Thursday, January 3, 2013

Bobby Beausoleil = Herbert the Pervert?

Ok, just got finished reading Bobby Beausoleil's 2008 parole hearing, and almost fell out of the chair. It seems, Mr. Cupid was something of an entrepreneur back in 1984. He was apparently running a business out of his prison cell called "B & B Enterprises." The company consisted of himself, of course, and his wife, according to prison officials. An actual lieutenant from the prison security team at CMC wrote Beausoleil up, and filled out a report, which is summarized here:
"Approximately mid-December of 1984 Inmate Beausoleil received in the institution mail a large manila envelope containing Xerox copies of the following. Number one, letters of correspondence with people from various states. These letters pertained to purchase orders of child pornography, ages between four and 12 years old. The types of orders were photographs, movies, tape cassettes and magazines. They were all specific as to what they preferred, age, sex and nationality. Two, photocopies of order forms with names and addresses of purchasers with their money order or check made out to B&B Enterprise. A few money orders were made out to R. Beausoleil in care of B&B Enterprises. Three, one letter pertained to a person offering his services to B&B Enterprise by making movies or magazines for him, meaning Beausoleil. In this letter the man stated that he and an accomplice kidnapped children between the ages of four and eight years old. They moved from one state to another every three months to stay ahead of the law. Some states he mentioned were Florida, Washington DC, Colorado, and the last state in which they had just left was Arizona. He mentioned after their stay in California they were heading to Washington. Four, photocopies of bank records showing deposits to B&B Enterprise and R. Beausoleil. All of this information came with a return address of B&B Enterprise, P.O. Box 1033 in Grover City." Which I believe is where Mr. Beausoleil's wife was living at the time. "In the second week of February, Inmate Beausoleil received another manila envelope from B&B Enterprise in Grover City. This envelope contained purchase orders for magazines containing -- which contained nothing but child spanking and beatings. Each one asked for a certain age, sex and nationality. The order forms were addressed to Sassy Bottoms, B&B Enterprises, P.O. Box 1033, Grover City, California 93433."


  1. All I can say is DAMN. I never heard this before. Are you sure AustinAnn? Where can I read?

  2. Thanks Rev but I see I see 2010. I don't see 2008...

  3. Here's 2008

  4. DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY SEQUEIRA: Now, in 1984 there was an investigation regarding a mail order business that the inmate was running, the B&B Enterprises business that the inmate and his wife were running. The inmate remembers that investigation; is that correct?


    DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY SEQUEIRA: Can the inmate tell the Panel about that investigation and what it involved?

    INMATE BEAUSOLEIL: I am not going to go down that road with you, Mr. Sequeira. I'm going to ask the Panel to look at the Board of Prison Terms investigation report that developed out of that investigation. That's the best way that I can answer that question, that they looked in depth into those questions that were raised and a determination was made into several areas. One is the Truman Capote interview that you're probably going to bring up, and the business, and also to the extent of my actual involvement with the Manson group. And that investigation -- I would rest on that investigation as my answer to you, to that line of inquiry.

    DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY SEQUEIRA: Well, now, the business that you were involved in in 1984 had some --

    INMATE BEAUSOLEIL: Mr. Sequeira, I'm not going to answer any more questions related to that. I have already answered that question. I have relied on the investigation.

    DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY SEQUEIRA: Knowing that the inmate was investigated for incidents involving drawings and possible child pornography --

    ATTORNEY PRAHL: I'm going to object.

    DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY SEQUEIRA: -- why was it that the inmate then later on, in 2005, allowed those photographs -- allowed drawings, along with some additional new photographs, to be published at the Clair Obscur Gallery.

    ATTORNEY PRAHL: I'm going to object to that question. It assumes facts not in evidence. There is no basis for it within the file. It's argumentative. It's irrelevant under In re Lawrence. It has nothing to do with any of the offenses that Mr. -- And it has been resolved by an official investigation that is in the file that the Board has access to.

    PRESIDING COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Did he get a 115 for -- Did he get a 115 for that?

    ATTORNEY PRAHL: I don't believe so.


