Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Preston Guillory's First Interview With the Freep

This is Preston Guillory's first interview with the Los Angeles Free Press. It was conducted shortly after he had been fired from the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, Guillory had been assigned to the Malibu sub-station and participated in the August 1969 Spahn Ranch Raid.

Guillory's second interview with the Freep was included in the pdf that the newspaper put together with all of their Manson articles. I keep finding Manson related stuff that was omitted from that pdf and this article is one of those that had been omitted. 


  1. An interesring article, Deb. Is there any word on what became of former Officer Guillory?

  2. He's definitely not voting for Obama, that's for sure

  3. Guillory has held a private investigator's license in California since 1982. He has a business in southern California.

  4. Everything he said was basically true about cops. As a matter of fact, when I was 16, I was at Mardi Gras with some older cousins, and one of them bought me a beer. I had just taken a sip, when out of the blue, a grown man came up to me, and demanded to see my ID. I didn't know he was a plainclothed cop out to bust underage drinkers. He didn't show me a badge, so I just thought it was some creep trying to mess with me. I told him off, and next thing I knew, he grabbed me by the hair, and threw me on the ground. A grown man doing this in public to a teen girl. He then slapped me across the face. I was so scared, I almost pissed in my pants. My cousins came over to rescue me, and this asshole pulled his gun on them, and told them to stand back! It was a horrible, brutal night. The sob got away with it, and was able to walk away with a new MIP citation, and a handful of long, dark, lustrous hair! I have never had respect for these bastards ever since. I know I was in the wrong by underage drinking, but damn that hurt!!!

  5. AustinAnn74, I bet you ran your sassy little mouth a bit too and probably tried to smack him. You probably got what you deserved. I hope you learned your lesson.

  6. I told him "who the fuck are you?" He didn't present a badge, tell me he was a policeman or anything. For all I knew it was just another mulleted, sideburn-less, mustachioed creep. How was I supposed to know?

  7. For those who always say: "There's nothing NEW!"

    Just over 2 years ago the St. Circumstance posted the story about Preston Guillory. It set me off, because at the end of "Inside the MANSON Gang" Squeaky talks about the Spahn Ranch raid and specifically states that "Charlie" KNEW the night before, as he told Gypsy and her: "Oh, we're going to be raided in the morning."

    So here's the ST. (generally thought of as somekind of bumkin) tipping me off of a very important clue. Of course, most folks would have no idea as to how important his post could be. BUT I know! And greatly appreciate his insight.

    AND I know how important the WAR "between the hippie-liberals and all the uptight conservatives..." is. Then add: "And it would be like the War between the States, brother against brother, white killing white.

    Then, after the whites had mostly killed off each other, 'the Black Muslims would come out of hiding and wipe them all out.'"

    That's right, the great American Civil War was actually a "black and white" RACE war?

    BUT who really was/is this infamous Charles Manson? Was HE pissed at the "pigs." Like, WHICH Pigs? The recent LAX shooter Paul Ciancia "wanted to kill TSA and Pigs." BUT WHICH "pigs?" Who are the "pigs" that keep popping-up in dangerous events? Already, in LA the word "pigs" is being dropped from news stories about Ciancia and only TSA is mentioned. Is this by accident or design?

    Did Bugliosi purposely drop "hippie-liberals and all the uptight consevatives" from the "black and white RACE war?" OR did WE just not SEE it? Why did he NOT go with "Death to Pigs," BUT instead Helter Skelter. AND why NOT Healter Skelter?

    Robert Hendrickson

    P.S. Remember Bugliosi's primary objective was to FEED his family, just like YOU and I. After all, it's American way - isn't it?

  8. Reading AustinAnn74’s account of Mardi Gras reminded me of the ever present time, and experience bias we all represent. When she said she was 16 and the cops were looking for underage drinking, I thought that cop must be good at telling ages, because I can’t tell a 16 year old from one who is 18.

