There is a saying "don't speak ill of the dead". Or what? At this point I don't think my karma can get any worse. Bill Nelson-Manson Family stalker, convicted child molester/sex offender. And my mentor.
I think if he was still alive today, he would crap his pants over my recent stuff. He made a lot of trouble for Tex. Exposing Tex's family for their MediCal fraud. Susan and James didn't speak to kindly of him.
I don't think Patty or Debra Tate cared for him much either. It has been written Colonel Tate didn't like him.
Mrs. Tate liked him- at first. Bruce, Leslie, Bobby and Katie lived in fear of him.
In typical Nelson fashion, he made more enemies than friends. I never got to speak with him before he passed. So by request-the Bash Bill Nelson post. Feel free to comment and tell us your own stories. (ahem Beauders)
My favorite Bill story is- He was telling his tale in typical Bill Nelson fashion, no names but enough clues to figure out who he was talking about. He mentioned meeting with a "famous female", which could only be Dee Dee Lansbury or Deanna Martin (but I could be wrong). He went to "her" house for lunch and to discuss Charlie and The Family. He chit chats with her being ever the perv, asks about Charlie's lovemaking. Then he asks her why she stopped chillin' with the Family. She replied that one night there was a BIG orgy. Everyone was participating, even her. She was digging it until, she saw Charlie touch one of Dennis Rices kids inappropriately. We all know Dennis and his kids came AFTER the murders when Charlie was already in jail.
Photo "lifted" from ColScott :)
The spelling errors in "Manson Behind the Scenes are atrocious. Makes me laugh that inside the cover he plugs his book as an excellent text for college courses or advanced high school classes - WTF?
Liz, what were his convictions for specifically and how did he die? Curious. Also I understand he stalked Blue - true?
Liz, what were his convictions for specifically and how did he die? Curious. Also I understand he stalked Blue - true?
i know he was diabetic had diverticulitis. not sure what killed him. i do remember hearing cancer though. oh yeah he stalked blue also.
Yes, Patty. He stalked Blue. She burned him a new one. Go to ColScott's blog & search for "bazooka" and you can read the story. Very entertaining...
forgot Patty-this is fact - he was convicted of molesting two little girls. i THINK he was staying at a hotel and the girls were walking by his room after being in the pool and he lured them into his room. The Colonel i think had all the legal papers posted on his site years ago. i will see if i can find them.
BTW- i know if you don't have anything nice to say-don't say anything at all.
but that does not count for killers and child molesters.
I never knew much about him...
he was already dead when I came onto this...
Col, and Brett- both seemed to not respect him, but Liz you have told me you liked his books... so who knows???
I really dont know his story, and since he is only a peripheral player in the aftermath, and not a principle in the story- I never thought he was worth much time...
i tried to find the official paperwork, court papers and stuff but no luck. the shitbox, i believe has the paperwork there also and it appears Matt found it over at The Colonels.
Matt was correct i saw it at The Colonel's like Matt said search Bazooka.
I wonder how he was able to gain the confidence of so many Family members? Like he said, "mention the Manson Family, ruin someone's day." I have experinced this myself in small measure, but Bill was hardcore! He must not have been very afraid of what people thought of him, and he must have been tenacious.
He looks like an honest intelligent man- maybe he lied his way into there lives with big talk, and false intentions???
He looks like someone you might trust...
Bill reminds me of allot of the JFK conspiracy people - a bit unbalanced to begin with then they get an obesssion and really lose all sense of boundries. And reality. You add in an oversized ego to that and it just spells disaster.
some of the JFK conspiracy people...i meant to say.
many are cool and competant.
I'm not that knowledgeable about Bill Nelson and his roll in all of this. I was, however, just looking on Amazon.com for his book ands was stunned to find the cheapest price around $55 used. Is this right? I'd like to read this book, but damn!
Bretts site had a couple of letters on that Nelson wrote to Susan, and Bruce after his wife made him give up the case...
The tone of these letters was very sad...
He was obviously a very focused if not obsessed man with this case..
but he obviously had some serious issues...
rfoster1 said...
I'm not that knowledgeable about Bill Nelson and his roll in all of this. I was, however, just looking on Amazon.com for his book ands was stunned to find the cheapest price around $55 used. Is this right? I'd like to read this book, but damn!
actually thats cheap! if you do buy one i suggest his second one Manson Behind The Scenes. i know the shitbox used to have some books
all posted to read over there. not sure if Nelson's were included or not.
rfoster1- you can always buy it and re-sell it when your done, if you don't want to keep it.
