Mason posing at the site of Rockwell's 1967 murder
James Mason is maybe as close as anyone could get to being a genuine lifelong Nazi. Having started out as a teenage supporter of Richard Nixon, Barry Goldwater and George Wallace, in 1966 his life changed forever when he was loaned a book about extremist politics (Extremism USA) and liked what he read there about the Nazis. At the age of only 14 he joined the miniscule American Nazi Party (ANP). Sometime after that, still aged only 16, he ran away from his home in Ohio to join the ANP headquarters in Arlington, Virginia. There he lived for a number of years, working alongside the Ku Klux Klan to organize attacks on leftists and civil rights and anti-war protesters as well as helping with the general running of America's main (albeit tiny) Fascist party. He was admitted into full membership of the party on his eighteenth birthday. Here it was too that he was introduced to the ideas of one of his great heroes, George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder and leader of the ANP who had defiantly spurned bourgeois opinion by openly embracing Nazism and the Swastika (thus, in Rockwell's words crossing "the threshold of anger"). Shortly after renaming the party the National Socialist White People's Party (NSWPP) and adopting the slogan 'White Power', Rockwell was killed by a fellow Nazi in 1967 and the ANP was taken over by Matt Koehl, after which it splintered into a number of groups amidst of the usual welter of denunciations, accusations and counter-accusations familiar to any student of the extreme right.
One more site-http://thescorp.multics.org/18siege.html
National Socialists are leftists, not quite as extreme as communists. The two fought in Germany prior to WWII because the Nazis weren't interested in the dissolution of the nation, thus NATIONAL socialists.
Where did you ever get the idea they were right wingers?
Hitler murdered every reactionary he could get his hands on.
BTW, the American Nazi Party heartily endorsed the leftist #OWS. As did the CPUSA.
I had it in my head that National Socialists were rightists too. Probably because they were anti-communists who I thought were leftists. So, I Googled it and there seems to be a great deal of confusion and debate on the matter. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Laslo..Nazis are/were as far right on the political continuum as you can go. Socialists are near the left side. Just because they used the word "socialist" in their name does not mean they were socialists any more than the Moral Majority were moral - or a majority.
To clarify, when I use the term political continuum I mean a simple linear one. Political scientists these days prefer a square continuum with quadrants that take into account things like authoritarianism, individuality and community. But my point is unchanged. Make no mistake about it, Naziism is fascism. It is extremely right wing and authoritarian even if they call themselves something different.
The Weatherman would have eaten this guy for lunch...
They were NOT socialists, never nationalized an industry. Anything to the contrary is fictional propaganda. Daimler-Benz, BMW, Auto Union/AUDI, even Volkswagen were NEVER truly nationalized. Even Opel, which was American owned, NEVER saw state ownership. Volkswagen is an odd case--one purchased stamps, usually at a Post Office, and while initially public financed, it was to devolve into a pure corporation, which it ultimately did. The value of the company was primarily propaganda. Not 500 VW's were delivered to the public while Hitler lived.
Hitler outlawed trade unions in 1933, a pure right wing move, and all of his heavy financial backers were big corporations. Again, pure right wing policies, top to bottom.
Interesting tidbit:
Universal Order is the name of a National Socialist "operational front" founded by James Mason. Growing out of the National Socialist Liberation Front, Mason founded the order in the early 1980s following the advice of Charles Manson, leader of the mass-murder cult "The Family". Not only did Manson suggest the name, but he also designed the logo used by the group, a swastika superimposed over the scales of justice.
Mason for president
Nazis are fascist. They have nothing to do with socialism. And the Weathermen were a bunch of college boy sissies.
Anyway, would love to know what Blue is up to these days.
Blue was well aware of everything she
heard or read noone including mason changed her thoughts she found the truth long before he met her
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