    I was using my experience with Mardi Gras (1979) when the drinking age in Louisiana (pronounced: Loo –zee-anna) and Mississippi was 18. If you can believe this, and I doubt you will; you could drink and drive in Mississippi. That’s right; there was nothing unlawful about driving down the highway and sipping a cool one, as long as you weren’t drunk. You could be all cool and impressing chicks with your 10 watt, 8-track tape deck, blaring ‘Slow Ride’, then pick up a brewski for the journey. Unless you were in a ‘Dry County’, then you were SOL. So alcohol laws have always been logical, just like most laws.

    In 1973 Nixon lowered the speed limit on the Interstate to 55 in retaliation for Watergate. True story. All the states were told they were in charge of speed laws, but the Feds would jerk their highway funding if they didn’t comply. So, 50 states became Washington’s bitch.

    Then some people in Nebraska realized that they only had one stinking Interstate highway running through the place. They rarely used the thing since it is for truckers, and in the history of man, no tourist has ever stopped in Nebraska. If the gubberment pulls their Federal highway funding… so what?

    Armed with nothing more than pluck, a ladder, and a can of spray paint, those Nebraskans unilaterally raised their speed limit to 65 (our Constitutionally protected velocity). Then the same happened in Montana, Nevada and all the other states culminating in the highway speeds we enjoy today, along with validating the “Domino Theory”, except it wasn’t Communism. So victory for the Leadfoot tribe, but Washington wasn’t going to take this lying down.

    In another fit of Orwellian logic, the Feds used the Interstate network and the Sugar Daddy funding to establish a National drinking age. Oh you want money for highways to facilitate commerce, which increases the tax base? Then you’ll need to have a drinking age of 21, and all those ‘Dry Counties’ can stand as they were. See?

    So as I read AustinAnn74’s story, I realized that she must have gone to New Orleans (pronounced: nah-luns) after 1986 when the drinking age was raised. Otherwise the cop’s actions appear as completely over the top, although pulling a gun for an alcohol violation is probably the product of watching ‘Scarface’ one time too many.

    Thus bringing me to several subjects long discussed in Mansonland. Much like highway speed limits and drinking ages; drug laws weren’t static, or proactive. You see how the cop laments weed laws from 40 years ago as too draconian. What were the laws about MDA or mescaline for the same time period?

  9. Actually, Farflung, it was the Galveston, Texas Mardi Gras in 1990! Drinking age was 21 then. I did not look 21 then. haha...Did you notice the person going by the name "Mad ARAB" told me that I deserved it? haha...Why doesn't that surprise me?

  10. This is good, and yes I was let down when I actually bought that FREEP PDF when it first came out and a few articles I was looking for was not in there. One of them being the article about the Straight Satans and Narcs.

  11. MDA...MDA...where did it come from, and who made it? Was it the stuff left over from the confirmed MK-ULTRA 1950s experiments? Did "Merrie Kleinman" really introduce it to Sasha Shulgin in 1965? Who made the shit she had? Why is the history of MDA a blank slate between 1968 and 1971? Believe Patty, she has looked. And she is reaching out to the old school hippies who are older, wiser and more in the know. Did Gary give Sandra those capsules because he learned how to make them from Shulgin? Or did Nick Sand make it in Colorado? And why would there be a QUART of marijuana seeds in the bust LSB put up? Because they were guerilla gardening Acapulco Gold all up and down the coast like all the good BEL members were doing back then.


  12. Dooger said...
    This is good, and yes I was let down when I actually bought that FREEP PDF when it first came out and a few articles I was looking for was not in there. One of them being the article about the Straight Satans and Narcs.

    We have that article posted here, Dooger.

    Anytime I run across a Manson related article from the Freep that is not in that pdf I try to type it up and post it here. This article was too long for me to type up, though.

  13. It’s the banal anachronisms which tend to attract my attention.

    MDA being a “blank slate” surely should (should but won’t) serve as a filter for story shifts, or false memories. MDA was manufactured for whomever, by whomever, and wasn’t outlawed or controlled until late 1970. Presumably many of these “connections”, or black market deals would be implausible simply because the stuff wasn’t controlled yet. LSD got early recognition thanks to the endlessly running mouths of a few, who happen to be anti-establishment types as well.

