Sunday, June 19, 2016

Debra Tate Is Outraged

Debra Tate is upset that NBC Television included a graphic recreation of her sister Sharon's murdered corpse as a prop in its fictional program Aquarius. In calling for a boycott of the show, Tate said of the "body" and the recreation of the murders, “Do it tastefully, or at least give us courtesy of knowing what you guys are doing. It’s extremely insensitive to be portraying people in an untruthful manner.”

Sharon Tate's Sister Calls for "Aquarius" Boycott: "It's Extremely Insensitive"

"Aquarius," starring David Duchovny, returned to NBC for a second season earlier this week. But Sharon Tate's sister, Debra Tate, is unhappy with the way the series depicts the her sister's brutal murder, which takes place in this season of "Aquarius." She is calling for a boycott of the show to raise awareness of how victims of real-life crimes are depicted onscreen.

One of the teaser trailers for the show, for example, shows a dead Sharon Tate on the ground and a close-up of her face as Manson walks over her. Debra Tate was given no warning of the trailer's explicit nature and was very distraught.

"If it were our dead bodies lying on the floor, you don't want the world witnessing that," she added.

Tate said she requested a sit-down with NBC but was "completely ignored." So although it seems unlikely the network would take the show off the air as she would prefer, she would like NBC to at least apologize.

"Do it tastefully, or at least give us courtesy of knowing what you guys are doing," she asked. "It's extremely insensitive to be portraying people in an untruthful manner."

Tate has also been gathering signatures on a petition objecting to the potential parole of Leslie Van Houten, the  Manson family member who was convicted for the murders of Leno and Rosemary LaBianca. On Monday, without an appointment, Tate is going to deliver just short of 140,000 signatures to Governor Jerry Brown.

Van Houten has been denied parole 19 times but this time around a California review board recommended her for parole. If the ruling is upheld, it will be forwarded to Gov. Brown, who then has the option to block her parole.

"These people will be free to move around the country if we don't do anything about it," said Tate.

"Governor Jerry Brown must know that society cannot trust someone who committed such a heinous murder without showing any remorse for years," wrote Tate on her petition website.

Tate feels that the entertainment industry goes way too far in its dramatization of true crime. She has been trying to bring awareness by speaking out with her friend Kim Goldman, sister of Ron Goldman, who felt similarly about "American Crime Story" and the way the events were portrayed on the FX anthology.

"I would like to see the industry take a different attitude. At the very least they could apologize," Tate said.


  1. As someone just emailed me:

    "Debra is now calling for a boycott of the TV show Aquarius because it's insensitive to her sister's murder. Let's see, the show is in it's second season and she didn't have a problem with it last season. And the biggie....... she did the Dateline show which was a lead-in to Aquarius's second season. Holy crap! This woman has possibly the worst judgment ever. She didn't know that Dateline was going to be a lead-in??? "

  2. Will all this affect Lulus parole ? Is that why Dateline is showing this now ? Awful timing for Lulu...!

  3. Debra seems to live on the edge of outrage 24/7. That she actually jumps in with both feet now and then is no surprise.

  4. It seems the new season is going to rip a page out of Guinn's book and depict Charlie draping the flag on the couch in front of Sharon's body.

    I just got a three part Italian graphic novel/comic book series based on Manson, so perhaps I'm a hypocrite, but I agree with Debra on the show. It's a pointless piece of shit and a testament to the lack of creativity and laziness in the entertainment world, which is just a big mind control center. As if the official narrative put forth by the prosecution and crimes themselves weren't sensationalistic enough, they have to make fiction from it?

    Man on man kissing, a white male who is racist, sexist and "white male" terrorist. A wonderful show for the Bernie lovers. Charlie is gonna be more and more of a posterboy these days, but for a new 2016 make-over: the white male terrorist who is used as an "it's not just Muslims" example.

    1. You bitter right wingers make no sense a majority of the time. Do us a favor go back collect your thoughts and return with something coherant before you go on another "it's a liberal Cospiracy" rant. Seriously the fact you connect these murders with left with politics just shows how desperate the right is to discredit the left so they can keep their racist misogynistic policies in place. Disgusting

  5. You speak the truth, Mr. Mythos...

    You should share more 'big picture' and 'man behind the curtain' insights, more often.

