearly literally doesn't believe it exists. He is eminently knowledgeable and entertaining but sadly mean-spirited and intolerant.
    It's weird. Most of us agree the "Bug lied" or at least embellished. But then most of us see it as him doing his job. Does the Col think Vince is the only lawyer to manipulate facts. Does he think politicians don't lie on the job. Or cops or ballplayers or even teachers. How about priests and Cub Scout leaders? Nobody lies there?
    Personally, I could care less what Bugulosi's sins were/are. He did the job of putting a man who I consider pure evil away for life. A man, by the way, who describes himself as meanest gangsta you will ever meet.
    Forty-three years since the murders. I don't know how many years you have been on your crusade, Col, to behead the Bug and find an alternative motive, but I wonder if at some point don't you have to ponder if you are pissing into the wind. And maybe that is why you are such a miserable SOB.

  29. Candy no good answer other than tired of fighting.

    I come here to have fun and express opinions- when I open these sites and see myself ridiculed it makes me feel like shit..

    that takes the fun out of it.

    rather just do what it takes to be able to enjoy this hobby. The guy would never say the words " James your not a man " to my face and walk away... I promise you that on my late Fathers grave.

    but he doesn't have to. Coward chicken shit punks like that are a hard thing to deal with. I dont want to have to deal with this jackass taking the fun out of it for me, so I tried letting him be the alpha male and that hasn't seemed to work either...

    I am just trying to find a way to get around this without lowering myself to that level...

    I hope that makes some sense...

    I try to be a gentleman first whenever possible...

    I want to be better than him

  30. If you want to be better than him just walk away.
    Simple as that.
    Its just words on the Internet.
    Nothing more than that.

  31. Yeah well it turns out that I have no choice..

  32. So....

    No such thing as bad publicity, right?
