Friday, January 16, 2015

The Bob Ruby/Sandra Good Interview

Bob Ruby was a talk radio personality with a show in the New Orleans radio market.  At the time he did this interview with Sandra Good he was the number one radio personality in that area. 

This interview was conducted not long after Lynette Fromme tried to assassinate President Ford.  The interview would later be used against Sandra Good after she was arrested and tried in federal court for sending threatening letters to people and corporations in the name of The People's Court of Retribution.  Bob Ruby testified for the prosecution.


  1. Complete lunatic! She'd really shit in her robe if she saw what the developers & local politicians are doing to the Austin area. They are tearing down 200 year old oak trees, building strip shopping malls, apartment complexes, gas stations, CVS & Walgreen pharmacies on every corner on a daily basis! Traffic is gridlocked, even outside the city, and they just keep destroying & building all in the name of economic GROWTH, which is a word I hate myself!

  2. Yes I particularly enjoyed the assertion that Manson would fix the economy.
    I think she is currently interviewing for a position with ISIS.

  3. Yes, most of us can conceptually follow her when she talks about sending boys to die in Vietnam, destroying nature and so on, but she inevitably says something that if you aren't careful you may blow snot bubbles.

  4. Sandra Good is a "lunatic" because she would STOP such development / destruction of the land. BUT

    LBJ and Nixon apparently had the RIGHT idea to NAPALM the fuck out out of virgin Vietnam forests AND it's "commie gook" inhabitants.

    Make sense to me !

  5. They were a different breed of lunatic perhaps. She wasn't a lunatic to be outraged at the evil going on, but she was comical in her lashing out at interviewers and housewives for their imaginary sins.

  6. Corporate executives' wives use their bodies to get more material goods out of their husbands who are ruining the world while Manson girls use their bodies to lure people with credit cards so the people's work can be done.

  7. I thought Ruby was excellent at not getting ticked-off. He just gave her more rope. Very Larry King-like.

  8. Sandy is much more pleasant for me to look at,than to listen to.

  9. Ah. Sandy Good. Giving preachy, self-righteous, one-track minded, misanthropic narcissists a bad name one answer at a time.

  10. Red and Blue gave a large chunk of their lives standing up for what they believed in and proudly stood in defiant in the face of opposition. Most of America who sit on their fat asses and stuff their faces with junk food watching reality TV cannot say the same.

  11. ..and you people act like Bob Ruby didn't love it. Loved it so much he got excited when it was given to the news and he put it in his book. They bash people like Sandra, then use them to make them a somebody and get their back accounts bigger.

  12. Here's a controversial twist with relevance to the Manson Family's (IE: Sandra Good's) RELIGIOUS faith in Charles Manson.

    The POPE, in response to the PARIS massacre announced that although HE is all for "freedom of expression" there should be LIMITS on "insulting and ridiculing" one's FAITH.

    OH, Oh ! anyone see the problem with that ?

    YES - If the Manson Family's FAITH in Charles Manson can be considered "religious" AND, of course, it is / was - then YOU better watch out - cause Santa Claus may NOT be able to help you IF you ridicule ANYONE's "faith."

    Obviously, the Pope is either condoning "retaleation" or trying to protect his investment or both.

    Either way, it's an interesting perspective for the future.

  13. Yes No Name, they gave a large chunk of their lives, but doing what? Judging others because of their position(?) all the while not really knowing anything about those people. Squeaky for a while drove around in a big old car her sugar daddy gave her made by the same corporate titans they threatened.

  14. @ No Name - No one here will question Sandra and Lynn’s dedication or resolve. What is up for debate is their sanity.

    @ Charlie Troll - Of course he loved it. It isn’t every day that you get a Manson Family member on the air ranting like a lunatic. I highly doubt though that the memoir sold very many copies outside of New Orleans. That doesn’t make for a fat bank account.

  15. I believe both Sandy and Lynn were and perhaps still are great entertainers. I think Lynn seemed to enjoy herself and knew how to be charming and loony at the same time while Sandra was so earnest and angry at the world that she entertained without intending to do so. They gave their lives on a personal quest, but did it have value to the larger world?

  16. No Name, there are millions of Americans who work for social justice, advocate for change and dedicate a good potion of their income to philanthropy. What did Sandy do besides write poison pen letters and do a few nonsense PR interviews??

  17. Thanks to Sandra for getting Nelson out of business.

  18. Sandra Good / 'She's as nutty as squirrel poo.'

    I can't imagine closing my eyes while being anywhere near her she's way too creppy.

  19. Mr. Humphrat: Back when the first Manson Family type blogs got going, I mentioned that it was ALL for entertainment's sake. It drew an angry response and I understood. Subjects like the MANSON murder case are supposed to be SERIOUS matters - for some. BUT in reality, "everything" in life is based upon a need for entertainment. Back in the 1960s, with the Vietnam War and all, it was openly discussed that LBJ and then Nixon were actually great entertainers. They actually became like the Nazi characters on Hogan's Heros. When Jane Fonda sat on the Viet Cong artillery gun, it was FUNNY and when the Watergate burglers were caught and the story finally came to light, it was "Of Course, what did you expect from such ding-a-lings ?

    Every week America tuned-in to the Smothers Brothers TV show to hear n' see about what our STUPID President did this week. And when Richard Nixon came along it became all about "King Richard," the dufuss who just wanted to be our KING.

    Thus YOUR "entertainer" comment strikes to the very heart of the TRUTH !

    Anyone ever see the Amos and Andy TV show ? No, I mean the old 1950s one.

  20. RH, I don't remember Amos & Andy but I remember The Smothers Brothers. That was top notch entertainment that cut right to the heart of political issues. My parents had to explain the joke references since I was so young but it stayed with me.

  21. Yeah I was a little kid and watched The Smothers Brothers sometimes and it was just normal entertainment to me, kind of hip and kind of square too. I didn't realize it was controversial.
    RH I agree there are entertaining sides in LBJ/Nixon and lots of things going way back. The Watergate break in. The fact that Committee to Re-elect the President was CREEP! Who thought up that one? "The gnatering nabobs of negativism" quote from Pat Buchanan via Agnew's mouth. Jane fonda sitting on the cannon very entertaining and inflaming. Charles Manson and the girls perp-walks through the halls of justice with the girls singing. Squeaky and company crawling all the way up what street was that Sunset Blvd? A long way. That was huge entertainment. Sandra Good: You've all judged yourselves, LA will burn to the ground. Patty Hearst's taped messages to her parents OMG. Pat Paulsen running for President. and on and on.

  22. Thank you, Hump. Very eloquently put!