  6. Because I already commented on this D.T. article in the last POST, please allow ME to use MY time to comment NOW about what I saw last night on "public television".

    It is rare for ME to made aware of NEW possibilities concerning history, but last night a new documentary revealed that the Vietnam WAR could very possibly have been LBJ's ingenious way of distracting the BLACKS from "demonstrating" in the streets over THEIR being treated like animals, rather than like "equal" citizens.

    AND not only did it work, but it totally transferred THEIR attention from mistreatment as BLACKS to "YOU are now KILLING us in Vietnam". YES folks, the Vietnam WAR may have actually been the beginning of America's final WHITE against BLACK race WAR.

    So maybe the reason WE have a hard time SEEing "Helter Skelter" as the ignition of a B & W race WAR is because that WAR was already in progress.

    AND "SEEing" it YOUR way is all that matters, but maybe Sharon Tate was only "Collateral Damage" in an ongoing WAR? Kind'a like the "Orlando Massacre" should simply be considered "collateral damage in the last great Muslim vs Judao/Christian Conflict.

    Of course, those MORE personally affected like Debra Tate will SEE the KILLING of THEIR loved ones as a "personal" affront against THEM. That is human nature, but there is usually ALWAYS a "bigger" pi

  7. I just finished the last part of the OJ doc and it's fitting for this subject.

    I love this site. I love the people who
    Run it. I love the Col. He is my hero in this community. Meeting him and the rest of the gang who run this site was one of the best times I ever had in a long fun life.

    But I have to my own way on this one subject with all due respect.

    Like Ron Goldmans Sister - I give Deb Tate free reign to do whatever she wants to make herself feel whole against people who took part of her.

    I ask you all, politely, consider who the hell it is we cheer for in all of this at end of the day.

    If your brother or sister was vicously stabbed to death and taken from you by animals...

    Would you not go after those animals for the rest of your life with all you had?

    Would you want to see it played out on TV in a manner that exploits it for money?

    These are things as a member of TLB community I ask myself.

    I'm very interested - almost addicted to this story.

    But I feel pain. And I feel it for others. It is one a the very few things that eliminates me from being a sociopath.

    Or do I keep telling myself lol

  8. Mythos: Thank you for uploading all of those fascinating WS Murphy interviews. That Dennis knew Gary (a fact which bobby seems to corroborate & which Bruce claims ignorance of) is really interesting.
    Which, goes to ST Circumstance, who I think made a very good point. This whole story of these murders and the events which came before and after them is a chronicle of immense (and often pointless and cruel) human suffering that most of us will never have to deal with on any deeply personal level. I think that's part of what makes the whole package so enticing to people. I think all interest in TLB (and, for that matter...Vietnam, WWI, Nazis, pretty much any military or political history...) is at its heart morbid.
    Also, I think Aquarius looks like an unbelievably shitty show. I haven't seen any of it & I don't plan on doing so.
    But aren't male on male kissing & racist rhetoric & viewpoints a pretty important part of the story of Manson? Even discounting Helter Skelter...

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I was trying to figure out who Ambyr Childer's smile reminded me of and I think I've got it.

    Ambyr Childers



  12. It's kind of redundant to boycott something that no one is watching. Aquarius has been such a ratings dud from the start that they ran it commercial free (due to lack of advertising funds). It will probably soon be cancelled (due to lack of advertising funds).

    Dateline got about 2x the number of viewers that Aquarius got on Thursday. America obviously prefers the real Manson to a fake one. Or maybe America just hates David Duchovny. Tough call.

  13. You are probably right Ziggy. Our stats took a much more significant spike for Dateline than it did for Aquarius. Both fake Mansons though...


  14. Matt said...

    "Both fake Mansons though..."

    I had to think about that one for a sec. The Dateline Manson is still real to Jeff Guinn damn it! BTW - Rare footage of a young Jeff Guinn.

    On another note, did you see when Conforto broke up Teheran's perfect game in the 3rd inning with that beautiful single? 28 up, 27 down. Better luck next time, Julio.

