Thursday, May 23, 2013

Houses on Cielo: Clarification...

I'll interrupt this tour for a moment for clarification on the Cielo houses. A friend of the blog emailed these to us just now with expert commentary.

Here are two photos of Cielo as it existed the day after the murders.

The house closest to the gate in these photos is now the remodeled, white three story house closest to the new (and old) gate--and you can also now see the difference to where the gate stood then and now.

The second house (furthest from the gate in these photos) is now the third furthest from the gate in your photos with a new house (the tan/orange one) added in between the original two houses. The fourth house, furthest from the gate is also new and David Oman's house - 10100 Cielo Drive.


  1. Hi,

    Of the 2 houses shown, which is the one that Ms. Chapman ran to and those folks called the police?


  2. Well she ran to both, but the Kotts didn't answer the door. She then ran to the Asins, the house farthest from the Polanski house.

  3. And as mentioned on a previous post, there were bobcats, front-end loaders & dump trucks working to excavate for yet another house. From just a few hundred yards away we couldn't hear them. Sound does not travel well in Benedict Canyon. I understand the reason why the screams went unnoticed!

  4. Thanks, Cielo. Are the Asins still there, do you know? Doubtful, I'm sure.

    By the way, I really love your site. I can't wait until that audio that is due this summer. I don't know how you get those clips that you post, thank you for them!


  5. Thanks Jenn. I don't know who lives there. All I know about the Asin family is that the son that testified at the trial, was recently living up in the northwest

  6. I believe Mr. Asin passed away in 2010. His step-daughter Mauren Serot was the lovely gal interviewed on TV shortly after the murders.

  7. So sad that su h lovely properties are tainted forever.
