Monday, May 20, 2019

MansonBlog Tour 2019: Iverson Movie Ranch

Today we were lucky enough to get a personal tour of the old Iverson Movie Ranch. The ranch is adjacent to Spahn. Dennis, who is a Film and TV historian, location researcher and media archaeologist has dedicated his time to try to accurately record the landscape of the spot that was host to the filming of some 3500 movies. If you want to read more about his good work, which includes things like educating local school children about the area's history his blog address is

Hope you enjoy the video:


  1. Thanks for this great video. Very cool to get to see both the surrounding area (in relation to Spahn) and, a view of Spahn from this angle. It puts into unique perspective, some key MF-related historical happenings (Hoyt to Shea as an example) for us located us a chance to soak in the scenery in a multitude of ways.

  2. Great tour. I may have missed any past discussion on this but always wondered about the extent and degree of Manson Family encroachment onto Iverson Ranch if at all.

  3. What day was this video made? I had to go to Reseda Saturday late morning and took Santa Susanna Pass both ways.

  4. Been All around the World ....Seen a lot , But now getting Older this part of U.S. Los Angeles is on the Top of my BucketList.... Not this Year though... moving house in September... Bought another Car...and so on. Will be 2020 Priority for a Ticket/Flight

  5. Gorodish, we were there on Saturday!

  6. Kinda makes you wonder .... The HUGHE Forces of Nature, to shape a landscape like this ....

  7. DebS said: "Gorodish, we were there on Saturday!"

    Late morning, Saturday, actually, Deb. We might have passed him.

  8. Oh, it kills me that you guys are only 3 hours away and yet I can’t get together with you! It’s finals week, and commencement and loads of rehearsals and concerts, etc. I hope that you’re having a blast!

  9. David wrote :

    DebS said: "Gorodish, we were there on Saturday!"

    Late morning, Saturday, actually, Deb. We might have passed him.

    Wow. I left my house right at 11 AM which would have put me passing Spahn Ranch area around 11:15-11:20. I headed back home around 2:30ish, would've been driving westbound toward Simi on Santa Susanna close to 3. If I'd known I'd have stopped by Redmesa and said hello.

  10. Awesome footage thanks for the video guys. Pity the official Manson Family wannabe SVH had to show up but apart from that really cool stuff to see

  11. Well that's one thing he's got going for him i guess ;)

  12. manson family WANNABE here had a great time on the tour..looking forward to the next one

  13. Stoner,
    It was like old times seeing you in the film.
