Patty unfortunately does not get to go on her Thanksgiving Road Trip due to a stupid midterm. BOO! So what's the next best thing? Why, streaming the 1973 Andrew Lloyd Weber "Jesus Christ, Superstar" of course! Do y'all remember the opening scene when the whole crew gets off of a big, Manson-esque bus? The similarities are really creepy. This could be The Family, save for the one dude wearing a Coca-Cola T-shirt. Damn, they were even doing product placement way back then!

Once upon a time, I was an actor, if you will, in a Mystery Play which re-enacted the Crucifiction. We carried our own prop cross on the roof of a van too.
It's a 1965 Dodge S series bus.
How many buses owned the family? the "black bus" and the one abandoned at Death Valley?
Zarathustra, there was a microbus that got traded for the black bus in Sacramento once the Family got too big for it.
Starship, from your posts here ans elsewhere, Patty takes it that you've been in the entertainment industry for a long time. What is it that you do?
Patty I did read about the traded VW, later on they "traded" another VW microbus: Hinman´s
Rumor has it that Gary's red bus is down an embankment somewhere in LA, still intact, and still recognizable by the 1969 UCLA parking permit.
Michael on BPT has video and out very own Stacey knows where it is...Patty thinks...
The Hinman bus, if it is his, is in Rustic Canyon. The colors are right, the sticker gives it a proper date. To say it's his for sure, who knows.
The alleged Hinman's VW of Michael BPT youtube video is certainly not red, nor intact! are we talking about the same?
Happy Thanksgiving Liz/Matt/Patty/Ken/Stacy
and everyone else...
Thanks for the great job bring this blog to us all year!!
Have a great holiday
If only were possible to check the VIN plate and match it with a copy of the paperwork... I guess too much to ask!
Yes we are. I've never seen the bus in person. The videos I've seen of it showed that there was red and white paint on it. Have you seen it Zarathustra? If you have and there wasn't red and white paint, I won't waste my time. Considering the hike to get there.
Yes, Z, "intact" may have been too strong a word...LOL
Thanks, St. Happt T-giving to you and yours as well!
I haven't been to GH's bus, but my close friend has. She is pretty sure it's GH's bus and she is pretty in the know with regards to all things Manson. She's the one who took me to Spahn and she hikes there regularly. The bus is not at Spahn and is quite a hike so that's why my lazy ass hasn't been there yet. I hope to go soon.
As far as intact...well, it's not quite intact. The "Zodiac Car" out at Spahn is better condition, but you can still tell it's a old vw bus, but most of the parts that can be carried away by one or two people have been.
Happy Thanksgiving to all here, Liz, Matt, Patty, Ken & the WHOLE gang. Nice to see the blog really comin' back to life after Lizzie's move.
Thank you, Cease. Happy Thanksgiving to you too.
You are right. Liz is a PITA and she breaks the blog all of the time, but without her it's just no fun.
Hi, Patty,
I am not Don Murphy if that's what you mean.
Among other more nuts and bolts kinds of things, I've been associated with the sports and entertainment business as, for lack of a better word, a consultant. In other words, I am not the event promoter per se, but I work on behalf of the event promoter...from negotiating contracts to building the event from the ground up if needed.
As a result of this, I've met many many business, sports and entertainment figures, politicians, personalities, along with their associated hangers on..., etc. This accounts for my many trips to the NYC area each month while the rest of the time I live in the seclusion of the quiet woods of upstate New York.
And, coincidentally, I am related to people who work in the entertainment business...DMB for one, and also happened to go to school with a number of celebrated entertainment personalities.
But that's quite enough about me. Let's go back to Manson.
thatis by far one of the funkiest overtures intros to movie Ive ever seen I actually like this song alot how to describe it more like undescribable I guess funky weird def made me think of the bus,,,
Glad you liked it Candy. Everyone else, here's the link on Youtube in case you don't have Netflix:
never saw it
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