Friday, October 31, 2014

Polish authorities interview Roman Polanski, decline to arrest him

By Steve Almasy and Antonia Mortensen, CNN
updated 10:21 AM EDT, Fri October 31, 2014

(CNN) -- Famed film director Roman Polanski, wanted in the United States for having sex with a minor in the 1970s, was questioned this week by Polish authorities but allowed to leave after the interview.

A spokesman for the Polish Prosecutor General's office said Thursday that authorities there didn't believe it was necessary to hold him in custody while the United States seeks to extradite him.

Mateusz Martyniuk told CNN that Poland received a request from U.S. officials to arrest Polanski, and the Oscar winning filmmaker came Wednesday to the office in Krakow.

"(The matter) was not sent to the court that could impose a temporary arrest because the prosecution did not find basis for that," Jan Olszewski, one of Polanski's attorneys, told CNN affiliate TVN24, according to the network's translation.

Polanski, who was in Krakow on Thursday, said he wants to film a movie in Poland, his parents' homeland, next spring. The director has both French and Polish citizenship.

He told TVN24 he hoped the extradition question had been settled "once and for all."

Polanski pleaded guilty in 1977 in California to having unlawful sex with Samantha Geimer, who was 13. The director of "The Pianist" was 43 at the time. He fled to Europe before he was sentenced.

Polanski was arrested in Switzerland in 2009 on a U.S. fugitive warrant.

The Swiss rejected the American extradition request in 2010 because the United States did not supply all the legal records Switzerland requested and because Polanski had a reasonable right to think he would not be arrested if he visited the country, Justice Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf said at the time.

Geimer publicly forgave Polanski in 1997 and has called for the case to be dismissed.

Besides the Oscar win for "The Pianist," Polanski also received Academy Award nominations for "Tess" and "Chinatown."


  1. What a worm. I hope the CA authorities eventually get him so he can shit his Depends in custody and die in a cold cell.

  2. A cold cell and warm Depends. You are heartless.

  3. I don't know, I think they need to stop worrying about this, and start paying more attention to really important issues at hand, like, for instance, Miley Cyrus's coated tongue, or Kim Kardashian's butthole. Just an opinion....

  4. Damn, I almost went the whole day without seeing or hearing the name Kardashian. Thanks a lot Ann. lol

  5. Apparently an adult "having sex with a minor" in Poland is NOT a crime - just as the President of the United States receiving a "blow job" from a young intern in the White House is NOT considered a "sexual relation" in America.

    Operative word here is EXCUSE.

    It really is all about geographical definitions. In the NEW "Nation of Islam" it is NOT a "crime" to butcher innocent men, women and children in the Middle East - IF it furthers the cause of the ISIS revolution. Operative word here is CONQUER.

    In Nazi Germany it was never illegal (a crime) to gas Jews to death - simply because they were Jews. Operative word here is ELIMINATE.

    In the new Americas, it was NOT illegal (a crime) for the Europeans to sweep across the land from East to West killings the native inhabitants. Operative word here is CONQUER / ACQUIRE Land.

    In America, in the 1960s it was ILLEGAL (a crime) to REVOLT against the US government (establishment). Operative word here is ?

  6. Hey Robert, in my opinion the operative word is SUPPRESS.

  7. DOC: "SUPPRESS" seems to fit as good as any word. So WHY would a country FOUNDED upon a REVOLUTION, do everything it can to prevent another one ? AND the Federal Government has even armed local police departments with MILITARY might (weapons) to ensure that not even PROTESTING in the streets is successful. Is America going for a new and improved government "system" that the Nazi's would be really proud of ?

  8. Good point Robert. I'm in my 50s and lived all over the SF Bay Area while growing up. I attended a couple of peaceful demonstrations with my mother at UC Berkley when I was a kid. I don't remember the purpose of the demonstrations as I was about 8 or 9 years old. What I do remember is the police trying to intimidate the crowd to "keep us in line".
    As we are a nation of laws we have the highest incarceration rate in the world. More laws are on the books every year. A lot of them based on getting money out of us by fining the hell out us. I used to live in Sacramento and I got a speeding ticket back in the 90s. My fine was $280 plus another $280 for a "penalty assessment fee". Sometimes I have a hard time understanding why our law makers allow this type of fleecing their own citizens and voters, but then again, sometimes I don't have a hard time understanding it.

  9. DOC:
    Look-up the word "peonage" a system developed AFTER " Slavery was Abolished" of police picking people off the street to do labor for business folks and the like.

    COPS ticketing for $$$ is also a type of PROTECTION Racket. YOU go along with it OR we won't PROTECT you from the really BAD guys. Unfortunately, the MAFIA became the "government" and its COP'S beat teacher !!!

  10. "Penalty Assessment Fee" That's mighty vague. Makes me thirsty for a White Russian, Dude.
