Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas!



  1. Merry Christmas, Charlie manson!
    Gotta love South park

  2. Anyone have a keen sense of what Xmas was like 12/25/68 at Spahn Ranch? I've read my fair share of TLB books but can't recall any of them depicting the holidays there. Did Charlie even allow a celebration.

  3. Gonna scare you up and shoot you
    Cause Mr. Charlie told me so

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm pretty sure Christmas for the Family fell on November 12th <{o_o}>...

    But in all seriousness, I believe they were all scattered about in late December 1968. Some, including Squeaky, were at Spahn. In her book, she describes George Spahn getting a little Christmas tree and having the girls decorate it with dog biscuits. Many were still at Barker Ranch. Tex Watson was on the verge of bailing out for several months. The Beatles White Album had just been released, as had the Beach Boys single "Bluebirds Over The Mountain" b/w "Never Learn Not To Love"...

    It turned out to be somewhat of a fateful holiday season.

  6. Merry Christmas and thank you all the bloggers and commenters who have kept this site going.
