Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Manson being interviewed in chapel at Vacaville

In this video, you can't really hear what the interview is about in the beginning, but you can just see Charlie hanging around some other convicts, and then walking around with a mop in the chapel. I suppose this footage was taken when he was in charge of keeping the chapel clean. Interesting to look at, but frustrating if you want to hear what they are saying throughout the whole footage. A point to note: Manson says in this interview that he wishes he could be reborn, and start all over. That is the only "normal" thing I have ever heard come out of his mouth in interviews. Also to note: I wonder if he was drugged on psychiatric medications during his Vacaville stay, and in particular during this interview? Shall we view?


  1. great video....good to video of him hanging around other prisoners

  2. Charlie is clearly drugged here. He is way more calm in this interview. He also speaks almost childlike. Very soft.

  3. What always struck me as odd is that they're listening to the White Album on their boombox! I wonder whose idea that was?

  4. Doesn't seem to bad there.... looks like a bunch o friends hangin around.

    Maybe I've been watching max lockdown to much...

  5. lurch said... What always struck me as odd is that they're listening to the White Album on their boombox! I wonder whose idea that was?
    Yea I noticed that right away as well. My guess is that it was probably meant to get some kind of reaction from Charlie and to get him talking.

    Things do seem to be pretty relaxed and casual.

  6. Lurch, I'm thinking that whoever put this video together likely added the Beatles, "Honey Pie" because it's from the infamous White Album, the one from which Charlie took divine inspiration from.

    Why Honey Pie? I'm going to guess that it was because it's an innocuous track. Me? I would love to see and hear this tape/video without the music.

  7. RFOSTER: I also hear Savoy Truffle on the tape after Honey Pie so my guess is the tape was of the entire White Album.
