Monday, January 31, 2011

then and now



  1. ST- i duuunnnno? i have seen you after a few "coors". i would bet money you get beer googles too!

  2. The passage of time beats the shit out of everybody. But that is still better than getting stabbed to death in your home in the middle of the night.

  3. LOL well...

    I will never again profess my love for you if your going to assume it was beers and not my very best judgment... lol

    But honestly- I wouldnt bang Katie in her best day with Monkey boys **** and blame it on TEX....

    I meant she never had it lol

  4. Damn...she looks pissed!

  5. She looks terrible. Let me make this clear: she looks terrible. Karma came and took a big ass bite out of this one.

  6. The "then" picture on the left looks like my best friend in high school (minus the dress and breasts) when we were gonna be RockStars. The "Now" picture on the right looks just like our high school janitor that the girls needed to stay away from (and some boys).

  7. She does look terrible- but if nobody wanted her at 20 what was she going to look like in her 60's???

    And this is what she looks like drug/alcohol free..

    imagine if she had continued to beat on herself the last 40 years...

  8. I imagine if she had NOT gone to prison, with its forced abstinence from drugs and alcohol, she would have probably died long since.

    On another note... it was well-known that Katie was so hairy the guys couldn't stand to touch her. Now that she's post-menopausal, do you think she had to shave for her parole appearance?

  9. she looks a lot like william devane these days.