    (Dear God, Please trade Lucroy, Villar and Braun to the Mets for De Aza and a player to be named later....and lots of cash.)


  15. I think I watched the first 2 episodes of Aquarius last year and dumped it when I figured out that it was nothing more than some weirdo's alt-scenario of what things could have been like. No thanks; Vince's alt-scenario was wild enough for me.

  16. Good point SAINT:

    "WHO do you CHEER for? and YOU feel the pain of others ?

    I've THOUGHT about that also.

    Apparently, either YOU are the second coming of the new Messiah or a Democrat.

    So NO money for YOU, but nail holes in hands may be covered by ObamaCare.

    IF I learned NOTHING else in 71 years, thank God I learned that the "party" YOU chose,
    is the "party" that defines YOU and determines which PATH in life YOU will travel.

    BUT "party" does NOT have to mean "political" party.

    OJ, ALI and Manson all climbed out of THEIR "Bottomless Pit" to join in ALL the fun above ground -
    IF only for a time. For most folks, it doesn't get any better than that.

  17. We need corner infielders with pop though, Nowhere to shoehorn Braun and Lucroy. We got Loney for a bag of balls. The next one will cost, and we don't have much in AA or AAA.

  18. NBC should have told that fat pig to get a life.

  19. Personally ... I cheer for:

    Dolores Tate - caused real changed in System. Did her daughter proud

    Paul Crockett - helped a couple of them see through the BS

    TJ - had the balls and sense to not shoot someone just because Vhsrlie said so.

    The ones who didn't stay at Spahn and or fled - for not being sheep and seeing the situation for what it became

    Ruth/ Diane - too young and with too poor of parents to have had any chance of having someone take them out of the situation. Gotta hope they wound up ok in life.

    The jury - convicting them when I'm sure the sight of family members with knives in the courtroom staring them down was unnerving

    Bugs- not a lot of reason outside of this one case maybe. But the job he did and the book he wrote were both awesome

    You Mr H. - you were there lol !! You actually were there in the day and made my favorite documentary which I watched a million times.

    I also Cheer for bringing Romans stupid ass back here and planting him in jail right next to Charlie where they can compare notes on raping and drugging teenage girls. They both hVe the same motivation and sinister little chuckle They remind me a lot of each other

    That's what cheer for lol

  20. True Matt. We don't have much trade bait anymore. And sadly, Wright may never return to the field and if he does, he'll be even more diminished.

    And this was a putrid weekend for them.

  21. St., I couldn't agree with you more. I think my attitude about this subject is well known, and extremely unpopular.

  22. Yeah. This one never wins me any friends. But when it comes to values and character ...

    To thine own self be true :)

    Hope all is well Ann

  23. By the way I know I got Doris' name wrong I'm typing on phone and it keeps changing my words lol.

  24. Thank you, St. Things are slowly getting back into the groove. Losing a parent has been extremely tough, even though I knew it was coming. Glad to finally be nosing around the blog again. Maybe one of these days I'll get around to posting something again. :)

  25. I look forward to it and I'm so very sorry. All the best as always



  26. Zelda Formaldehyde said...

    "I think I watched the first 2 episodes of Aquarius last year and dumped it when I figured out that it was nothing more than some weirdo's alt-scenario of what things could have been like."

    Perfect description of Shitquarius. They should use that line in their promos.


  27. Left field and catcher are 2 weak positions for the Mets. Braun and Lucroy would fill those positions. The real concern for the Mets is lack of speed on the bases. They've only got, I think, 13 stolen bases this year. I think Villar has 25 all by himself. The inability to manufacture runs is going to cost this team a lot of wins over the long haul, and it's already cost them more than a few so far this year.

    I'm just dreaming, though. They will probably just keep picking up more cheap and disposable journeymen to fill various positions.

    I agree that they have very little in the way of trade bait. Personally, I'm not that enamored with Steven Matz. Other teams might be willing to give you what you want for him and a prospect or two. deGrom and Thor are the 2 untouchables, imo.

  28. Ziggy. I agree with mostly everything except Matz. Young hard throwing lefties aren't exactly abundant and they often take longer to develop than righties. He's really just a rookie with with nice stuff and a lot of upside potential.


