Saturday, February 11, 2017

Disabled vet needs flood relief

Most of you know this guy as Doc Sierra. Please donate Generously.

Hi everyone. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this.

I'm a 54 year old disabled veteran. I served as a Navy Corpsman and served with the 3RD MAW FMF PAC. I got banged up pretty good and now I'm unable to work. The VA gives me a good pension and medial care that is 2nd to none.

My home has flooded for the 3rd time in less than a month and I need to find a new place to live. My pension doesn't leave much by the end of every month and my savings are nothing to boast about.

I've always been proud of my ability to adapt and make things happen but due to health issues that's not an option anymore.

My pride has, for most of my life, kept me from asking for or borrowing money. Now I have to swallow my pride and ask.

Between 1st and last month, security deposit, moving conpany and paying new deposits for utilities I am estimating about $7,000. I have no family to help and I've helped plenty of people in my lifetime. I'm hoping that Karma wins out and I can get help as soon as possible. Thanks again for taking your time to read this.

Help spread the word!


  1. Thanks to every one for your support. Please take the time and get this out to as many people as you can.
    Thanks again,
    Marty "Doc" Freitas

  2. Thanks everyone for your support. I think those Bartles AND James guys used to say that. Whenever I hear from someone, money or not, I get a kind of spiritual uplift and maybe some of you who've faced similar challenges understand what I'm saying. Again, thanks for all of the support.
    - Doc -

    This link will show you pictures as well as an update.