    Then there’s the axiom which every manufacturer has relied upon since Adam and Eve; “Buyers are liars”. Sure, they say they care about quality, but there are McDonalds on every street corner. They care about the environment and overseas oil, but won’t use synthetic gasoline. Why? Cuz Big Macs and fossil fuels are….. cheaper. The end.

    Synthesizing something is with the goal of producing what you are mimicking for less, or because it has some inherent performance advantage. Synthetic oil is more expensive than mineral oil, but performs in extreme environments better, thus receiving the premium price.

    It truly is a linear and predictable process, but most people want to view themselves as different or ‘special’ and use that as justification for rejecting logic. Gold can be extracted from ocean water at a very predictable rate, but it costs much more than hard rock or open pit mining techniques, and is therefore unviable. Peyote (Mescaline) can be synthesized at a much greater cost than alternatives like LSD and is rejected for that simple reason alone. People won’t pay more, for the same or less performance.

    The alphabet soup (LSD, MDA, MDMA) of hallucinogens are nothing more than a series of chemicals which are known to mimic the effects of Peyote. Nothing magical or mystical there. The government experimented with LSD-25 because of the long term effects it had upon individuals. All they wanted to do was create an aerosol of the stuff to rain down upon enemy troops who would then….. trip. The military could then walk in, and disarm the enemy soldiers, without firing a single shot. Not a very sexy story and makes the military look like something less than blood thirsty, so there needs to be a “mind control” story too. The LSD-25 was rejected because it was difficult to aerate, control the application, and the ‘good guys’ would be exposed to the same once they touched anything sprayed with LSD-25. I know, that’s a real yawwwwwn story. Believe it or not, mustard was processed into a weapon also, that’s right, children’s hot dog mustard Mandrake. The mind control experiments were dropped due to a lack of success and the favored chemical remains boring old, sodium pentothal.

  14. Now it’s time to drop the hammer on all this shit and make it a crime. Hold on there mister, the peyote plant was used by natives as part of their religious sacrament for thousands of years. So here’s where the spiritual element arrives, which is part of the First Amendment, and not some Roswell space alien conspiracy. But that won’t stop whitey from stomping on the traditions of others so he can get high.

    If one uses a controlled substance as part of their sacrament, then the narcotics laws don’t apply. This is what sparked numerous NEW religions to register who just happen to use the latest controlled substance (LSD, MDA) as part of their “sacrament”. Did this actually fool anyone? I mean really, anyone??

    So where are we? Dazed and confused by all this disjointed asynchronous data, which actually matches many of the myths with the occult, drug busts, brainwashing, bikers, and other back stabbery. The problem appears to be the mixing of stories which don’t belong together. The same way I assumed the drinking age was 18 in AustinAnn74’s story and how the context of a 16 year old seemed odd or extreme. Much different when compared to contemporary laws or a group of people who may not even be aware of a drinking age other than 21.

    Knowing that a gram of LSD was approximately $700 (wholesale from the cook in 1969) and could produce 10,000 hits, should (should but wont) apply some governing logic to a few of these tales.

  15. That gram of LSD had to be handled very very carefully. I'm talking Playtex Gloves and all other skin covered including surgical mask! (I won't tell you how I know that).

  16. It's actually pronounced Nawlins by locals and Neew Orleaninans by Yankees, but I can remember going to drive thru Daiquiri shops, they were on every corner, Reagan also used Nixon's withholding federal highway money to force states to raise the drinking age to 21. Hawaii and Luzyana- correct pronunciation were the last 2 states to hold out, Louisiana grandfathered the law in so I got lucky at 18.

  17. Don't eat the brown acid. Its probably that STP Nick Sand tried to get the Angels to pass off on us last year. Remember that shit? Yeah, that scary bad shit from 67! He made them a bunch of methedrine, their favorite, which is just one step different from MDA if they'd unload it for him. Yeah I wouldn't eat that fake biker acid for anything. But, this Orange Sunshine stuff? Whooeeee! That's what you want, right there. Who's holding?

