The title alone of this religious tract tickles Patty's funny bone. How could anyone logically come up with this combination of things? The 1960's American Religious Right, that's who:

Mr. Noebel's manifesto was no longer available through Flashback, so Patty purchased copies of the 1972 and 1974 Senate Hearings on the Marijuana and Hashish Epidemic instead. And while there was nothing too compelling in them relating to our topic of study, Patty was interested to learn that the BEL was heavily involved in a passport fraud operation in order to mask their comings and goings abroad. This, the hearings read, was confirmed by Interpol, who once investigated Bruce Davis' undocumented presence in London on at least one occasion (that slippery little git).
Michael is a very nice man and he will do you right. We chatted a bit over email, and he sent me in the mail, free of charge, these photocopies of some rare BEL ephemera. Apparently, these cards were the ones that Orange Sunshine was distributed on at free concerts and gatherings. COOL SHIT. Thanks, Michael. You are positively lovely.