Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Billy Goucher's Grand Jury Testimony

                                                       Billy Goucher and Maria Alonzo

These are the pages from the grand jury testimony that Billy Goucher gave prior to testifying against Michael Monfort and James Craig for the murder of James Willett in Guerneville CA in 1972.

The newspaper articles about the trial are HERE.


  1. His testimony was so matter of fact that it quite literally made my hair stand up. What a f*cking creep.

  2. Maria Alonzo sure reminds me of Ruth Ann.
    Every time I hear about people deciding to murder someone because they might tell on them not only is it horrifying to think they could take someone's life but I think they've got to know statistically they're just making their own chances worse.

  3. "Snitches will be taken care of."

    "SF" June 29, 1972

    At least KNOWING allows YOU to make an informed decision. Because some policeman is having a bad hair day - you might DIE - that should be disturbing.

    L. Merrick and R. Howard: What on earth were you thinking ?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Agreed, Hump. To me that's mind boggling. A few armed robberies will certainly draw you some time, but nothing like first degree murder - or second degree for that matter. They only made a bad situation infinitely worse.

  6. Wow! Nancy Pitman is now a senior citizen, enjoying her family & home, going on vacation, going shopping, etc., and she was instrumental in getting the ball rolling on having those people murdered. What a heartless creature!!

  7. Sad story. Willett was not a thug or armed robber. From the testimony it sounds as if he wished to extricate his wife and daughter from this group of murderous nitwits, but his wife had a soft spot for Spider Craig and didn't want to leave. I imagine Willett signed his death warrant by mouthing off to his wife about turning the clowns in. And his wife signed hers also. Very sad.

  8. John Peters, I think you are right. They sound like nice people and were on their way to getting away from this group of losers. It says on the fifth page that Goucher was introduced to James Willet by Squeaky. I bet the lure of the girls kept James there just a tad too long and it cost them their lives.

  9. You guys knock it out of the park every day on this website!!!!!!! My favorite place to surf when I have a little extra time. Keep up the awesome work!

  10. lol I thought that was Ruth myself..

    I agree with John Peters as well

  11. Kitty married Billys brother Veldon Goucher

  12. WOW the tidbit about Lauren Willett and James Craig does explain a lot a lot a lot

  13. So, cute little Lauren Willett had a passing relationship with that ugly worm James Craig? I think I'm going to puke! Poor James. He got shafted every which way by this group.

  14. As the Stomach Turns.

    Helps explain the assertion that Lauren may have tacitly approved of James' murder and her continuing to travel with the group.

    Now to find the motive for Lauren's demise.

  15. I was just looking at the Nov 2011 post of Cece's letter to Heidi Willet with the photo at top. Is that James Willet with the fishing pole?

  16. She was only 19. When this all happened, practically a child with a child

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  18. Robert or anyone,
    In the film ,"Manson", where Little Paul tells about "death" being Charlie's trip. The camera shows four girls on a red couch. Squeak is in the middle with Brenda sitting on the back of the couch, behind her. On either side of Squeaky are two girls who I get confused. I think the one on Squeak's right, above the Book of the Dead, is Maria. Can anyone confirm this?

  19. thanks Matt. Another question for you if you see this: on a Feb. 2011 post there is a pic and the caption (by you?) says Lauren holding Heidi probably for the last time. How did you know that-I missed something that must have been included. Thanks.

  20. Yes Robert H., that looks like Maria Alonzo to me and she was identified as her on this page:
    I thought maybe the fourth woman was Sue Bartel.

  21. Orwhut, that was one of those posts that I posted "for Liz". She wrote the post and emailed it to me.

    Lauren knew that group for just a short time, so I guess Liz was just speculating.

  22. thanks Matt. whoops I mean Orwhut instead of Robert.

  23. Mr. Humphrat,
    Thank you. That was a very enjoyable article. I thought the 4th woman might be Sue also.

  24. Matt,
    Thanks. Please give my best to Liz.

  25. Nancy Pitman is as bad as any of those that are still locked up.
