Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Panamint Patty and I, plus I am sure a few of you wanted to know the role of "Alice Rainer" in Manson Girls.  Here is Susanna's response.

"Alice is a CNN news reporter who wants to tell the story of the girls, as opposed to the typical Charles Manson story, during the anniversary of the murders."


  1. Thank you and congrats on scooping Das Colonel.

  2. Das is German for the word THE

    Remember the movie Das Boot ?

    Translation- the boat

    Maybe she meant THE Col. ????

    or maybe she meant something else- and I dont know what I am talking about :) but I'll take a shot...

  3. ok- i am scared. yes Saint that is what i was thinking The Colonel. now you have to marry me cuz you get me!!!!
