Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Bobby BeauSoleil Butchers "Angel"

Bobby Beausoleil has recorded a cover of Sarah McLachlan's song "Angel." I'm not going to say much about it, except......(IMO) he really should of learned a trade in prison, like welding, or commercial house painting, or something, because there is no way in hell he could be released from prison, and make a living as a singer. Apparently, there are others that share that same sentiment. I will quote California BPH Deputy Commissioner James Martin, who stated at Mr. Beausoleil's last hearing, which was held in 2010:
"Mr. Beausoleil, I find that your parole plans are unrealistic, and almost completely insufficient. Several places in your materials, you describe yourself as an artist, and you've told the Board today, and in the materials that you've submitted, that you're a videographer, a composer of music, an artist. This member of the Board doesn't think those are the sort of solid, reliable skills that you can bank on. I noted that you almost dismiss your skills and training in electronics, printing, and sheet metal. Those aren't the things you want to do, it sounds like to me. Well, sir, it is likely that your life after prison will not be about performing, and glamour. It will take effort, and thoughtful stradegy for you to survive, and I don't believe you've made enough planning in those regards. Your past public figure status, your pursuits with music, those memories you have of playing with certain bands, that's not going to serve you in the future, and it's not realistic to think that it will."
Listen to Bobby BeauSoleil's rendition of "Angel" here:


  1. BAH HA HA..Very sub par singing. The parole board is right: a guy nearing 70 isn't going to become a recording star. especially a murderer with a crappy voice

  2. I like it quite a bit. I can't say whether he could make it in music and art, but I do think he's a serious artist and I would guess he would be in demand because of his talent and because of who he is.

  3. It sounds good to me as an effort. Remember this guy is in prison and it's not like he has free range access to adequate recording sessions. He didn't do a bad job with that song - the production is what sucks about it.

  4. It sucked totally. The guy is a total dork stuck in the 60's.

  5. What do you expect from a guy whose been locked up SINCE the '60s?

  6. I've heard worse.....
    Not sure about his choice of dipping into the Lilith Fair songbook though.
    To each his own.

  7. Well, if you want to see a REALLY bad music video, check this one out!

    Empty coffee from your mouth first or it could become liquid projectile.

  8. Thank you for that Matt-it was truly the worst music video I've ever seen-or best depending on how you look at it. It might have been better starring Edyth Massey from the John Waters movies.

  9. Well, I will say one thing. At least he knows how to play the guitar. My dad bought me a "Seagull" acoustic guitar for my birthday a few years back, and I haven't even attempted to learn how to play it. It sits in it's case in my closet as I type this. I'm a guitar flunky! :-(

  10. Being in the clink for 45 years could make just about anyone a good guitar player!

  11. Aiy, Matt. That is one of the worst videos I have ever seen. It's up there the song from Chuggo "Come On Fucking Guy."

  12. Suze, Bobby was an accomplished and quite capable musician before he went to prison.

  13. @Suze: Not realy treu....It always takes some talent too. And some people are realy ,Tone-Deaf,

  14. Pick up that Axe and make like Stevie Ray AustinAnn!

  15. That's hifuckinlarious Matt!

    Thank you for that...!

  16. Bobby's self delusion surrounding the level of his, ahem, talent puts one in mind of that New York millionaire and his wife who believed she was an operatic star. For the life of me I can't remember her name but she was (in)famous as her husband used to hire out venues for her to perform in and people used to flock to hear her tone deaf caterwauling and ritual massacre of classic arias. If anyone could provide me with the name of this "operatic diva" I'd be more than grateful as not knowing is an itch I'm unable to scratch.

    Back to the the "what if Boddy DID get released" issue - if released, Bobby could possibly eke out a living as a "cult" performer. The thing is, a very select few would buy his material out of respect for his musicianship, most would follow him on the basis of his notoriety with some as a campy nod to bad taste (Mr Humphrat hitting the nail on the head with the John Waters' reference) - the LOL aspect here being that Bobby wouldn't grasp "irony" at all.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. BucPaul: I remember the opera "singer" you talk about, BUT money "talks" has always been a ticket for some. "These Boots are made for Walk'in" by Nancy Sinatra is the best example. As the story goes: It was so bad, D J's wouldn't even play it, so Frank had his men go out to ALL the record stores in LA and buy-up all the copies. This, of course, sent HER song into a number # 1 HIT. If you remember, the song was so irritating the FBI played it, over loud speakers, continuously, at night, to keep David Koresh's WACO disciples awake. I think that's where the phrase "Weapon of Mass Destruction." was coined.

    Maybe Nancy told Charlie that's how to create a HIT record and that's why Charlie NEEDED money (to buy-up his record) ????? You'd think Frank could have put the word out to Franky Carbo to help Charlie out - but then Charlie wasn't Italian?

  19. I guess Steve Grogan's parole board told him to stick to housepainting, that a music wasn't a viable option...
    That tightass from the parole board reminds me of all the dreary suit-men who've discouraged artists and creative people, throughout the ages. Like the one who told Lucille Ball: "Can't act, not funny."

  20. John Seger- if you were funny you would be tolerable but as it is you just simply suck
    BUCpaul- It was a Chicago Millionaire come on man
    maxfrost- must you always be so marvelously correct?

  21. Bucpaul- I think you're referring to Florence Foster Jenkins.

  22. You guys, check this out...fucking RAD

  23. Was the singer you're thinking of Pia Zadora?

  24. @ bucpaul2812, I think you are talking about "Mrs. Miller." Check-out this link:

    PS Colonel Sanders. awe, don't pout. For years I read your mean-spirited, one-sided attacks on so many people, I couldn't even count. I don't like people like you. Your a nasty, opinionated, old-man. Glad my comment made you respond though. :-) Must have struck a nerve. :-) You have always been one to dish it out, but can never take it! LOL

  25. @ bucpaul2812. I actually don't think it's Mrs. Miller after-all. Still, go look at the link. Pretty weird

  26. black_love _in_space – YES! It was Florence Foster Jenkins, thank you!

    Panamint Patty – link is EPIC. Speaking of dolls, one thing I’ve always wanted to do when I have a bit of extra cash is to purchase three Blythe dolls and customise them so that they resemble Katie, Lulu and Sadie in their denim issue prison dresses.

    Mr. Humphrat – Funny you should mention Pia Zadora. In my early teens I saw “Butterfly” and as a result of there not being very much to do when I was growing up, I sent her a fan letter. She wrote me back including a signed photo andthanking me for asking her about Pickfair. The paper was quite lovely, it was faint blue vellum and the letter was written with scented lavender ink.

    John Seger – Up until now I never heard of Mrs. Miller but this sounds like the sort of cult thing I’d totally appreciate ☺

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. bucpaul2812, Have you heard of Tiny Tim?? LoL. He was a real trip. Look at this clip:

  29. Whoa that is rad! Thanks Patty!

  30. Performers of this quality are lucky to get a couple of $50 restaurant gigs a week, frankly.

  31. I think Bobby has done his time after 45 years in prison.If it where another crime he would have been out years ago.Him and Leslie are the only ones that I feel should be let out.