    DEPUTY COMMISSIONER TURNER: What one are we referencing?

    PRESIDING COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: That's the one we referenced.

    DEPUTY COMMISSIONER TURNER: Mr. Beausoleil, did you get a 115 for whatever it is that we're referencing? Do you recall?

    INMATE BEAUSOLEIL: There was a 115 that was issued for not having the correct authorization.

    DEPUTY COMMISSIONER TURNER: Was that at CDCR or was --

    INMATE BEAUSOLEIL: That was for to be involved in a business you have to have -- I didn't know it at the time.

    DEPUTY COMMISSIONER TURNER: That's when you were in California?

    INMATE BEAUSOLEIL: Yes. And that was resolved. I did get the correct authorization, and that was the end of that.


    PRESIDING COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Let's rephrase the question just so --

    DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY SEQUEIRA: So, is the inmate saying he continued with that same business?

    INMATE BEAUSOLEIL: No, but I did get a correct authorization.

    PRESIDING COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Well, we have the pictures you're talking about.

    DEPUTY COMMISSIONER TURNER: We have them (inaudible).



  5. Ya know I danced around all this stuff in an attempt to not go over board. Obviously I have re-read all this stuff recently as can be seen in my post about Bruce's parole...

    Despite the public trashing I took for trying to word myself politely in lieu of Barbara's recent passing...

    But there are many questions, which I tried ( unsuccessfully)to tap dance around due to her passing, about what type of people these really are/were...

    I am sorry for those who loved Barb that she is gone. Truly. It doesn't make me forget the things she did and choices she made in her life though... Like getting involved with Bobby and things like this....

    I am quite sure that some people who defend them have to know they participated in things like this and still would have at me for questioning them???

    Sickening lol

  6. Even though I don't post much on the TLB related boards these days, and was never much of a presence in the first place, I just want to show you my respect Saint. I don't always agree with you but very often you give voice to what a lot of people are already thinking. Count on it.

    And of course this stuff is downright sickening. Fuck Bobby Beausoleil and his egomania and habitual lying. The only thing he has going for him - and which has gone some distance in convincing some people that he's a thoughtful human being who's actually worth the time they've wasted on him - is his relative articulateness. All the well-spun words in the world don't hide what he is and always has been, though.

  7. Always a pleasure to see you, Leigh. You always have good things to say.

  8. Okay, ST. Patty will relent, and admit that all love is good except for "child love." That is absolutely reprehensible.

    Patty wonders how Bobby entered this line of business, did he have contacts from before the murders?

  9. PS Ann, you are batting 1.000! Nice find.

  10. Leigh- honored and flattered

    Patty- ;) I even understand how you could fall in love with a monster if you go in a cave with him long enough . I just ask why you would want to get in a cave with a monster?

    Ann-I am sorry I forgot to compliment you on a great job :)

  11. ST, you and Patty are constantly crawling in and out of caves against our better judgement. She'll be your spelunking buddy any ole day!

  12. Please tell me they tracked down the one who claimed to be a kidnapper and found that it was all a lie.

  13. Given the tiny amount of time devoted to this subject in the parole hearing questioning it seems he was absolved of this?

  14. Yikes!! One thing I always wanted to know,, how did he get a transfer to Oregon? Also keep in mind AB members are crafty, what comes to mind is the book called Red Zone, its about the Presa Canario dog breeding ring/ tragedy.

  15. Sam I've wondered too how he engineered that move. Seems to me that there would be AB members in every prison and not limited to California. I also have noticed that quite a few Family members or associates have gravitated to Oregon at some point.

  16. Oregon seems to be an attractive place to live. Twenty or thirty years back the governor of Oregon was trying to get people to stop moving there. He seemed to think more people would over burden the state's resources.

  17. Sam Peckinpaw said...

    Yikes!! One thing I always wanted to know,, how did he get a transfer to Oregon? Also keep in mind AB members are crafty, what comes to mind is the book called Red Zone, its about the Presa Canario dog breeding ring/ tragedy.
    I've heard that RB was a member of the AB. I haven't been able to find anything to confirm it. Does anyone know anything about him being AB or know of any websites that give details of him being a member?

