Thursday, February 25, 2016

Pre-Arrest Tabloid Article Eerily Accurate

Below is an article from the November 16, 1969 issue of The National Enquirer. The Enquirer is nothing normally to be considered (except for chuckles on the checkout line), but take a look at the description of the killer by psychiatrist Dr. Jean B Rosenbaum:
The killer of actress Sharon Tate and four others is a cold, calculating psychotic who was  well organized and in complete control of himself during the orgy of death…

He approached his gruesome task in a state of high tension and excitement comparable to that of a football player awaiting the kickoff or a prize fighter ready for the bell…

He was motivated. not by envy, jealousy or money but by raw revenge, based on imagined wrongs and on prejudices stemming from a very deep inferiority complex…

He is riot a “wild” madman, a drug addict or an alcoholic -  but an ordinary, looking person whose mild, polite manner masks a seething rage against people he considers evil...

He planned the crime with methodical cunning and executed it with symbolic trappings that showed not only his revulsion against the victims but also an obsession to purge them of heir evil…
The doctor describes one Charles Denton Watson to a tee. Wouldn't you agree?


  1. The one I miss is Weekly World News. I don't guess I'll ever know what became of Bat Boy.

  2. I'm sorry Matt. I couldn't help myself.

  3. Probably a dumb question ..but was she really a doc?..i wonder where such freaky insight came from ?...cos its kinda on the money...

  4. "stemming from a very deep inferiority complex…" and "ordinary, looking person whose mild, polite manner masks a seething rage" certainly describes Charles Watson, but the stuff about "seething rage against people he considers evil", not so much. I think Tex's rage was geared more towards people who were better than him, people who had money and fame, people who were loved and respected by the their peers, people who he felt was looking down on him.

  5. NOW, go see the original movie "Carrie" ! TEX is the MALE counterpart to Carrie and HIS mother planted all the seeds about EVIL people that festered the RAGE. The doctor is NOT that smart, BUT knew there are millions of these "brainwashed" souls out there.

    Sharon was the virgin Mary turned into a whore by the EVIL Jew.

    What's making this CASE, not make sense - is ALL the various subtext "motives."

    AND when the "establishment" labeled it the Manson Murders, the book was written.

    Bugliosi SAID Gary Hinman was providing DRUGS to the Family and NOW we don't know whether to believe HIM or NOT ??????

    Great POST Matt, and there other articles at the time that were VERY relevant.

    But NOW we have been taught to believe that the CAUSE of all crime is because we don't have enough GUN Control.

  6. The cause of all crime is capitalism and yep there ain't enough gun control.

  7. Gun control...what gun control..?..fuck it just arm the entire nation and get it over with...The US obsession with guns is very very strange..whats everyone so scared of...?

  8. Sadly, Penny Lane that's probably going to happen, don't forget to arm yourself before you go to the grocery store. Another work place shooting today. I would say we are afraid of each other. Personally I don't like guns, but the cat is literally out of the bag, our country in saturated in guns, and most people would not turn their guns in if they were outlawed. Also it is very easy to make a zip gun, go look it up on the web if you don't believe me.

  9. "What's everyone so scared of?"

    The government(s).

    NAZI Germany, Khemer Rouge, East Timor, Imperial Japan, Rwanda, Uganda, Uruguay, and any other nation that sacrificed a generation of unarmed citizens in armed conflicts.

    A well armed society, is a polite society. If only we would outlaw (control) murder, then all would be solved.

  10. God with logic like that flungdung your all screwed ...just open fire on everyone and get it over with ! I cant even fathom living in a country with open carry laws...must be a nation of teeny tiny dicks :0

  11. WWII created 60 to 80 million deaths. Thats an ambiguity of 20 million humans, whom died via nations with the most strict weapons control. 20 million.

    The US has less than 20 thousand gun deaths per year. Or 1,000 years till we are at parody with the death ambiguity Europe delivered to the world. Or 3,000 years till we match the left side of the bell curve for WWII.

    Small dicks may have been a player in both world wars. But shriveled arms most certainly were.

  12. I assume you know that Stalin (Man of steel, not his real name), and Kaiser Wilhelm BOTH had "withered arms"? Perhaps birth defects should be outlawed as well?

    Seig Heil!

  13. I guess after realizing grandmothers, mothers, and infants were herded into gas chambers disguised as showers; gun deaths must seem abhorrent. Understood.

  14. ?..are u taking the piss....what does genocide and world war death stats have to with avoidable gun deaths in one country ...?

  15. "We" are the country that helped save the world. And we did it through free thought. War bonds financed the effort, and righteous won the war.

    Independent thought and action sustain the US like no other nation on the planet. We can't keep aliens out of this racists, gun violent nation. Just ask any Honduran in a detention facility.

  16. Penny,
    If enough of the German population had been armed, the Brown Shirts might not have been able to effectively aid Hitler's rise to power and there just might not have been any genocide.

