Saturday, September 26, 2015

October 2nd Auction

Holabird Auctions is offering two nicely framed photographs of Paul Watkins in their upcoming auction on October 2nd.

Both of the photos were taken by Charles Adams, noted Hollywood photographer, as part of the advertising campaign for My Life With Charles Manson by Watkins and Guillermo Soledad.  A handful of Adams photos appeared in the November 1978 Adam magazine article promoting the book.  We posted that article here.

Online bidding for the auction is through Ebay.  There is a whopping 28% buyers premium plus shipping.

The first of the two lots.

The second lot includes a handwritten and signed letter to the photographer.

Happy bidding!


  1. A yellowed copy of Little Paul's book cost me a pretty penny. The book was informative, so, it was probably worth the price. I don't think I'd learn very much from those photos so, I won't bid against you collectors out there. Good luck.

  2. Paul was a good looking guy - I can see how he would be useful to Charlie due to his ability to attract girls to the ranch.

  3. Paul was very handsome. No wonder he was a procurer of girls. I wouldn't of minded a kiss or two!

  4. The link provided HERE takes you to the post where Max, the ST and others have a relevant and intelligent discussion about Paul, etc. ST. mentions that Paul says: "...and then he (CM) got on his Helter Skelter trip." from 1973 "MANSON." BUT what did Helter Skelter mean to Charles Manson and WHY did HE get on a train headed straight to chaos, confusion and really BAD things? Cause HE heard the Beatles talking about a "revolution" when THEY were only talking about an amusement park ride ? Cause HE read a 2000 year old book that mentions all the BAD trips people took way back then ?

    Maybe Charles Manson was just plain Bi-polar or - even worse - a religious fanatic with a charismatic personality - who pretended (by day) to care about the human condition, BUT cruised around by night with "little" Paul at HIS side.

    KNOW ye the TRUTH and it just might set YOU free. Whatever FREE is ! That is the question.

  5. AustinAnn, keep in mind where that boy had his tongue!

  6. OMG ANN: Haven't YOU heard the expression "Green with Envy" ?

    And forget the tongue, it's the LIPS, they been EVERYWHERE.

    Time to hit the "delete" button before the "Col" drops by.

  7. No, green with nausea, Mr. H, thinking about where his tongue had been. I can only think: Sadie Mae Glutz......Uh.....
    Nevertheless, Paul Watkins was extremely easy on the eye and sexy, even if his tongue might of been, uh, contaminated.....

    1. Sorry Ann....but I believe he also gave Charlie head .

  8. orwhut said...

    "A yellowed copy of Little Paul's book cost me a pretty penny. The book was informative, so, it was probably worth the price"

    I guess we pay what we can for what we consider valuable. I bought "Death to pigs" for $100 and my mate that I got to post it paid $26 to send it to me. I payed $45 all in for "Goodbye Helter Skelter." If someone had told me even 5 years ago that I'd be paying that kind of cash for books, I'd have raised my eyebrows and laughed. But it was worth it in both cases, both superb books {I also paid big bucks for "Doom let loose" and "Who invented Heavy Metal ?" at the same time}. And not available in England through any legal channels.
    When looking for Paul Watkins' book a few years ago, it was a three figure sum which I thought was crass so I found a site that was downloading it for free. It might have been the Col's site, to be honest, I wasn't into the TLB blogs at the time so I didn't take notice. All I remember was that the last chapter was missing and it took weeks of searching to find a site that had it. I didn't feel like I was cheating Paul's family or Mr Soledad because the book had long since been deleted. But it'll still cost me because I'm going to get it bound at Ryman's. I like physical product. Even when I buy E books, I print and bind them.
    Certain TLB books are really cheap {I'm talking less than £10 cheap} while others aren't. I recently picked up the updated version of "Five to die" for £32 but it was on sale for £64. I asked the seller if we could do a deal and he kindly said OK. Whereas "Trial by our peers" was a couple of quid but I would have paid 20 times that, it was that informative and pre~"Helter Skelter."

  9. I'd hate to total up how much I've paid for Manson books but I like to think that they average out to something in the reasonable range! I've gotten a couple of books from the UK which turned out to be the cheapest way to buy them, even with the shipping. has a great selection of true crime books.

    The first time I read Paul Watkins book it was a copy that someone made by photocopying a book that they had checked out of the library. Sometimes you can find it for a decent price but usually it's pretty pricey.

  10. I read the Watkins book online because it was too expensive.

  11. DebS said...
    I've gotten a couple of books from the UK which turned out to be the cheapest way to buy them, even with the shipping. has a great selection of true crime books.

    Last time I tried to find true detective magazines, like the ones that used to be available on magazine stands all over the US, new editions were only available from the UK. There's still a lot to be said for our mother country.

  12. In Junior High school I bought a book called "The Light in the Forest" for a book report. I NEVER read the book, BUT I read the dust cover jacket and wrote a report. I got an excellant grade and then went on to use the same book all thru High School. Of course, I would change the story somewhat - each time. And when I delivered my report orally one time, the teacher went bananas and wrote me a pesonnal letter - thanking me for being the FIRST to get up in front of the class to give such a beautiful report.

    The lesson learned obviously was: BOOK can be good thing, at ANY cost.

    When I was in Fifth Grade, my parents bought the World Book Encyclopedia on time payments, cause THEY really could NOT afford the $200. This gave ME an edge that ONLY two other kids in my class had. The three of us were then the top three in class. AND it changed my life FOEVER.

    In the late 80's, when Geraldo Rivera's Investigative News Group ripped me off RE: MANSON, I paid over a thousand dollars for a set of law books.
    BEST $$$ investment I ever made in my entire life - except for maybe real estate.

    YES Susan, and IF you read "Death to Pigs" like Grimtraveler, you may have realized that Little Paul "fucked" the women with HIS dick, but HE "loved" Charlie with HIS lips.

    AND being that close to Charlie, isn't it interesting that ONLY Little Paul included the role of the Black "Muslims" in HIS HS testimoney.

    OOOOHHH - how does one actually put a correct dollar value on a book - which is really just a bunch of shredded wood chips glued together.

    Maybe the "value" of the book purchaser, in HIS eyes, should be considered.

  13. Robert,
    Just imagine what a fine report you'd have made if you'd seen the movie Disney made from that book.

  14. Amazon (UK) fascinates me, Goodbye Helter Skelter arrived at £40, went up to £999 and today it's up there for £5,5000.

  15. Now I know where to sell my books, Amazon UK. Today is a sad day, here in Oregon.

  16. So who won? I was under the influence of something and put a $100 bid on it. I thought I won, only to find out somebody put the same amount in before me and neglected to watch the live auction. But then again, I'm kinda relieved I didn't spend that kind of money for a framed photo of a guy in short shorts.

  17. They don't tell you who won at Ebay so I don't have any idea. I looked up the other photo of Paul that was up for bidding and there were no bids. The winning bid of $100 probably will come in closer to $150 when all is said and done considering the buyers premium and shipping.

  18. I got it, actually! It's quite nice looking. The framing job is worth $60 alone.