I love the Bill story about how Ansom and TJ made him stay up all night while they got wasted the night before the 1991 Geraldo taping: "Get your ass down here, Nelson!" What a weird alliance.
Matt said...
Yes, Patty. He stalked Blue. She burned him a new one. Go to ColScott's blog & search for "bazooka" and you can read the story. Very entertaining...
Boy, was it ever entertaining! The comments are almost as good too...
Panamint Patty said...
I love the Bill story about how Ansom and TJ made him stay up all night while they got wasted the night before the 1991 Geraldo taping: "Get your ass down here, Nelson!" What a weird alliance.
and how Bill complained that T.J
and Ansom were never far from their constant companion- Ms. Marijuana. Bill constantly complained they smoked weed the entire time. He even says Ansom smoked a joint on the hallway at Geraldo right before they went on.
And the part where Ansom gives him a beaver shot! LOL
"she's a natural readhead" har har har
NIce Picture of Nellie. You're welcome. I remember screen grabbing that.
Yes it was Sady who found out about his conviction. He gave "back rubs" to a 12 year old girl and then rubbed his cock against her.
He was a Jesus freak, a liar and mentally unwell.
He died due to complications from the diabetes.
Col, I just looked back at the post & comments. I thought I had credited my theft, but I didn't. My apologies and credit is now below the post.
Hi Col. Yeah sorry about the uncredited lift - I realized that we had lifed your lift after reading your original post from '05: the little video lines at the bottom give it away.
Curious to know why your blog is so quiet. Are you getting burned out? Is it true that you don't feel there is much left to say?
Nelson got pissed off at me one time.
We had exchanged e-mails, discussing Linda's complicity in the murders.
In one e-mail I said I thought it absurd to believe that in a one month period......July 4th to August 8th.......Manson had brainwashed an otherwise peace loving Kasabian into participation in the murders.
I pointed out that Linda saw herself as a witch and eagerly ripped off $5000, without any help from Charlie........not to mention the idea Linda drove to the murders just because she was the only one to have a valid drivers license is idiotic.
Something in what I had to say flipped a switch in Old Nellie.
He e-mailed me back saying I must be insane!!!
Old Nellie was a strange bird.
I think he screwed up the chances, or at least made it more difficult, for meaningful dialog with "Family" members.....or victims families.
After hearing about the way he was, the guard was up against anyone, in fear of exploitation.
He could put up a big front as a well intentioned guy but it didn't take much contact with him to realize he was obsessed.
Good riddance Bill Nelson.
Bill Nelson did out good information, especially on Tex. But, Bill was only out for Bill and dollar BILLS. His theories on the family were sometimes absurd and defended people who were just as bad as anyone else.
St. said "after his wife made him give up the case..."
Do you think that having his conviction made public was the final straw for her? I think I heard that she was not very fond of his research.
bill nelson met doris tate at a radio station in l.a. he did a weekly talk show on conservative values. i think he got involved in the case because he saw it as an opportunity to get attention for himself be it on the radio, in the press, or on t.v. it made him feel important. i met nelson after he wrote the first book on Watson, and it ordered through a local bookstore. in the book was an advertisement for his vhs tape on watson i bought that and he sent further lists of materials he had for sale. i called nelson and placed an order. he was totally consumed by the case. i bought what he called the scientology murder casebook. all it was was a list of manson family members and associates. i contacted nelson and he would not give me a credit towards future material. i was also dealing with another manson informant-he was selling the sy wysinski book, the author couldn't sell them so he just gave them to kregg. i sent him a copy of the material for his opinion and said it was junk. i next filed mail fraud charges against nelson who telephoned me in an irate state and called me a bitch and satanist. nothing much happened for a little while then nelson decided to contact my employer of over twenty years and said very vile things about me in a fax. i was a candymaker and had sent him some sugarfree saltwater taffy that had my work address and fax number on the label--big mistake. in the meantime my other manson source is telephoning nelson and nelson's wife and she appears to be unaware of her husbands misdeeds in the manson sphere. she of course believes her husband is a good christian conservative man and we are all satanists. she had no idea he had been picked up for a sex crime or any of his other dirty dealings--he was a used car sales man. my father was a used cars salesman and believe me every thing said about them is true. so anyway the only person in the tate family that trusted nelson was mrs. tate. when she got sick the rest of the family ran him off. held a special hatred for patti tate so when he learned her best friend, lisa staman, was a lesbian he assumed that patti was a lesbian as well. he spread that rumor around and he also befriended lisa statman. statman was living at the time in the guesthouse at 10050 cielo--she was also obsessed with the murders,and i don't know how she and patti tate became friends. nelson most likely stole the tate/labianca crime scene and autopsy photo's from what i believe an elderly danny galindo, even though he blamed it on statman. when patti tate died statman was the one to receive custody of patti's children! one has to wonder why the father, a l.a. lakers basketball player last name of ford didn't get custody or even debra tate. to be continued
beauders...more more more!