  17. By the way, Honduran outlaws all guns. So why are so many fleeing due to violence? I'm so confused... Not.

  18. Are u the president of NRA ? You all spruke the same stupid irrelevant crap...helped save the and thanks for that....but a typical american statement...

  19. The US took out polio while the rest of the planet watched. You are welcome. Now we will continue to kill ourselves. Your welcome again.

  20. Ok...go right ahead...all those countries u saved aka invaded will be devastated ...polio yep thats relevant...but u are about to deliver Trump to the there a vaccine for that ?


  21. Ted Cruz gives me the creeps. He's scarier than Trump, imho.

    To put it in more relatable terms : Trump is Charlie; Ted Cruz is Tex.

  22. My biggest gripe with lax gun control is that is makes American fiction very lazy.

    Imagine an America with no guns where fictional characters had to learn to pick a padlock rather than just shoot it off.

  23. Movie quotes from Superbad:

    Fogell: What's it like to have a gun?

    Officer Michaels: It is... awesome! I mean I've only had mine for like a few months, but I'll tell you, it's like having two cocks. If one of your cocks could kill someone.


  24. Any Oscar picks, Robert?

  25. Thanks fiddy..i just laughed so hard i shot coffee out my nose !

  26. Nuthin like fun at the ole ballpark...

  27. Oscar Picks ?

    I'm still trying to figure out WHY there are NO Blacks nominated for Best Actor OR WHY Charles Manson and Vincent Bugliosi were NOT nominated for "Best" and "Supporting" actor roles in 1973.

    I mean, they were disqualified because THEY "acted" in a real life story. What the Hell is that ?

    Penny is scared of a reality show host - and I'm more scared of rent-a-cops with guns, than clowns riding around in the back of Toyota pick-ups, with machine guns. Hey, WHY don't WE just BAN the sale of Toyota Pick-up trucks to the Middle East and the ISIS WAR will be over. I mean, at least until THEY discover camels can replace pick-ups.

    BTW: I think John LAW was the guy.

    I'm watching so many doc's now, I ran out of marbles.

    Back in the 60's it only cost 3 marbles to get into the Saturday matinee, BUT you could carry a rifle in the back window of your pick-up truck.

    Back in late 80's, when I sued Geraldo Rivera in Federal Court, the Judge asked me what my experience in law was. I said I was a student of the old West and Frontier justice and HE quicly responded. Woohhh, we'll have none of that in here, and I thought: OMG, the times, they have a changed.

  28. I love it when people laugh and shoot liquids out of their noses. Good fun! As far as guns, if the psychopath living next door owns a gun I probably should have one but again I'd be too easily tempted to use it. That's why I don't have one. The profile of Tex can apply to the others involved too. Especially Manson and Atkins. They all showed signs of inferiority.

  29. There's an old saying that got written off as a bit of a corny cliché that went "guns don't kill, people do."
    I'm glad England doesn't have a gun culture like America, but I'm not entirely sure why. Criminals have long used guns here, for centuries. A kid I used to work with got shot through the head, another one {this one really should have been a comedian, he was so hilariously funny} turned to armed robbery, shot a guy and in turn was shot to death by the guy he shot. An old friend got shot by the police in the commission of an armed robbery and was thereafter paralyzed from the waist down. He ended up dying from an infection that got in through bed sores but he wouldn't have been in hospital had he not been paralyzed so....On the road I live on, a few years back the police had cordoned off the road one day and would only let residents through. It turned out that this geezer had been found in his car, dead, with a serious head wound. It turned out that there were two rival Sri Lankan gangs at war and this was a consequence of that.
    I think when it comes down to it, it's a partly psychological thing. One supposes that not having guns freely available means the wrong types are less likely to use them.
    But I don't know. I can embrace the pros and cons of both arguments.
    Having citizens armed hasn't prevented some of the mass or individual gun deaths that have happened in the USA. And it's arguable whether having citizens not armed has made life any safer in the countries where citizens don't carry guns. It didn't in Norway back in 2011. Being armed and not being armed hasn't prevented terror acts in the USA, Europe, the Middle East or anywhere else.
    Because ultimately, the problem is that humans kill, less how we do so.

  30. As long as we are on to the GUN-Male thing, I have a serious question.

    MY Manson DVD sales are NOW reaching 50/50 men and WOMAN. BUT back in the day MANSON 1973 was a "man" thing. I love the idea that woman are NOW buying my dvds and getting involved in the discussion, BUT why NOW ?

    Obviously, MANSON is actually more a female thing with all the girl back stories, so I hope the women are NOT just buying the DVDs for their MEN. Cause that could really send a "message" to a husband or boy-toy.

    1. Why now Robert..because we can...these days were allowed to..doesnt mean we wont be judged for it :/

  31. Americans have 12 deaths per 100,000 where the UK has.....4.

    Of course I'm typing about automobile fatalities. That's right, Americans kill more than twice as many citizens with cars than guns. And that's the excess of Britian's 4 @ 100k.

