Definition of these two frenemies - Frenemy- A person with whom you may have a lot of fun and/or a lot in common, who also has a vile and random dark side.
Now I wonder how Heidi Willet made out in life...
TomG said...
Now I wonder how Heidi Willet made out in life...
Lauren was originally from my state CT. her parents were still residing in CT at the time of the murders. i read a newspaper article that Laurens parents claimed Heidi after the murders.
i have tried my hardest to find any info related to Heidi or Laurens parents but no luck. not even an obituary on Lauren in any CT papers.
i did locate several Heidi Willet's but they all CLAIMED they were not THE Heidi Willet so i left well enough alone. unlike other people.
If you look at ratio of amount of guilt divided by price paid...
who gets a better grade than Nancy, and Sandy???
They both committed several crimes, and were accessories to murder on at least a couple of different instances..
Most of the every day poeple out there know of the Manson family only through the sensational stuff like the Manson documentary and the Courthouse follies- all of which these two were ( along with Squeakster) The FACES AND MOUTHS OF...
and yet today- by all the pics we have seen- they have gone on to lead pretty normal happy lives...
Squeaky would be in this group- but she spent alot more time in Jail than the other two...
Linda would be- but her life sucked lol... and still does
Clem maybe ????? He paid very little for what he did as well... also went on to a pretty good life..
I can't help but wonder if these women now in their 60's, with all that maturity and life experience, are remorseful about the lives that they took, are at the very least contributed in some way. How to you compartmentalize that and go on with your life?
It would be great to know what became of her and what her feelings are regarding Michael Monfort, Billy Goucher James Craig, Priscilla Cooper, Maria Alonzo and Brenda.
I want to know who was behind the lens.
She contacted me two years ago. I think she's fine. She may have even joined the blog I think
Col, without betraying any trust can you relay what she has said about her feelings?
Hello ColScott, thanks for stopping in. if i knew you were coming i would of at least vacuumed and made coffee.
I never get coffee..
ST- no but you do get beer and a.....
well u know!
Frenemies.........I've also heard that peculiar disorder called Friend-Foe Disease. I think it partly comes from lack of self esteem and ADHD. I was never really sure what was behind it but those types are very dangerous at work or in a family setting.
Hey all today- it is my favorite holiday,,,
A day for beers and wings, and Football....
For one day I put away the dark side of life, and the tragedies of 40 years ago to focus on friends and fun, and all the good things that having a real life in the popular culture rewards you with once in awhile for playing by the rules ( for the most part)
I hope all of you have a really awesome day- whatever it is you are doing...
Evil C- please make sure they don't let any of them out until I am back tomorrow...
ill smoke a " Super bowl' for you LIZ :)
If I may add to my precious remark: narcissism may also be behind this "frenemy" thing?
These outlaw, anti-social types have no qualms about killing today a person who they had loved yesterday. In our world, we may distance ourselves from a friend who we feel has wronged us. Betrayal or snitching in their world warrants the death penalty.
i live in portland, oregon and could have swore i saw pitman in a tex mex restaurant two weeks ago.
beauders said...
i live in portland, oregon and could have swore i saw pitman in a tex mex restaurant two weeks ago.
it probably was her. i know her and her boyfriend do the "retired upstanding senior citizen" thing,
lunching, traveling in their RV.
did you happen to snap a pic? lol
How is it that after going to jail, not going to college, being in the Family, etc, these ex members seem to make out so comfortably in middle-age?
How come they're not all on the dole, living on Skid Row? Gypsy, especially, has a terrible record, how come she seems so prosperous?
Is it the born-again thing, does it give them access to a bunch of gullible people eager to help the repentant sinner?
Linda Kasabian doesn't seem to be in such great shape though. It's funny to think of Bug thinking she was going to settle down and be Mrs Middle America, when in fact she turned into a meth- addicted knocker-flashing biker moll who didn't have the sense to not mention robbing Steve Parent's wallet nor describe creepy-crawl thefts as 'not crimes'.
Would just have loved to have heard Bug's comments to Linda after that Larry King show.
fiona 1933...
I agree too that some of these people got off pretty easy and now seem to be living a life of comfort if we base what we've seen (thanks to eviliz and co.) on recent pics of certain people like nancy. it does appear that a few are living the good life while others had it really bad (Linda).
hi there my name is desiree cooper-craig. daughter to james craig and priscilla cooper. I was wondering if anyone has any ifno on them? thanks
Welcome, desiree. I take it you were adopted out, then? Do email us offline at mansonfamily1967@gmail.com. We'd love to hear your story. All kinds of people roll through here so maybe there is someone out there who can help.
Can someone please explain to me what the motive was behind the Willet couple's murders?
toocrowdedinthishouse said...
Can someone please explain to me what the motive was behind the Willet couple's murders?
Too much to type, so I lifted this from cielodrive.com.
Following the Tate/Labianca murder trials, the family slowly began to break up. Nancy lived with Sandy and Squeaky for short periods, but it wasn't long before they too were going their own ways. Nancy ended up living with a couple of convicts that escaped from a prison in Northern California. She fell in love with one of them; a man named Michael Lee Monfort, AKA "Red Eye". Together with three other couples (James "Spider" Craig & Priscilla "Tuffy" Cooper, Billy Goucher & Maria "Crystal" Alonzo, and James & Reni Willett with their infant daughter Heidi), Nancy and Red Eye moved into a cabin in Guerneville. It was there that Red Eye, Spider, and Billy decided to kill their roommate James Willett. They brought him to a wooded area on the outskirts of town and told him to dig a hole. After Willett was done, Red Eye, Billy and Spider took turns firing bullets into him. The group then buried Willett's body in the hole he had just dug.