  29. I hear what you're saying, groove. But who else can we trade - that someone would covet/want? The teams doing firesales always want young & cheap with lots of talent.

  30. St, nice personal cheering list. Can't argue any of them. Double props to Doris ..... a tough ol' bird.
    As for the jury, I finally got a copy of William Zamora's book and am reading it now. Brutal read. Can't take more than 10 pages at a time.

  31. Zelda Formaldehyde said... As for the jury, I finally got a copy of William Zamora's book and am reading it now. Brutal read. Can't take more than 10 pages at a time.

    I've been trying to finish that book for years and always put it down and forget about it.

  32. Lol Zelda Patty had that same problem with Zamora's book

  33. It's a toughie. I wish it were a library rental instead of a purchase ... then I wouldn't feel obligated to actually finish it.

  34. Speaking of entertainment, Debra and her flunkies (Jillian Barberie and her two gay hanger-on lapdogs) stormed the Gov. office today with signatures in t-shirts in a sea of media cameras. He declined to met her.

    How exactly is that not in and of it's self, entertainment? Add in the drama of the big question as to what Brown's verdict will be and you have a reality TV drama.

  35. Hi! I entirely agree with Manson Mythos. It's almost like Christo saying that the permits he and his late wife had to get "were part of the piece." I've been reading for awhile but I rarely have much to add, most of you folks cover my points-BUT i do want to say as an aside: I knew i had the Zamora and when i grabbed i remembered yeah this is a tedious read, I opened at random: page 273: "Curt George, a CBS TV newscaster, smiled at us and winked an eye. Some of the other reporters also smiled." yeah and it's 507 pages of that. It ends with him talking to Lawrence Merrick cos he wants $5,000 to appear on camera. For the completest which is probably most of us. OH my point, im just surfing you tube watching pbs american experience videos, they're sorta interesting-im watching Bonnie & Clyde (I dont know much about them actually 'cept that coke stevenson's friend Frank Hamer shot them: that's part of LBJ story actually) but i do know that when i see that Jeff Guinn guy i can put absolutely NO FAITH in anything he has to say-that Manson book of his, some of the early parts are interesting and certainly new but y'know Gary Hinman wasn't making speed-ive always seen that it was mescaline and then the rest of the narrative-i dislike that guy-he's almost as bad as steven ambrose (dont get me started) i wish everyone well and i'll read you later

  36. We can't call on literally everything pertaining to this case to be canceled. Should we also call for a nationwide book burn in regards to all the stories printed about it? Aquarius will do itself in. Hardly seems like it needs a rally cry.

  37. I'm not in favor of blocking Conforto at this point. Let him hit his way out of it.

    I think signing Jose Reyes to play 3B would solve a lot of problems (or 2nd, with Walker shifting to 3B). He's very low risk and I think he's got something left. Do it now. If he bombs he can be released with no harm done and the deadline still ahead. If he works out the hole at 3B is plugged, leadoff is solved and run production gets a boost.

  38. MY 2 cents: It doesn't matter whether YOU "study" this MANSON case or whether YOU study any other case, BUT whether you STUDY and investigate ANYTHING. Just so happens THIS case provides a PERFECT relevance to EVERY aspect of the world you dwell in.

    YOU should discover HERE that there are many THINGS the "establishment" told you about this case that are NOT true and or the "establishment" concealed from YOU so many significant THINGS, that YOU have been de-frauded out of the TRUTH.

    In just the recent Orlando massacre Case, the F.B.I. has NOW revealed that it "withheld" the Shooter's claim, over the phone, that HE did the massacre in retaliation for the American involvement in Iraq and Afganistan. (killing ISIS people)

    Instead the U.S. government purposely let the rumors FLY in order to SHOW just how insignificant the "people's" understanding of the TRUTH really is.

    WE, the American people are still WAITING for the TRUTH about Vietnam and just about EVERY other important ISSUE concerning OUR daily lives.

    So IF Debra Tate is a little more miss-guided than the rest of US, that ONLY shows just how NORMAL she really is.