  18. LSD, Mescaline, MDA & MDMA are all quite different in their effects. Mescaline (the active alkaloid in peyote & the San Pedro catus), MDA & MDMA are all in the phenethylamine family. LSD is from the tryptamine family. Very different stuff, very different effect.

    MDA & MDMA are probably closest to each other... they're not much like acid at all. They're both real "feelgood" drugs... great for dancing, great for sex, hardly any freakouts... hardly any life-changing realisations either... not very psychedelic. Which is why MDMA has become so popular since the 70s

    Mescaline (even though it's in the phenethylamine family) has qualities to it that are very definitely psychedelic (very colourful visual effects, often accompanied by major epiphanies) but also lots of the "feelgood" qualities noted in MDMA etc.

    A gram of LSD did not make 10,000 60's sized doses. A gram makes 10,000 100 microgram hits- standard fair from the 80s onwards. In the 60s/70s, acid was usually 250-300 mics... certainly Orange Sunshine was... as was Owsley's product.

    There's a contemporary interview with Preston Guillory on Cats' site done a year or so ago. Guillory has completely changed his tune since the 60s and now denies there was any kind of a conspiracy... but I'd expect that kinda duplicity from a cop :-)

  19. LSD, Mescaline, MDA & MDMA are all quite different in their effects. Mescaline (the active alkaloid in peyote & the San Pedro catus), MDA & MDMA are all in the phenethylamine family. LSD is from the tryptamine family. Very different stuff, very different effect.

    MDA & MDMA are probably closest to each other... they're not much like acid at all. They're both real "feelgood" drugs... great for dancing, great for sex, hardly any freakouts... hardly any life-changing realisations either... not very psychedelic. Which is why MDMA has become so popular since the 70s

    Mescaline (even though it's in the phenethylamine family) has qualities to it that are very definitely psychedelic (very colourful visual effects, often accompanied by major epiphanies) but also lots of the "feelgood" qualities noted in MDMA etc.

    A gram of LSD did not make 10,000 60's sized doses. A gram makes 10,000 100 microgram hits- standard fair from the 80s onwards. In the 60s/70s, acid was usually 250-300 mics... certainly Orange Sunshine was... as was Owsley's product.

    There's a contemporary interview with Preston Guillory on Cats' site done a year or so ago. Guillory has completely changed his tune since the 60s and now denies there was any kind of a conspiracy... but I'd expect that kinda duplicity from a cop :-)

  20. Whoops double posting... the NSA must be screwing with me :-)

  21. So maybe Abigail and Voytek had actual MDA in their bodies. But, maybe it was N-methylated which would make it MDMA. Sasha Shulgin's lab books are published at EROWID, and on page 37, nothing is said about MDA between March 67 and January 72. Interesting that in the 60s ALL of these drugs were known on the street collectively as "acid" or synthetic mescaline. Methylate it or reduce it in just one little place, and you get another drug with another acronym and another effect which in some cases (e.g., PMA) can be fatal.

    Note to young Molly users out there - how well do you know your chemist? Do you trust him? Gooooood.

  22. STP is a whole other ball of wax. MDA won't make you trip for days on end. STP will. In a smaller dose, STP is a bit like a mild dose of acid (which is why certain cooks turned to it in '67 when they couldn't find their acid precursers). A small dose wasn't what most people were looking for though in '67... which is why it was dished out so heavy-handedly with all the resulting problems.

    There are several other substances from the same chemical family as STP which have similar effects (Dragonfly etc). All of them are problematic. Thanks Mr Shulgin... NOT.

  23. Patty said:
    "Or did Nick Sand make it in Colorado?"
    If Nick Sand made it, it would've been in tab not capsule form.

    "And why would there be a QUART of marijuana seeds in the bust LSB put up?"
    Cause a lot of the Mexican dope was really, really seedy back then. No-one seemed to know about sinsemilla.

