Recently the blog received images that were used as exhibits by the Los Angeles District Attorney's office in the four trials for the murder of Gary Hinman. The photos do not include Gary's body but do show blood stains. There are pictures of various rooms in the house, Gary's prayer beads and the sword Manson used to slice Gary's face. These pictures are very sobering and underscore the Family's capacity to exert brutality in the course of their crimes.
All of the images have at least a portion of an LADA watermark on them but it is an opaque watermark so it doesn't obliterate a major portion of the image. The home is still furnished in the photos so you get a very good idea of what happened and where.
A few years ago Matt posted a link to an
Associated Press video of the interior of Gary's home, the link at his post still works so you might want to revisit that, too. In this video the home has been cleared out of all of Gary's belongings so you get a different perspective.
We will start with a couple of the tamer pictures.
This is what looks to be an enclosed porch off of the kitchen. You can see the refrigerator in the window.
The dinette set in the kitchen. |
Another view of the dinette set. |
The dinette set again, notice the musical instrument case in the foreground. |
Not sure where this is in the house. You can see circles drawn on the floor near the wood stove. Presumably they circled blood splatters. |
The living room where Gary died. You can see Gary's prayer beads in the lower middle of the photo. |
Another angle of the living room. |
You can see a faint chalk outline of exactly where Gary was found. His arm would have been where the right side of the first A in the watermark is located. The prayer beads were probably in his right hand. |
The prayer beads.
The knife found in the spare tire well of the Fiat when Bobby was arrested.
The sword that was used by Manson to slice Gary's face. It has been said that when George Knoll, president of the Straight Satan's found out that his sword had been used in a murder he became enraged and broke the sword in half. |
In the interest of things not getting out of hand in the comments section regarding the letter addressed to Robert Beausoleil in Gary's home here are images of the letter, envelope and related documentation for its being entered as an exhibit in the first trial for Gary's murder.
Envelope |
Exhibit Log |
Exhibit noted on back |
Letter page 1 |
Letter page 2 |