  39. I just saw the pics of Deb in the tshirts at the Capital. I also saw the LA Times article with the Lulu parole pic. Lulu looks really old. She has lost any semblance of the look I remember in the early parole years.

    In the OJ doc as well you see him early at a recent parole hearing.

    Charlie. OJ. They are all getting old and won't be around much longer.

    When the family is gone and OJ is gone I wonder if Deb and Kim get peace and finally rest?

    Or if leaves them missing something in a way and empty?

  40. Beware tha when fighting monsters you yourself do not become a monster. For when you gaze too long into the abyss. The abyss gazes into you.

    Or something like that lol

  41. Zelda Formaldehyde said...

    As for the jury, I finally got a copy of William Zamora's book and am reading it now. Brutal read. Can't take more than 10 pages at a time

    orwhut said...

    I've been trying to finish that book for years and always put it down and forget about it

    Panamint Patty said...

    Patty had that same problem with Zamora's book

    Zelda Formaldehyde said...

    It's a toughie. I wish it were a library rental instead of a purchase ... then I wouldn't feel obligated to actually finish it

    JIM HAYES said...

    I knew i had the Zamora and when i grabbed i remembered yeah this is a tedious read......For the completest

    I have never seen a good word said about William Zamora's book. The Col slated it, it got slammed all round Cats' site, on Lynyrd's site it's lowly regarded and it had to be re~branded {to equal derision} as "Blood Family"...........
    It's really irritating in not having chapters or even headings of any kind so it comes across as one giant blurt........
    But I love that book ! I think it's a brilliant book, coming from a truly original angle, from a guy that isn't a journalist, LE officer or writer, he's not a prison priest or ghost writer or crime penner. He was an immigrant who adopted America as his country and ended up on the jury of a case we are still discussing all these years later. Personally, I do find most of the in and outs and shenanigans of the jury themselves to be rather flat beer at times, but the courtroom action {and deliberations} is gripping stuff. I find that many of the courtroom bits from "Helter Skelter" are given much fuller treatments in Zamora's book and given that it came out a year before Bugliosi & Gentry's book, retrospectively it assumes an importance that perhaps we tend to miss because of it's flaws. It's not sexy like many of the other books, well, it's literally sexy but not book or story sexy, but I find the insights the man doles out to be pretty near indispensable.

  42. My experience researching history revealed that everyone with any direct experience must be dead for 70 years, for any rationality to rise above the noise. The Battle at the Alamo, and Custer's battle at Little Big Horn, are two well known examples laden with more lore than fact.

    Now we're knee capped with a 24 hour news cycle (constantly hungry for a crisis), combined with an audience that has a 2 minute attention span, and incapable of critical thought. Constantly using a static measure against a very dynamic history, there is little interest in learning.

    Orlando was used as an Aunt Sally to throw into the door, of yet another gun control outrage which ended with all four bills failing. One (me) would have thought the GOP sponsored bills would have passed, since the Dems are starved for any gun control laws. Nope. They want their cake, and eat it too (whatever that means).

    Gun control was passed in 1968, where felons (a good target audience) were banned from guns, ammo, or association with either, for life. How's that working out? Any felons still using guns? You can't purchase a hand gun under the age of 21, but that didn't stop an illegal alien Briton (20 yrs of age) from trying to use a cop's gun to shoot Trump in Vegas yesterday.

    Clinton (Bill) said more guns at the Pulse would have caused more deaths. This is rhetoric made for millennials. Firstly, the problem was ultimately solved with the arrival of many more guns. Secondly, most (not all) trapped in a bathroom with that psycho, may (just may) disagree with the former President's opinion issued from a station of safety, surrounded by armed secret service.

    Most of this is recent history which most will easily recall for the balance of their lives. You may also witness the warping, manipulation, and fabrication of "facts" some twenty or thirty years down the road. As you come to realize this process, you may also realize you won't be around to witness how it's all resolved. Thus allowing for the cycle to infinitely repeat.

    The Manson tale has students from a broad spectrum of beliefs, all supported with a book, movie, website, or documentary. It was hard to believe when it happened, but 47 years later it's impossible to comprehend.


