Monday, February 8, 2016

Are You Obsessed Yet?


  1. I often get up around 2:00 am with a craving for Folgers Coffee. The cup I have going now is delicious.

  2. Well, I'm in the IT business. All servers have names. My two web servers are Squeaky and Ouisch. My mail server is Cappy. Oh, our dog is Yana and our bird is Lulu.

  3. Our last dog was named Sadie. I still miss her.

  4. Word associations are one thing, but now I'm on to People, Place and Thing associations.

    AND boy what a trip that is. Cause I watch documentary programs and they are running all the "Black" struggle stuff from the sixties, I can really SEE and understand the Black & White race WAR thing - NOW.

  5. Not far from me is Tate's Nursey right next to a Rosemary's Bakery.

  6. I was stationed in ATWAter and never noticed the coded meaning.

    But then I was convinced we would collectively celebrate the end of the Cold War, with a "peace dividend" in the form of a 25 percent reduction in taxes. Boy was I young back then.

  7. Well, let's see; I have the White Album and I swear the Beatles are sending me messages through their songs. I have an ex-old man named Bobby, and my Guinea pig's name is Squeaky. Oh, and I have a Donkey named Dan.

  8. Ballarat Babe said...

    Oh, and I have a Donkey named Dan.

    Really, you have a pet donkey???

    1. It's not unusual in Ballarat to have a pet donkey. Is it?

  9. My mom is named Rosemary.....gulp....

  10. Maybe a few of you can relate to this: Every time I hear that Charles Manson had a warped and twisted MIND because HE believed the Beatles were talking to HIM, I think of all the good folks who THINK God is talking to THEM and how the next US President is going to have HIS cell-phone number.

    Then, at the last Republican debate, they were discussing the growing Heroin epidemic in the US and so I'm THINKING "What the fuck Chuck"? No wonder folks are SEEING Jesus face in THEIR pancakes.

  11. My daughters called sadie, I wanted to call her oiusch ( just because it's a cool and unusual name) but my beautiful amazing wife wouldn't go for it.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I only have a Beard and a Swastika Tattoo on my forehead... nothing special realy

  14. George what's the Willis one...Willett?

  15. Charlie's first wife was Rosalie Willis.

  16. omg this always happens to's a weird form of magic...or so i like to think

  17. I guess what I'm trying to say is that when i see things that relate to TLB in oblique ways it gets me to thinking about the hidden architectures that shape my reality. I guess you can find associations to anything in your life if you focus on them enough.

  18. I didn't get the Milky Way reference. What am I missing?

  19. Both BB & Manson were in the Milkey Way band.

  20. At first, I thought this was simply a childlike game of word associations, but why would George (such an intelligent man) post this? NOW Logan is spotting something and I'll take it a step further into the REAL Manson Family WORLD.

    Super Bowl and Beyoncé - ANY red flags YET ?

    "Panthers" - How about Black Panthers / San Francisco ? How about Black Panthers / Charles Manson ? How about Charles Manson and Black and White people ? AND how about Black Muslims and the Zebra Killings in San Francisco ? How about Helter Skelter and an extremist Italian prosecutor and NOW we got another infamous Italian prosecutor, Rudy Giuliani, who also happens to be a racist "cop" lover and is just itching to fire-up the good old Black and White COP/Pig wars.

    Thank GOD and the racist PIGs - the incredible Manson Story is NOT ancient history - YET.

  21. Amazing how often it will pop up in seemingly unrelated cultural or media references, even without just imagining them.

    Here is one you may have missed:
    Around 1987, John Hinckley Jr. applied for a court order allowing him periodic home visits. As part of the consideration of the request, the judge ordered Hinckley's hospital room searched. Hospital officials found photographs and letters in Hinckley's room that showed a continued obsession with Jodie Foster, as well as evidence that Hinckley sought the address of Charles Manson. The court denied Hinckley's request for additional privileges. (snipped from Wikipedia)

  22. My cats are Cupid and Gypsy. I tried to get my sister to name her adopted daughter Lulu but the kid ended up with Lily and their cat is Lulu. Of course I could never
    tell my sister, she wouldn't get the humor. She doesn't share my interests in Manson, Jonestown, and the holocaust.