  24. Most of the weight in an ounce of weed back then was the seeds. Like many other things there was a learning curve. It took a while before it was realized that the weed was more potent just before it went to seed.

  25. After reading this thread, I am now more tempted than ever to try weed, LSD, peyote, MDA, etc, etc...

  26. Yeah Max, they're definitely interesting drugs. Like all drugs though they do have a downside. It's certainly arguable that they're less harmful than alcohol or tobacco but it's all about using them intelligently rather than abusing 'em. A strong acid trip can be a really overwhelming experience… quite literally ego-dissolving. One can learn an enormous amount from something like that but it's pretty important to be in the right place (both physical & psychological) when it happens. Lots of people weren't in the 60s and the doses were so strong that quite a few folk got pretty messed up. Which is at least one of the reasons why the cooks & distributors dropped the dosage from 250 to 100 mics in the late 70s… and even further in later years.

    The phenethylamines (MDA, MDMA, mescaline) as Patty says are related to the amphetamine family and so (in my opinion) aren't as physically benign as acid. They're less scary though and much easier to handle in a crowded situation… and more popular and a much more commercial product as a result… which may well factor into some of Patty's musings. As Patty also says some of their very close chemical relatives can be toxic and not all cooks or dealers are as idealogically driven as Owsley, Scully & Sand (IMO). It's really important to know the provenance of whatever it is you're gobbling

    The real danger though is that all that stuff'll turn you into a hippy :-)

  27. RE: Farflung says "The mind control experiments were dropped due to lack of success..." BUT one Charles Manson was SUCCESSFUL in utilizing LSD in connection with "mind control." The proof is in the pudding, as they say. NOT that it is so, but I could present a more reasonable legal arguement (than the HS theory) convincing a jury that Mr. Manson was involved in a government "mind control" experiment - and that is why the murders took place. BUT then, most likely it ain't so - or is it?

    RE: Ann's bad cop experience: The only thing that prevents YOU from enjoying the same freedoms your government leaders enjoy is POLICE.

    Robert Hendrickson

  28. Brownrice - good point. So the "professionals" had a tablet press for their wares, but the wannabes just put their product into a capsule. Yeah?

  29. Is there a toxicology report in Gary's postmortem, Cielo?

  30. I have emailed Patty this link but for anyone else who is interested, Gary's autopsy report is online and the toxicology report is included.


  31. Thanks Deb...

    negative barbiturates, inconclusive EtOH level due to blood decomposition, but suspected to be approx. .08%. Nothing else was tested for.

  32. This from Siemens Corp: "

    The half-life of the drug is about 8 hours. Although primarily eliminated as unchanged MDMA(65% of a dose), 10 –15% of a dose is converted by N-demethylation to methylenedioxyamphetamine(MDA)... A 2001 report examined urine levels for MDMA, MDA, and other amphetamines in subjects who admitted to recent use of MDMA at raves. Specimens were collected between 1–8 hours after claimed use. Forty-four specimens were determined to contain either MDMA or MDA. Twelve specimens had MDMA present but no MDA, and four specimens had MDA present but no MDMA. Note, that most of these sixteen specimens also contained other amphetamine-like compounds. The remaining 28 specimens contained both MDMA and MDA, and MDA levels averaged only 4% of MDMA levels(1–24%)."

    So basically who knows what Abigail and Voytek actually ate, since MDA is a common metabolite of the whole cluster! To confuse things even further, Patty came across an article somewhere recently (TOTLB?) where the press was calling MDA "Super Speed."

    Clear as mud.

  33. as always, brownrice amazes...agree wholeheartedly on the "right place" aspect, Timothy Leary called it 'set and setting' I believe.
    That story of Charlie tripping and attending his first Dead concert and just finding a wall and lying down and curling up in a ball has always stayed with me.

  34. Absolutely, Leary. Patty has often wondered where said show took place? Of course you always think about the Fillmore first, but there were other places, too. Other more intimate, cozy clubs and bars, like, the Chateau in Ben Lomond, for instance. Anyone?