  43. I think they should give Reyes a try, even just to use him as a pinch runner, lol.

    They moved Bartolo up to tonight, which might not be a bad move if the crap version of Ian Kennedy shows up to pitch, saving Thor for tomorrow. d'Arnaud starting, batting 8th.

    Latest news on the search for a 3rd baseman : New York Mets to hold private workout for Yulieski Gourriel/weighing Cuban free agent as an option for third base.

    I wonder if Wilmer Flores will have a good game tonight? ;)


  44. Tell me about it. I've been stressing so much lately, that I could use a hug. I wonder if Anna Benson gives a discount on her "hug therapy" to Mets fans?

    For those of you who don't know who Anna Benson is :

    Anna was charged with murder in 1996, after she told her boyfriend to "get rid of" another guy, so he did - he killed him. The case was featured on America's Most Wanted. The charges were later dropped. She then became a stripper and married a baseball player named Kris Benson. After Kris left her, she broke into his house and tried to rob him at gunpoint of $30,000. After that, she spent four months in jail and was sentenced to 15 years of probation. Naturally, she now "hugs" people for a living.

    Anna "cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs" Benson interviewed by Dr. Phil


  45. "Will Hug For Food"

    Kris Benson's current wife is the daughter of professional wrestler Diamond Dallas Page. Is that a step up or a step down from marrying a stripper?

  46. I always wonder if Debra Tate knows any of Nicole Brown Simpson's family. One of Nicole's sisters wrote a book, and I recently saw an interview with her in which she said (regarding her sister's murder):
    "Does it still affect me? Absolutely, she was my sister, it hurts me, ya know, it breaks my heart, but at the same time, we can't make our tragedy our identity; we can identify with it to make our lives better."

  47. EVER notice that WE are talking about a human MASSACRE and CRIME of the 20th Century HERE that STILL stands out above the rest and YET nobody seems to associate the NEED for any kind of "Gun Control" because of it ?????

    FARFLUNG mentions Gun Control in the same breath as the MANSON Massacre, but he is far to educated to even suggest that MAYBE "gun control" could have prevented such a bloody occurrence.

    And NOW we have the Orlando Massacre where IF GUNS never even existed, the crazed Muslim Murderer could have likely done as much damage with a caveman's "CLUB."

    BUT - if as in the sixties, entertainment "clubs" TODAY had "bouncers" - Mr. Muslim Maniac would have likely moved on to another venue.

    BTW: Back in the day, when the Soviet's took over a country, they CLOSED all bars, resturants movie theaters, dance halls and other entertainment venues for good.

    AND it worked, NO more "massacres" by the public !!!!

    P.S. The US Supreme Court already decided - in the famous "video tape machine" case - that YOU canNOT "BAN" a "big, bad machine." BUT you can make law(s), which make "using" such a machine for ILLEGAL purposes a CRIME. OR get rid of that pesky old Constitution, which will likely create some VERY entertaining consequences.

  48. Yeah, saw the pics od Debra with the t-shirt and cane. Only thing missing was a neck-brace.
    I honestly try to cut her the slack she deserves, but she makes it awful difficult with her hyperbole.

  49. Anna Benson = not a low-maintenance gal.

  50. Robert Hendrickson said...

    P.S. The US Supreme Court already decided - in the famous "video tape machine" case - that YOU canNOT "BAN" a "big, bad machine.

    Reminds me of what people used to say about banning a plant.

  51. Exactly ORWHUT: You CAN "ban" a plant, BUT the plant will tell you to go to Hell. So you have to "ban" a plant LOVER from loving a plant. And that will KILL the plant, which in turn will make the plant haters happy.

    It's kind'a like the RIGHT to "bare arms." Nobody really cares IF you wear a shirt without any sleeves, BUT don't try and MAKE me wear one that does.

    It usually takes a "lifetime" to finally understand what all the fuss is about, and then it's too late to do anything about it. So then YOU have to come BACK later - this time as animal. NOW, that makes sense to ME.

  52. Robert said, "BUT - if as in the sixties, entertainment "clubs" TODAY had "bouncers" - Mr. Muslim Maniac would have likely moved on to another venue."