  23. I think Hinckley was also corresponding with Fromme.

  24. DebS said...

    Charlie's first wife was Rosalie Willis

    I thought it was an oblique reference to "Charles Will is Man's son" from our fave prosecutor's book !

    I drive through Olympia a lot and there's a hoarding there I've been seeing for ages with Tate on it. I was going to send it in ages ago but I thought it might be taken as a bit morbid.....

    Robert Hendrickson said...

    Maybe a few of you can relate to this: Every time I hear that Charles Manson had a warped and twisted MIND because HE believed the Beatles were talking to HIM I think of all the good folks who THINK God is talking to THEM....

    That was the 60s. Loads of people thought the Beatles were talking to them through their songs. John Lennon in 1967 said some rather interesting things about it: "It's nice when people like it [the songs] but when they start 'appreciating' it, getting great deep things out of it, making a thing of it, then it's a lot of shit"
    "We know we're conning them because we know people want to be conned. They've given us the freedom to con them. Let's stick that in there, we say, that'll start them puzzling"
    "People think the Beatles know what's going on. We don't. We're just doing it. People want to know the inner meaning of 'Mr Kite.' There wasn't any. I just did it. I shoved a lot of words together then shoved some noise on. I didn't dig that song when I wrote it. I didn't believe in it when we were recording it. But nobody will believe it. They don't want to. They want it to be important."
    "We're communicating to the outside world through our music. The office in America say they listen to 'Sergeant Pepper' over and over so that they know what we're thinking in London."

    The song "Glass Onion" on the White album was a swipe aimed at those fans that took really seriously what the Beatles used to say in their songs. In the Manson context, it is perhaps the Beatles most ironic song.
    But the reality is that by Dylan's 1965 songs, people looked to artists for revelation and direction and with the Beatles coming out with lines like "Can you hear me...." {from 'Rain'} and songs like "The Word", they were writing songs with messages in them. Great music, but very double standards and mixed messages. But people took lyrics seriously in soul, reggae, folk, psychedelia and later, punk and rap etc.
    It's human.
    Ps: God does talk to people. Whether they listen or hear is another matter !

  25. And lest people forget, it was straight society that began the fad for being spoken to via lyrics or pointing out that lyrics of pop songs spoke to the young. In the 50s there was a lot of wahala about the physical import of rock'n'roll and by the mid 60s, people were decrying the sex, drugs and rebellion that was coming through songs like the Byrds "8 miles high", the Rolling Stones "Satisfaction", Dylan's "Mr Tambourine man" and even Peter, Paul & Mary's "Puff the magic dragon."
    Mind you, in many cases, they weren't wrong !
    Those that began to adopt countercultural values did speak through their songs. I've never 'got' why people laugh at Charlie and the Family on this. They were not unique in the 60s in thinking artists that they liked were speaking to them. They wouldn't be unique now.

  26. Robert Hendrickson said...

    HE believed the Beatles were talking to HIM

    In the film "Imagine" there's a scene that starts at 23:20 where this guy turns up at Lennon's house in '70 or '71 and he is one of those people that believed that the Beatles spoke to him.
    If you can stand the buffering that is. Nearly drove me crazy !

    1. I remember that scene in the movie, too. Wonder where that guy is today. I remember Lennon putting him straight about the whole " the lyrics are talking to me " thing. The guy looked devastated. Then Lennon offered him a bowl of soup. Just what a person needs after you shatter their illusion!

  27. My name is Susan B. However, I was born Susan A... When I was born my Mum wanted to call me Sharon , but at the last minute changed her mind and called me Susan ... I've said too much...

  28. GRIM: I hope you realize how much your comments are appreciated here.

    Remember also, the Bible mentions several folks getting messages from GOD, AND sometimes they would even get some wild and crazy messages.

    AND relevant today, according to the infamous Rudy Giuliani, Beyoncé and her new music video: screams out "Attack the cops." "The Panthers are coming, the BLACK Panthers are coming."

    So is it NOT possible that certain people are simply infected with a specific mental disorder?

    I can certainly SEE why a whole country would want to forget something as EVIL as the Vietnam WAR.
    BUT the "Black Panthers"? Are cop lovers really that paranoid. It is my understanding that the Panthers are the ones that realized that US citizens are entitled, by Constitutional Right to carry firearms on American streets and then did so.

