Friday, July 10, 2015

Bill Nelson Taunts Sandra Good In The Barker Ranch Log Book

Hello my friends!

Sandra Good will screw up once too often and qualify for California's 3 Strikes Law. Then it will be good-bye "Blue" stay alone George.
Myers Ranch is burned out -- Where were you George & Sandra Good?
Spahn Ranch burned the last day of Barbara Hoyt's trial testimony, now Myers!

Bill Nelson
P. O. Box 1585
Costa Mesa, CA 92628

OK Blue -- Guts enough to keep this statement in this book?

6-30-99 Bill Nelson


  1. On top of drug fueled sex orgies with young hippie girls among bonfires that illuminated their sweat drenched, naked bodies, I think Nelson also had fantasies of being a murder victim. It's like he desperately egged people on to kill him so he could be some martyr in Manson history. Or maybe he himself had homicidal desires? The guy was obviously psychotic. It's like his combated all his own uncomfortable desires by going against the so-called Manson Family.


  2. George,

    Thanks for sharing the document - interesting. I wonder why Bill Nelson seemed to home in on The Family, and then you also, to the extent that he did when none of you had done him any harm. As a writer (and in Nelson's case, I use the word loosely), he had an interest in doing research and trying to gain interviews, but he really overstepped the mark. It was like he was taunting Sandy and the others - it seemed to be personal, rather than taking an objective approach.

    There was obviously a psychiatric problem there, and he was trying to make himself part of the story. He was like a stalker. It's possible that if the Manson Family didn't exist, he would have always found other targets.


  3. When Nelson starts off with 'hello, my friends'. Who were the friends? Most people don't want a stalker as a friend. At the end of the day, that is all the man was.

  4. Nelson and Bugliosi BOTH seem to have personally injected themselves into the Manson Family story.

    AND both, to the extent THEY created "elements" of the STORY.

    The "Col" also has injected HIMSELF into the STORY, but for HIM it's more like HE is trying to protect the world from people like Nelson and Bugliosi.

    As Bugliosi was dying I thought: When HE goes, folks are going to feel more free to "inteligently" discuss the Manson Case and WALA, just look at the difference in the discussions on this blog. It WAS like Bugliosi was the personal "caretaker" of the Helter Skelter myth.

    AND now just look at people like La Calandra coming forward, and ME, even I am feeling more FREE to speak out against the "caretakers" of our otherwise sacred fables.

  5. Jump in, everybody! The water's fine!


  6. OK George,

    In that case, where were you on the night that Myers Ranch was burned down;);) Nelson obviously realised before everyone else that you were on of the US' biggest arsonists.LOL.

    The man was a pest par excellence. I loved the story you gave on this year's Tour of how you exposed his as a perv.


  7. I don't know Sandy Good (obviously) but I have always wanted to make the observation that I believe that anything she has ever done is borne of firmly held principles and beliefs. They may not be YOUR beliefs, but in an age where so many of us are apathetic about all the things that are going on around us, both socially and politically, I should like to cut her a bit of slack. She was a committed environmentalist before it became popular to be so. On the other hand, I don't know what Bill Nelson stood for. My mind goes back to the repugnant interview he conducted with Doris Tate where he seemed to be getting some sort of kick from her late daughter's killing.

  8. I've never ONCE seen any interview with Sandra Good in which she manages to say anything other than an incredibly inarticulate rehash of Charlie's tired shtick in a manner that clearly suggests that she actually has no understanding whatsoever of what she is saying. The old 'reflection of yourself' type nonsense being a particular favourite. Just listen to her in those 80s interviews; it's just comical how much she is attempting to channel Charlie.

    I very much doubt that even Sandra knows what her firmly held principles and beliefs really are and I suspect she never did.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. There was a log book in the Barker Ranch house that visitors could sign. On one of my visits there I found this entry from Nelson. I put the book on the floor (that's a rock holding down the left-hand pages) and took this picture. I didn't take the book with me.

  11. Every time Patty has been there there is a new book. She has often wondered who puts them there and who takes them away?

  12. For years in the '90s we put them there and took them away. Eventually we gave them all to Park Service for their archives.

  13. Hey George - so what happened to the rock? That's a fine piece of Manson memorabilia right there.

  14. His old URL appears to be unoccupied by anyone new

  15. Dawes said:

    "... As a young woman whose whole world was being ripped apart before her eyes, Sandra put her face out there and fought the good fight for what she believed in at the time. Even if you hate or mock her for those beliefs, I think she at least deserves respect for doing so. That's just my opinion."

    As you may surmise from one of my above posts, I agree with you entirely on this. I have a certain amount of affection for both Sandy and Lynette.

    Sandy was interested in environmentalism before it became 'fashionable'.

  16. By George, the water is fine, until you realize, you can drown in it.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Re sandra on interviews the large embroidered patch she and lyn both wore full of animals,,,,gorgeous i wonder if they made those together in prison or just shared a pattern George,,,sorry this isnt really about bn

  19. Bn was an asshat who got his butt handed to him by Blue

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  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Nelson told me the only Family member he was scared of was Sandra Good, yet he was always trying to goad her into confronting him, I wonder why?


