Friday, October 10, 2014

Pt 2 Jay's Cherished Ring: Sharon Tate, The Beatles, Charles Manson, Satanism & Hollywood

Thanks, William Marshall!


  1. Jay was hesitant to marry Sharon? I thought it was Sharon who was hesitant. Jay wore Sharon's college ring around his neck? I don't think Sharon went to college. Weird video, but nice images of Sharon and Jay.

  2. Happy Birthday, Jay. Today he would have been 81 years old. RIP.

  3. Wow that was terrible, hoped there is not a part 3.

  4. I liked the footage. Beautiful scenes of Sharon and the sixties. This "satanic Hollywood" reminded me of that guy Rafapal, Madrid-based author and journalist Rafael Palacios, he had the theory the Tate murders were in fact a high Satanic sacrifice of wife & son by Charles Manson approved by husband Roman Polanski. Never read the book though.