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. this is almost as sickening, well is as sickening as his torturing his friend for three days and then killing him. st. don't take it personally what the col. said, he let someone jump all my ass when i said manson was looking forward to bugliosi's death. duh don't most of us agree that manson would maybe dislike bugliosi and look forward to him dying. as for the col. and beausoleil, i think the col. has a man crush.

  20. p.s. i live in portland, oregon and yes we did have a governor who told people to visit but then go home. we really do have a great state: beaches, rain forest, desert, mountains, and portland is a fun city.

  21. Hey everyone.
    I'm a little late here but didn't bobby go to Oregon because he thought he had a better chance of being paroled there?

  22. beauders said...
    p.s. i live in portland, oregon and yes we did have a governor who told people to visit but then go home. we really do have a great state: beaches, rain forest, desert, mountains, and portland is a fun city.

    Wasn't there a slogan, Don't Californicate Our State! :)

  23. yes we did, i was born in portland but grew up in the bay area, then we back here when i was in middle school. i had to deal with portland's disdain for californians as a twelve year old.

  24. And he wonders why he can't parole. Bobby is arrogant, cocky, a liar. Shit he loves to call Sadie a liar, but my God Bobby tells 1,001 stories. Shit like this will ensure Bobby never paroles and it's his own fault. RIP Barbara.

  25. I'm not trying to downplay Bobby's role as a murderer, I just never thought he was as bad as Sadie or Tex. But after reading this, I hope he never gets out.

  26. Leigh said...

    Fuck Bobby Beausoleil and his egomania and habitual lying.

    Ole J.C. said...

    And he wonders why he can't parole. Bobby is arrogant, cocky, a liar. Shit he loves to call Sadie a liar, but my God Bobby tells 1,001 stories. Shit like this will ensure Bobby never paroles and it's his own fault. RIP Barbara.

    I could not of said it better myself!

  27. Where did the description on the main page come from? The thing Austin Ann repeats. It is not on Cielo.

  28. It's there, I just found it. It's about 3/4 of the way down the page.

    Use your "find" thingy with the first part of the quote, "Approximately mid-December of 1984" and it should take you right there.

  29. I was initially shocked when I read this, but not shocked now!!

  30. Initially I WAS shocked but bOBBY IS a sociopath and I am not shocked

  31. BB had connections to child pornographers in 1984. Leads me to think that he knew these people before incarceration.

  32. Anyone notice in the transcript Bobby says Sandra Pew may be the mother of one of his kids? Misspelling of Pugh maybe?

  33. biglittlepatty said...

    Anyone notice in the transcript Bobby says Sandra Pew may be the mother of one of his kids? Misspelling of Pugh maybe?

    That is correct. Ivan(Sandys son) claims Bobby as his father.

  34. for whatever reason the family did believe ivan pugh was beausoleil's kid.

  35. I do see some similarities in the face.

  36. Again
    The actual contents of the report that AustinAnn posts- the CONTENT- this is not on Cielo Drive where is it from?

  37. What was posted by AA and what I posted in the comments were both taken from this same page on Cielo:

  38. Deb is emailing you something...

  39. Dear God. Did Bobby contact the authorities and tell them about this child kidnapper?
    Let me answer 'no'.
    And yes the Colonel does have a man-crush. "I adore Bobby and think he should be free"

    Seems he's changed his mind now.

    Drawing child porn to order. Dear God, what a scumbag.

  40. There is no place for this "person" or for those of his ilk in any society. Pity he missed out on the death penalty.How much time and thought has been wasted upon this unrepentant deluded reprobate? Time and thought that could have been used positively elsewhere. Neck yourself Bobby, put an end to this negative macabre sideshow that is your wasted nihilistic existence.

  41. Ohhhhkaaay. Blown away! I think I've discovered what changed the col's mind about BB. This its so f'd up! If this is true, it should be up there above youthful murderer on his resumé of infamyn
    BB: Child porn curator/distributor, then youthful torture murderer