  23. beauders said...
    Nelson told me the only Family member he was scared of was Sandra Good, yet he was always trying to goad her into confronting him, I wonder why?


    Maybe he had masochistic tendencies. LOL. He probably did it knowing that Sandy wouldn't take him up on it - not because she would be in any way scared of him. The only person who should have confronted Nelson was his wife, to ask him why he was a child molester.

  24. Something has been occurring to me on looking at this post. The title of this thread starts "Bill Nelson taunts Sandra Good...". But if you look at the book entry, he is also taunting George Stimson. Why?? George wasn't a member of The Family. He was in no way complicit in the events of 8th, 9th August 1969. So why was Bill Nelson making reference to him? It seems to me that George was coming under Nelson's radar because he loved Sandy (and still does to this day). Why pick on someone because of who they happen to love?

  25. The Zodiac Killer used to send letters to the press to taunt the police.

    +1 to the theory of Bill Nelson being the Zodiac Killer.


  26. "equinox12314 said...

    Maybe he had masochistic tendencies."

    He probably did. Any time I saw him in interviews, he came across as someone who was begging to get beat the shit out of him. Always had that smirk on his face, while making snide little comments, antagonizing someone, even in the Doris Tate interview. He was a creep and a sick fuck and no doubt got his rocks off on weird shit.

    He's lucky that one of the fathers of the girls that he molested, didn't make him pay for what he did. Did you ever see the video of the guy at the airport, on a payphone, who shoots the man who molested his son in the head, as police are walking him through the airport? Too bad that didn't happen to Bill. But Bill's burning in hell now, so it's all good.

  27. OpenID ziggyosterberg said...
    The Zodiac Killer used to send letters to the press to taunt the police.

    +1 to the theory of Bill Nelson being the Zodiac Killer.

    Yes, indeed Ziggy. And it was Bill Nelson who went to great lengths to implicate Bruce Davies.

  28. I call it the "Please Help Me STOP Syndrome." Manson had it,
    Geraldo Rivera had it, Donald Trump has it. These people are
    usually in a position where everyone around them is beneath
    them, so they have nobody to "Stop" them from misbehaving.
    When someone with more power than they have comes along,
    they taunt them to react in a "Stop it" manner. NELSON
    was obviously in that "Please STOP me." mode. In HIS mind,
    ONLY the Manson Family was powerful enough to STOP him from
    misbehaving, and apparently, to some extent, THEY did !

  29. Robert Hendrickson said...

    I call it the "Please Help Me STOP Syndrome." Manson had it,
    Geraldo Rivera had it, Donald Trump has it. These people are
    usually in a position where everyone around them is beneath
    them, so they have nobody to "Stop" them from misbehaving.

    Hi Mr H,

    Nice bit of psychoanalysis there!!! Your observation makes a lot of sense.

  30. "Panamint Patty said...
    He has girly handwriting."

    That's it!! Nellie secretly wanted to be a Manson Girl too all along!


    Whatever happened to Sadie?
    That delicate satin draped frame
    As it clung to her thigh, how I started to cry
    Cause I wanted to be dressed just the same...

    Give yourself over to absolute pleasure
    Swim the warm waters of sins of the flesh
    Erotic nightmares beyond any measure
    And sensual daydreams to treasure forever
    Can't you just see it?

    Don't dream it - be it.

  32. A log book is a revered tradition in the California wilderness. Universally there is a "Peak Register" log book placed inside a weather proof canister at the summit of every peak in the Sierra Nevada mountain range.

    These registers are wonderful things, always containing emotional thought resulting from the commitment to traveling in the off trail wilderness. Sometimes the same old spiral 3x5 notebook in the cannister will go back decades, if the peak is remote enough.

    The Sierra Club recreation group *Peaks Section* has traditionally placed the cannisters and has archived the various peak registers over the last century. I'm sure the National Park appreciates very much receiving the Death Valley register archives from George.

  33. @George Stimson:

    Is it possible to contact Sandra Good about the Manson Family, especially about the connections to Hollywood?

  34. Hehe. Ok.

    And is it at least possible to get to know more about her sister Ginny?

  35. The one thing I give Bill Nelson credit for is getting conjugal visits for lifers eliminated via Tex Watson. Now I communicated with Bill and it was his way or the highway. A very difficult person to deal with. I remember the message boards that were anti-Bill Nelson and they were hilarious and ferocious. Even he visited the boards and came away stunned at how despised and hated he was.

  36. Credit to Nellie? Does it occur to you why he so excited to help Mrs. Tate lobby for legislation about sex?

  37. ** Does it occur to you why he WAS so excited?

    In his brain that squirmed like a toad, Nellie used the conjugal visit issue as his "legitimate" reason to stalk children from bushes with a telephoto lens.

  38. Nellie fancied himself as some sort of a 60 Minutes style hidden camera journalist.

    Except, 60 Minutes doesn't hire reporters to follow children when the reporter has a 3 count felony arrest record for...well, you know.
