Monday, September 9, 2013

Front Page: Headlines from the Los Angeles Times

Information overload is likely the reason Patty forgot about this gem in her library. While taking a deep breath in between semesters, the gold lettering on the maroon coffee table volume caught her eye. She immediately wondered if the headline "Manson Guilty, Nixon Declares" would be included, but alas it is not. If someone has a reproduction of that page, will you please send it to Patty? Also, there's no Squeaky pointing a gun at Ford in here, which surprised Patty.

Anyhow, for your viewing pleasure, here are some of the covers relevant to our discussion that were included in 280 pages culled from editions published between 1881-1987:


  1. That book certainly is a gem, Patty... thanks for sharing.

  2. you are welcome. How could the Manson Guilty, Nixon Declares cover not be in there? The significance appears to have been lost to history. Patty has looked long and hard for a good quality jpeg. Seriously. if you have one, please send to patty at eviliz dot com.
