Friday, July 8, 2022

Bruce Davis Was Denied Parole Today



  1. What, no comments from Debra Tate or Kay Martley? I wonder if they were there and not quoted or if they didn't go to the hearing this time. Cielodrive will have the transcript soon.

  2. DiMaria is the mouthpiece now. I'm not sure if he was telling me I am titillated by Pat Krenwinkel in an email or if he was speaking generally about Manson writers.

    Mouthpieces should not be confusing imo.

  3. I think the only reason why there are "Manson writers" is because the murders were senseless and no one knows the true reason why they were committed. You'd think DeMaria would understand that and at least acknowledge that people are trying to resolve the reasoning.

    1. There was no reason.. Manson was testing the loyalty of his followers to see how far they would go if he told them to go and do something horrific, he didn't really think they would go and brutally murder those at Cielo Drive so when they actually done what he said to do he couldn't tell them well to be honest i was only joking, he had to go along with it and pretend he meant it and so on to the Labiancas the next evening where he lead the way until things got a bit naughty and made his excuses and left.. It's that simple I thought you so called experts on the case would have realised that years ago 👌

  4. These recent parole decisions on the Manson people are all over the place. I know that the state has taken to only having two commission members sit for each hearing, but wow.

    Krenwinkel went from a full five-year denial to being granted parole, and her hearing performance was pretty standard-issue this last time around, IMO.

    Bummer Bob went from having been granted parole (rather surprisingly) to a three-year denial, and Davis - who has been getting the nod each time for years now suddenly gets a three-year pass.

    Only Watson and Van Houten have remained consistent over the years - along with Manson himself, of course.

  5. Hey greenwhite - can you get in touch with me please? You're not on FB currently and I need to chat. Feel free to contact me at - and that's okay if you need to delete this message after you read it.

  6. Tony said:

    There was no reason.. Manson was testing the loyalty of his followers to see how far they would go if he told them to go and do something horrific, he didn't really think they would go and brutally murder those at Cielo Drive so when they actually done what he said to do he couldn't tell them well to be honest i was only joking, he had to go along with it and pretend he meant it and so on to the Labiancas the next evening where he lead the way until things got a bit naughty and made his excuses and left.. It's that simple I thought you so called experts on the case would have realised that years ago

    Thanks for setting us all straight on that, Charlie.
    By the way, is there ice cream and covid in the afterlife ? 🤤

  7. Ha, you gave me a good laugh there, Grim.
    It would appear that there is good, there, no bad and I'm sure if you wanted ice cream. Ah, maybe not anything you would want, but there will be peace for you.
    And, I don't think I'll be able to smoke cigarettes, and you know, whatever.
    What a fine picture us humans have been making, makes one wonder.
    Imagine having a conversation with Charlie, now, these days, you know, like he talked and had, with Diane Sawyer, he would be more wise with age and have a good give and take sense of humor
    yeah I know it was much later

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. No baloney Tony saying the things everyone else is thinking. I give him a perfect rodeo score of one hundred points.

  10. Maybe I'm just like my mother. She's never satisfied.

    1. How can you just leave me standing?
      Alone in a world that's so cold

  11. Maybe I'm just like my father, too bold?

  12. Almost there. Follow Loegria's lead,Señor Bunt Squared.

  13. I wonder how Di Maria feels about Roman Polanski possibly being allowed back in the U.S. without having to serve time for his admitted rape of a thirteen year-old. He seems to be pretty adamant about investigating child assaults by the family.

  14. Hello? Are you really getting that boring? Diarrhea mouth and poo brain are the truest description of the tale of two charlies. Sorry the murders come down to something so stupid and you've wasted your lives looking for diamonds in all that excrement

  15. He has done his time and should be let out nothing will bring Gary back.