    This of course scared the shit out cops, but 50 years later, they get to shoot ANYONE who displays a GUN in public, so THEY won. They NOW be the MAN! I don't know, am I just making a THING out of this, like Giuliani, OR are folks simply scared cause a woman "Beyoncé" apparently has a bigger pair of balls that most men? OR am I mentally adding my personal knowledge to a potentially dangerous situation?

    Like the SAINT says: Its time for a frosty cold one.

  29. Robert...rudys mental disorder is racism...squeezed into his tiny tiny hateful mind...the mans a TOOL!

  30. You can love your mouse, but you can't Ballarat.

  31. PS. Is Nellie's grave there in the last picture going to be on the MFB excursion this year?

  32. Fiddy 8, I doubt it!!! He is buried in Riverside CA and quite a drive from where we stay in LA. Probably not worth the trip. If you just want to see what his headstone looks like he is at Find A Grave.

  33. I was assuming the traffic cone was his headstone.

  34. Ha Ha Ha! It would be fitting. I walked right into that one......

  35. That Tates estate agent I mentioned earlier has a slogan "That tates care of it !" and they have another one, "whatever it tates."
    From the mid 90s to just before the time one of my kids was born in 2004, I bought a huge number of books on popular music {be it rock, jazz, reggae, pop, psychedelia, progressive, biographies, reference, you name it} from this dedicated music bookshop called......"Helter Skelter" ! It was a great little shop. They made a packet out of me in those years. I've still got the books. Then I didn't go there for a while and when I got back to buying books, they'd closed down. It was one of those shops that it was a pleasure to get a sore neck in.
    It was actually above the site of this old "egg boxes on the walls" recording studio. There used to be a poster {it might still be there} on the wall outside saying that this was where the Rolling Stones recorded their first album in 1964.
    I always wondered if the proprietor {a really lovely, unassuming and helpful guy who never would crowd a customer or try to make a sale or hassle me for reading for 45 minutes without buying ~ though the not buying part was rare !} was into TLB. I don't recall much Mansonia about, certainly not any books, although I do remember when one of the films came out, there were posters around. They looked really gruesome. It was where I did most of my book buying before I got into the internet, which, now I think about it, was in the two or so months before my 2nd kid arrived at the end of 2004. Most of my books back then probably came from Helter Skelter.

  36. I'll have to do a bit of research on the exact video but on one of either dick cavett's or mike doulgas' shows with john lennon, the young man that grim is referring to is plainly visible in the audience and looks mesmerized. Don't know why but my jaw kinda dropped when i saw him in it. And the jaded part of me that thinks everything in the media is b.s. always wondered ever since how fortunate that the cameras were rolling when he shows up at lennon titenhurst estate....

  37. It's Dick Cavett's show. Compare him here with him here.
    They certainly look very similar but it's by no means a foregone conclusion that they are the same person. It kind of reminds me of the debate that was had a few weeks back in the thread on Ed Sanders book where it was discovered, after decades of thinking that Sharokh Hatami and by extension, Sharon Tate, saw Charles Manson at Cielo Drive back in March '69, that upon closer examination, Hatami had never said he saw Manson. He had simply described "a man" and in court, when shown Manson's picture, says he "resembled" a man he'd sent to the back house. He never came face to face with Manson in court and thus never positively ID'd him. While one might say it would have been a heck of a coincidence that Manson, who was at Cielo later that evening {according to Rudy Altobelli} looked very similar to the man Hatami & Tate saw, while not being him, then these two guys in the clips being different show that it's not at all impossible.
    As for it being something of a coincidence that the cameras were rolling to capture the Lennon encounter in "Imagine", it wasn't really. Lennon at that period was into documenting his life and cameras were on around him nearly all the time. The same thing often used to happen in the studio with songs, the engineers would often just leave the tape rolling, picking up rehearsals, bits of chatter, arguments etc. Some great songs or arrangement ideas came out of those moments where the tape was just left rolling. As did some clunkers like "Revolution 9."

  38. I've been doing a delivery to this finance company recently and the contact that has to sign for the goods each time is called.......Yana !
