Monday, April 11, 2016

High Times February 1981

I don't always find Paul Krassner to be believable but I do usually find him to be entertaining!


  1. The following link should show Steve Allen talking about Groucho's silent brother. Harpo talks too.

  2. I am doing research on the herion epidemic now spreading all across America.

    So here is something interesting: The U.S. "government" went after T. Leary in the 1960's for promoting LSD as a mind awakening drug, BUT didn't even get nervous about the development of "Fentanyl" (100 times more powerful than morphine) at the same time.

    Of course now, with the herion craze, "fentanyl" is coming into play - big time.

    AND then I wonder: So is "Belladonna" eventually going to find sanctuary in the U.S.

    Hey Charlie, they call it being a day late and a dollar shot.

  3. Thunderbird, Night Train Express, Cisco, Boone's Farm, and Annie Green Springs are but a few of the "Bum wines" which few under 40 can recall. Fortified wines were in the government's cross hairs for years. Then a victory was declared ( a la Iraq) when consumption went down. The powers that be willingly took credit for saving lives. Umm... not really. Thanks to the likes of Two Buck Chuck, the bums simply adjusted their tastes to a cheaper product.I'm willing to bet the heroin surge will ultimately be of similar origins. They may be addicts, and bums, but they don't lose their eye for value.

  4. Fentanyl. My partner was prescribed Fentanyl after being diagnosed with stage 4 small cell cancer. It helped her deal a bit with the horrible pain that comes with a horrible disease and the horrible treatments the medical community inflict on people trying to extend their lives. And then there's that nasty Narcan the EMT's injected her with after the brain tumor caused her to suffer grand mal seizure, ignoring my protests as I yelled, "The medication isn't the cause of her collapse - it's the damned brain tumors!"

    Fentanyl has a legitimate purpose, but like any drug that kills pain, it has a big following in addiction circles.

  5. Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill was a classic. Best served with two chili dogs, all the way - or perhaps day old Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.

  6. Night train and a big fat one my choice as a yoof,not seen that bottle in years.

  7. I liked my Strawberry Hill with sunflower seeds.

  8. Boones Farm Concord Grape. That stuff was good!

  9. YES Still Grooving: We have a huge problem in this country dealing with PAIN. BUT you raise another issue: "WHO" gets to decide the individual's OWN situation. When my father's Nitro tablets no longer had any effect on his heart pain, HE called us to HIS last supper and he ate ALL the foods that he had deprived himself of for the last 15 years. He was in otherwise excellent health, but the next day he went to the emergency room and said give me a heart operation NOW. Of course, at 85 years old he had no chance of surviving such a procedure.

    THUS, there are unwritten procedures for dealing with situations where NO HOPE can be dealth with intelligently. AND the hospital makes a quick few thousand for basically "practicing" it's craft.

    NOW, Obamacare is even more mind-full and cooperative in dealing with such situations.

  10. Robert,

    It was my partner's decision to do the chemo and radiation. Without it, she was told she had maybe 3 months of life left. As it turned out, she lived 12 more months, but pain was her constant companion. She had to have the pain medications, that wasn't a tough decision to make.

  11. Yes, that's a tough way to loose a loved one, especially a souse or life partner. Very sorry Grooving...

  12. Vanhouten has a parole hearing Thursday April 14

  13. Thank you for your kind messages and concern, Patty and Matt. My partner died in 2007, so I've had a lot of time to grieve. She and I were together nearly 20 years and I will always miss her, but I have moved on and found some peace in my life, even without her.

    Robert, I can tell you that "Obamacare" would have been very welcome in our lives back in 2006 and 2007, when we constantly had battles with health insurance just to get my partner the care and treatment that she needed, and, during her last few weeks, with Hospice.

  14. IF you really think about it PAIN controls all of our daily lives, way beyond our conscious awareness.

    With a heart attack, IF you take a pain medication, you will simply die. Nitro helps to open the closed blood vessel, and thus the pain will go away because oxygen returns its flow to the brain, etc. Unfortunately or otherwise, this is not the case for most injuries / illnesses.

    With this subject still on my mind, last night Oliver's Stone's "Platoon" movie came on TV.
    I soon realized that HE never specifically gives reference to an EVIL LBJ for igniting the horrific Vietnam WAR. BUT I did realize the absolutely EVIL horror producing PAIN put upon those in battle.

    It also dawned on me that, at the time (1960's) "fentanyl" most likely was purposely / intentionally developed in preparation for the Vietnam WAR. Of course, it may be considered that every WAR is merely "preparation" for the next WAR, BUT otherwise WHY would anyone even think of the NEED for such a powerful PAIN killer in the 1960s. World War II had ended ALL wars, as WE were taught in "establishment" schools.

  15. You can read a bit about the history and development of fentanyl here:

    "Because of problems with morphine-oxygen anesthesia (incomplete amnesia, occasional histamine-related reaction, marked increases in intra- and postoperative respiratory depression), a suitable alternative was sought but not found among existing opioids."

    It sounds like they were just looking for a better or safer anesthesia drug.

  16. I had some surgery last month and will be having another next week. They used what they called a fentanyl cocktail to put me out. Apparently it's a bit more lightweight than a general anesthesia and doesn't put you completely out but you don't remember anything. It's used frequently for same day surgery where you leave the hospital the day of the surgery.

  17. When your skin feels all prickly, you have about two more seconds of consciousness. Doesn't give you the old anesthesia hangover.

    It's good stuff, but ,ah, no buzz, just outsville.

  18. Leslie has been recommended for parole

