Monday, March 18, 2024

Lynette Fromme Reflects on Meeting Charles Manson - and More!





  1. Hello,
    Is it possible that the videos are not available? a message appears saying "the video is not available"
    Is it because I'm in Europe?


  2. I think it's because of Geographic Restriction.
    Is it from the docu "Manson: the women"??
    I have not been able to see it because that content is not available in my location.
    I'm sure there is some way to see it but I'm not very good with computers, hehehe
    what a pity!!

  3. Los videos no están disponibles....será porque vivo en el "Back Porch"????

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Interesting, but hard to watch because the audio is not synched. Very frustrating and annoying.

  6. Its from MANSON: THE WOMEN

    If you have Spectrum, you can pull it up ON DEMAND for free

    You can buy in on AppleTV for $2.99

    In response to the Gina's comment - only the first clip is out of sync

  7. Unfortunately, I now live at the beach and while I have ludicrous speed internet it still mean Spectrum is three guys drinking Mountain Dew and eating Bar Mix playing Halo 10 while they try to keep the gerbil spinning the wheel while hoping the wind never exceeds 35 MPH because then they would need to call Bert to go out and find the downed line.

  8. Then agin- went to talk to Ford with a loaded gun and spent 30 years in prison...ah....duh

  9. David, perfect description of Spectrum, at least where I live. Cheers!

  10. The first video makes me think Sandra might have gone to the beauty parlor and said, 'Give me the works'.

  11. Mr. Kay's thinking if Leslie were paroled that she would "fall in with the wrong guy" doesn't give her much credit. Is he stuck in 1970, or what? So far, it doesn't seem to've hurt Gov. Newsom any.

    And is it just me, or does Mr. Kay look like some skinflint landlord or shopkeeper in a 1930s film? Or like he's about to tell the family to get into the first car at their loved one's funeral.

    And why does "funeral" start with "fun", but one rarely is?

  12. I should've typed in the first line, "...probably fall in with some dangerous guy again..."; either or, I'm very much a grammar-SS when it comes to my quoting people incorrectly.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Finally was able to watch it.

    Quite a few fact check issues but not a terrible show.

    The true believers remained so, at least in 2019. I'd love to see the cutting room floor bits with Fromme and Good.

    I wonder if they ever reflect back on what a wasted youth they had and ask themselves 'why'.

  15. David said...
    I'd love to see the cutting room floor bits with Fromme and Good.

    Yes indeedy.
    Here's something that didn't make the final edit for Starviego to ponder... gets interesting at about 1min 53secs. :-)

    Loegria15 said...
    And is it just me, or does Mr. Kay look like some skinflint landlord or shopkeeper in a 1930s film? Or like he's about to tell the family to get into the first car at their loved one's funeral.

    Imagine spending your whole life wanting to be Vincent Bugliosi when ya grow up. :-)

  16. @brownrice, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!

  17. Brownrice,

    I saw that on the post. I just took it to mean that's when the acid finally kicked in.

  18. David said...
    I saw that on the post. I just took it to mean that's when the acid finally kicked in.

    I couldn't view the post so I dropped some pennies on appletv and watched the whole thing... but I didn't notice that particular part of the interview in the show (though it's quite possible I nodded off and missed it- old age etc). I don't actually think it was all that significant, probably just as you say "the acid kicking in". :-). Though I definitely agree that the out-takes of Fromme and Good would be interesting... or at least more interesting than much of the other content.

  19. Brownrice....

    I had to drop the 2.99 too. This wasn't in it but the trailers Matt posted, one was this. Oh, with all the factual 'issues' -like the raid taking place in the desert- by far the best parts were Good talking about war and Fromme. I would love to see the cutting room floor.

  20. Hey Georgie! It's King George. Please email me at

    Don't tell me you're still may bro. I was 10! Lol, if I had a dime, I'd call someone who cares.

  21. Brownrice,

    Thanks for the link to that interesting statement. The man in the yellow suit? oo-ee-oo!
