Saturday, October 26, 2013

Charles Mutherfuckin' Manson, Who the Hell is He?


  1. Anybody ever heard of It seems logocal for an organization with a name like that to have a detailed web site.

  2. You're right. No website, just a domain registrar placeholder.

  3. This was just a pointless waste of time

  4. Hilarious though...

    "Jesus Christ! Beans and Rice!"

    "A white guy and a Chinese girl!"

    A little bit of black market Adderall, and you too can be a guerilla filmmaker.

  5. The B&W BUS was used to transport the JURY. Charles Manson was personally chauffeured in a small Sheriff's Wagon (see MANSON film). Maybe occasionally the Girls rode in the BUS, BUT never CM.

    Someone apparently bought the BUS at a surplus auction and is now trying to make some $$$$ off it. The Rosa Parks BUS sold for $500,000 so maybe I should check my vault more carfully. LOL

    By the way, I left a large duffel bag full of Manson Family clothes up in my parents garage rafters. It was clothes from Mark Ross's house that the Family wore. So it probably ended up in some thrift store. Then Melrose Ave boutique dealers probably got hold of it and put it in their store(s) for the likes of movie stars and celebrities to purchase and wear to awards shows. BUT I'll never tell!

    Robert Hendrickson