ColScott said...
NIce Picture of Nellie. You're welcome.
Don't you worry Colonel- Patty and I BOTH gave Matt a stern talking to and a spanking for not crediting his lift fromr YOUR blog.
but- he seemed to enjoy that spanking a little to much.
so as a second and worse punishment, we took him to the "shitbox" knocked on the door and volunteered matt to clean the litter boxes as punishment.
those at the shitbox declined but appreciated the offer. ken gave us some cat litter coupons to drop off to them since we were going there anyway, save him a trip. those were declined as well. they also told us "you are not allowed to visit this forum."
so Patty and i then decided to make him clean the archive room nude. we will be posting the video on friday.
Bill Nelsons conversation with Diane Lake when she explained why she was called snake bill said something like "oh I thought it was for other reasons..." with a creepy tone in his voice I can only imagine what his hands were doing when he listened to Snake 's voice....
From what I've read and seen, Bill definitely seems a little perverted to me. He takes great pleasure (that eerie giggle of his), in discussing family orgies and anything regarding sexual activity amongst the family. If anyone's interested, I have "Manson Behind the Scenes" as a .pdf. I'd be happy to share, just email me. It's really not worth 55 bucks, christ no! I think Bill shared the same interest we all have in this case, but on top of it he had the hots for all of the family women. I guess he had the hots for STDS. I stumbled over this a few month's ago; I think it's some of Bill's research on Tex, as well as some heated letters. I believe Bill once had his own website, anyone? maybe this stuff is from his now de-funct website. Ok, off I go to search for "bazooka" on Col's site. : )
sorry, I meant to post this link :
It's what I was referring to regarding Watson, and Bill's old site. Cheers
google this exactlly
Tex Watson - Manson Case File - Home
should be one of the first, if not first, search results
Everyone : "Manson Behind the Scenes":
Thank you, Jonathan. Beats $55, that's for sure.
you're welcome, Matt.
thanks Jonathan! I haven't opened my copy for about five years. I've been afraid more pages would pop out of the binding.
I wonder if my autographed copies are worth more!
Bill Nelson was involved in the writing of "The Zodiac Manson Connection". The writer of the book goes by the name Dr. Howard Davis. I met Davis back in 2002 at Blue Rock Springs park in Vallejo, CA on the anniversary of two of the Zodiac shootings.
I bought an autographed book from him. It was by far, in my opinion, the worst book I've ever tried to read. It's full of preposterous claims of conspiracy between the Manson family and the Zodiac Killer with Bruce Davis being the Zodiac Killer. From what I did read, his main source was a convicted kiddy porn fan and registered sex offender who goes by the name of White Rabbit.
My question is does anybody on this board know who Dr. Davis is and if he really has a doctorate?
I've researched and can't find anything other than that he has some kind of natural health products business.
Is there any possibility of a re-upload of the "Behind the Scenes" .pdf?
I thank you very much for your consideration.
And thank all of you for your informative and insightful posts and comments.
I hated Bill Nelson the most of all, more than any other of his countless haters. Bill mistankingly had me on his "friendly" mailing list during his webmaster years. One time he sent a mass mailing out to about 50 of his best customers and I got one too. He forgot to use blind copy option (BCC) - I had his entire mailing list!
When the molestation conviction and the subsequent expungement story broke on the contemporary ATWA site, I forwarded the story to all of his best customers. Not long afterwards, the Nelson site closed down.
I'm so proud.
I should have explained above that my extreme dislike for Bill Nelson was entirely about his motivation to identify, locate, and exploit minors that were still in school at the time. Ultimately he failed at this goal during his few webmaster years, and I'm glad I could help.
I only used his mailing list the one time, and no surprise, I didn't get any responses. I do feel some regret about probably freaking out those poor customers. I can imagine that the recipients assumed the e-mail was from a genuine ATWA sympathizer, which I was not at all, now or then - I just wanted Bill to stop.
I'd never met or talked with Bill, but I succeeded in messing with his mind on his web site to try and throw him off course.
I totally understand the curiosity about the "where are they now?" aspect here, and respect this well done site (especially this particular blog entry), but Bill Nelson was obviously a very, very creepy dude long before his arrest/conviction story surfaced.
We appreciate your input. Thanks. And yes, Nelson was creepy.
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