    I read that The Pulse had a bouncer, and she was one of the people shot and killed. As for arming bar patrons, just tell me the name of the places that do this because I would not step foot in a building full of drunk people with guns in their pockets!

    This is just my humble opinion, but if an American citizen is too dangerous to fly on our airlines, then he/she is too dangerous to own an assault rifle. My god! That is just common sense!

    Assault weapons have one purpose. To kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible. How can anyone justify allowing citizens to purchase these kinds of weapons without a thorough background check?

  53. From D. Tate to Mets to Anna Benson. We're safe at third and sliding into Kevin Bacon territory now, I think.

  54. I hate Kevin Bacon. He married Kyra Sedgwick. I was going to do that!


  55. Ex-Met Matt Franco is Kurt Russell's nephew. Kurt Russell was in "The Man from U.N.C.L.E." with Robert Vaughn. Robert Vaughn was in "Captains and the Kings" with Patty Duke. Patty Duke was in "Valley of the Dolls" with Sharon Tate. Sharon Tate was/is Debra Tate's sister.

    I hope that helps everyone to see how it's all connected, and that all future NY Mets discussions are on topic, and in no way unrelated to the Manson case.

  56. TO STIL Grooving: The TIMES they have a CHANGED - 180 degrees. In the sixties a "Bouncer" was a bad-ass overweight mother-fucker who stood in the doorway to a CLUB and decided WHO got in and who had to go. HE also had the mental ability to "smell" trouble. That was HIS JOB description !!

    Apparently the "Pulse" night club hired a sweet, friendly "hostess" with the "mostess" very welcoming SMILE and just called HER a BOUNCER.

    Ever notice, with EVERY police ABUSE case in America - from strong arming to shooting in the back - NOT one "SHE" cop is involved. only bad-ass, muscular MALE, arrogant SOB's ?

    SO maybe the older generation has it all wrong? Maybe we NEED a lady like Hillary for a drastic change. Maybe we need the Aquadic "Sealetts" to tame those pesky Muslims with THEIR feminume charms. Maybe we only NEED a bunch of pretty ladies with T-shirts that read:
    "Now Behave Yourselves TERRORISTS."


  57. Robert Hendrickson said...

    "Ever notice, with EVERY police ABUSE case in America - from strong arming to shooting in the back - NOT one "SHE" cop is involved. only bad-ass, muscular MALE, arrogant SOB's ?"

    One of the officers charged in the Freddie Gray case is a woman.

    Are you suing Dateline? Should be easy money.

  58. YES Ziggy, but investigate further and you will see that "the woman" officer (1) arrived on the scene AFTER "Freedie" was already put in the Paddy Wagon. AND (2) she was a token BLACK female COP who joined the force at 25 and was made a "sargent" five years later when the Freedie Grey case occurred. It looks like this case boils down to: did the cops actually "intend" to KILL poor Freddie ?

    As for the other question, I'm still investigating. BUT it looks promising.

  59. Well articulated, Death! Thank you!

  60. Just found this post going through old ones lol, the murder scene at the end of season 2 was kind of interesting, it has Linda taking a way bigger part than the "accepted" narrative, her name is replaced as "Ella", shes pregnant and is looking in the windows when the killing starts with Tex shooting Sebring and then she crouches and sits against a wall of the house then stands as Frykowski runs out with Tex chasing him, she watches up close as Tex repeatedly stabs Voytek and Tex tells her "this is what Charlie wants", then you see Pat chase down Abigail and stab her then the scene returns to the house and Tex and im assuming Susan because neither Pat or Susan were mentioned by name, both begin stabbing Sharon, oh and in this version Tex tells "Ella" aka Linda to check the guesthouse where she opens the door with a bloody knife in hand and finds a shirtless dead ringer for Garretson adjusting the knovs on the stereo and tells him to be quiet and stay inside, Charlie is furious when they return and jumps in the car with Linda to go back to Cielo to tamper with the scene and then leave as the sun is coming up at around 5:15, kind of interesting

  61. Hi just wondering if Matt still wants Lucroy btw. No I know. Cheers. I have Nimmo in fantasy here in the future.