Because she continued to travel with the group, authorities believe that James' wife Reni approved of her husbands murder. However, they would never get the chance to talk with her. Monfort ended up shooting her in the eye, and buried her in the basement of the group's Stockton, California home. It happened, supposedly by accident, but many believe that Reni had found out about her husbands murder and was going to snitch on the group.
Authorities eventually caught up with the group, and they all went to jail. For the murder of Reni Willet, Nancy was convicted of being an accessory after the fact. She and Monfort had a jailhouse marriage, and stayed together until 1990.
Hello Evil Liz,
I can say with great certainty that none of the Heidi Willetts you contacted were lying to you, since you never spoke with me. I truly appreciate everyone’s concern with my well being. Col is correct, I am doing well. I used to be active on Cat’s & Mark’s forums a few years ago, but after a while my family life became far too busy and I fell off the Manson grid.
Dear Des,
I’m sorry I lost touch. I hope all is well with you. I’ll pm you.
Hi Matt,
My feelings about those involved with my parents’ murders are mixed. Obviously, their actions dramatically changed the course of my life. I’ve been in contact with all of those who are still living and they were mostly remorseful. Since I was so young when it happened, it was more like a story to me than something that I lived through. I wish I could have known my parents & I wish they could meet their grandchildren.
Best wishes,
Heidi, we'd love to post something about you. please email Liz or me. My email is matt@eviliz.com.
FLORA- You are welcome to contact me anytime.
If you have read a bit of the blog you know I am very fair to people and their families that have contacted me.
Many other people have contacted me, which I have never share with the blog, or anyone (not even my partners) respecting their discretion.
Either way, losing one, never mind both parents at any age is a terrible thing to happen to anyone. After such a tragedy in your younger life, I hope the rest of life has been nothing but good to you.
desiree said...
hi there my name is desiree cooper-craig. daughter to james craig and priscilla cooper. I was wondering if anyone has any ifno on them? thanks
Desiree, I did not respond to your post back when you posted it because Patty, one of my partners answered you and I felt Patty said all there was to be said. Not to mention we receive a lot of things from impostors.
I am very sorry but I have no information what so ever to pass on regarding your parents. If I do hear anything about them I will post for you to contact me under the comments here in this thread.
You are also welcome to e-mail me personally
just in case I do receive any information I can pass on to you in the future. I am the only one who reads the e-mails for the blogs address.
Have no fears-I will not pry into your life for any information. I do not exploit anyone.
I am glad that my blog will be able to rekindle your friendship with Heidi.
Also as with Heidi, I hope the rest of life has been nothing but good to you and yours.
This is for Heidi Willett...
Heidi, I met both your mother and father while living next door to them in one of the cabins at the resort up in Guerneville, which were the cabins right on the banks of the Russian River.
I never in a million years would have suspected that they were part of a robbery gang, they seemed like such a loving couple.
Your mom used to carry you around in her arms and you were getting pretty heavy, so I gave her my baby backpack since I was using a new stroller instead for my little girl who was too heavy to be carried in a backpack.
Your mom was very shy and looked quite frightened most of the times I saw her and wouldn't talk with me. Your dad seemed so nice and loving to her and you that I couldn't figure out why she looked so worried. Now I know.
Your dad was a very friendly person, calm, easy going and was very kind to my elementary school age son and loved to take him catfishing at night on the river. My son adored your father and never had a bad word to say about him. They caught catfish using a lantern and I had to learn how to cook the one my son brought home. Shake'N'Bake for fish did the trick.
I was living up there with my two young children and my friend who I had met through my religion, the Baha'i Faith. We used to hold Baha'i meetings in our cabin on Saturday nights and sometimes your dad would ask if he could come in and listen to what we were talking about.
He wouldn't come into the main room where we were all sitting around, instead he would sit out in the kitchen at our wooden picnic table and listen all by himself.
One night when he was sitting there listening, we heard someone pounding on our door, opened it and were startled to see "Spider" Craig holding a large commercial size mayonaise jar full of Tarantulas. "Spider" looked past us at your dad and then said "here's a present for you girls." We said "no thank you", he turned away smiling and we closed the door.
We didn't even know "Spider" knew your father. We had just heard some really scary stories about "Spider's" violent behavior around town, so we tried to steer clear of him.
A few days later we heard that your dad's body was found. And then later that your mother's body was found in Stockton. My friends and I were very sad about this, but my young son was very upset.
One night shortly after your parents' deaths my friend and I decided to say prayers for your mom and dad. After we were done, I asked my friend what she thought they were thinking because I had some feelings that I wanted to verify. She said that she felt at first that they were both annoyed and mad at us for praying, that they felt we didn't know them well enough to pray for them, but then as we continued to say prayers out loud for them, they became calm and then happy and grateful we were praying for them.
Those was exactly the same feelings I picked up while saying the prayers...anger, then calming down then gratitude.
I certainly hope both your parents are blessed and can rest in peace.
I've always wondered if perhaps your dad's contact with my Baha'i friends caused him to try and back out of the robbery gang. That makes me sad to think this but at the same time happy that perhaps he and your mom are blessed because of what he attempted to do to protect you and your mom.
Wishing you every happiness and peace Heidi...you were a darling, sweet-faced baby girl and very loved by both your parents.
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