    No constitutional restrictions, just the love of driving poorly (read: drunk) kills around 15,000 people each year. I know; yaaaawn. Because no one is going to give up their car, or submit to controlling them.

    Some stats are simply too banal.

  32. Tex is a good christian man. He should be free.

  33. I think this profile is a combination of Watson and Manson. Watson as far as high tension & excitement and Manson on the revenge, based on imagined wrongs & prejudices stemming from a very deep inferiority complex…It's funny. Nobody has ever done any profile on the girls involved that I'm aware of, because nobody ever imagined young women being killers, especially back then. That is why I have always thought there is a good chance that these individuals were responsible for Karl Stubbs murder. Giggling girls and a guy....hippie types he said....also his murder based on robbery was in a very isolated place in the desert, where Manson & friends had ties to. A coincidence?

    1. I've always thought they were responsible for more murders. I'd be surprised if they weren't.

  34. I would welcome George Stimson looking into the Stubbs murder.

    If Tex was kicking people to death as far back as Nov 1968, it does go some way to deflating the mind control angle of Manson's prosecution.

    Also Stubbs was assaulted Nov 15, and Tex mentions that the gang didnt make it back to Spahn from Barkers/Sacramento until sometime in the third week of Nov.

    Shortly thereafter Tex leaves and is absent until March 1969. Perhaps this was the precursor for Tex's strategy of leaving after the TLB/Shea murders before returning (almost) a short time later? The difference being TLB was a hot investigation and the Stubbs one was cold and it was safe to return.

  35. Digging the gun control hilarity,on the subject of America saving our ass, I seem to remember them heading the call in 1916 and again rather late on in ww2? So it's not like you're over eager to help or indeed arsed, see also invasion of Panama etc, I'd also like to add that Donald Trump is definitely a fuckwit on par with the Bush's and Ronald dip shit Reagan and yes we had Margaret Thatcher who should have been tossed in the sea with Bin Laden not given a state funeral. Rant over ps im not a fan of the " Christian Church "mainly because it's followers tend to forget his most profound teaching -do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

  36. RE: Stubbs, I find it very bizarrely relevant that AFTER the TL massacre Charlie sent TEX up to Olancha.

    AND remember, the writer of this article is basing her description of KILLER on what actual physical KILLER did to victims. In other words, the crime scene speaks volumes about those who were actually there.

    ALSO IE: The My Lia Massacre speaks to the actual killers who were there, NOT Lyndon Johnson.

    TEX wrote about it in HIS book.

  37. The boy wonder said...

    im not a fan of the "Christian Church" mainly because it's followers tend to forget his most profound teaching -do unto others as you would have them do unto you

    Not all of them, mate.
    Besides, Christ had more profound stuff than that, such as "love your enemies and ask God for good things for those that treat you like shit."

    Johny Smartway said...

    Tex is a good christian man. He should be free

    He is free. But being a "good Christian man" {which is actually something of a misnomer, but that's another story for another time} does not in any way conflict with having to pay for crimes that one has committed. And if those crimes are 7 murders, Charles Watson can't really complain about still being inside. If someone committed their life to Christ while in jail, that won't mean an automatic get out clause is somehow invoked. A key component of faith in Christ is in looking beyond this life.

    The boy wonder said...

    The cause of all crime is capitalism

    Even a child could tell you that long before there was capitalism, there was crime. Was/is there no crime in communist countries ? Religious theocracies ? Dictatorships ? What have rape or football crowd violence got to do with capitalism ?

    Robert Hendrickson said...

    TEX is the MALE counterpart to Carrie and HIS mother planted all the seeds about EVIL people that festered the RAGE

    I've noted you saying similar things about Watson's Mum a number of times but I think you give her a bad press. She may have been bossy {like many Mums} and pushy but there were so many people like Tex that came of age in the 1960s with similar feelings about society and who dropped out. True, they didn't all go out and murder but rage and alienation wasn't confined to him and it's arguable whether his Mum planted those seeds any more than thousands of other Mums did.

    Bugliosi SAID Gary Hinman was providing DRUGS to the Family and NOW we don't know whether to believe HIM or NOT ??????

    I believe it. I also think lots of people furnished the Family with drugs. Not in every instance, but in many instances, when one is into drugs, one tends to have a few suppliers on hand, just in case one doesn't have what you want when you feel like it.
    It's only become relevant with Gary because:
    a] he was murdered
    b] Whom he was murdered by and the murderer's associates
    c] His murderer has cast him as someone who sold bad drugs.
    Otherwise, whether or not Gary would acquire a little ganja now and then and sell it on would be as relevant as all the other no names that sold stuff to the Family. That is, not at all.

    1. V good oh traveller of grimness, nice to see a different point of view, reminds of a line by goldie looking chain in "soap bar " now how does it go?
